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台湾について、 知っておこう 苦悩の歴史

2017-11-09 | 日本時事新聞社



Taiwan: A History of Agonies by Ong Iok-tek

(English language Translation by Shimamura Yasuharu, edited by Ong Meiri)

書評:アルドゥリック・ハマ Reviewed by Aldric Hama


 古賀 剛大 様,




 この思いで、アルドゥリック・ハマ氏が本書の英語版の書評を書いてくださいました。ハマ氏は、本年度の「国家基本問題研究所」の「日本研究賞」を受賞したジューン・トーフル・ドレイヤー・マイアミ大学教授の ”Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present” (中華帝国と旭日帝国:日中関係の過去と現在)の書評(12ページに及ぶ力作)を The Journal of Social, Political and Financial Studies に寄稿した方です。




English review: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Taiwan-a-history-of-Agonies-reviewed-by-A.Hama-.pdf 



  “Taiwan: A History of Agony” (Avanguard Publishing House)


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<Book Review>

Taiwan: A History of Agonies

Ong Iok-tek

(English language Translation by Shimamura Yasuharu, edited by Ong Meiri)

 (Reviewed by Aldric Hama)


This legendary book, originally written in Japanese, was translated into English in 2015 and published by Avanguard Publishing House in Taipei.

Mr. Aldric Hama wrote a lengthy review of this book, in summary:


It is not usual that a patriot conveys his deep appreciation of his homeland—but in an entirely alien language? Linguistics professor Dr. Ong Iok-tek wrote Taiwan: A History of Agonies in Japanese, a moving historical summary of Taiwan’s struggle for independence from an indifferent Chinese imperial clique, a murderous Kuomintang oligarchy, and the Chinese Communist Party, the world’s largest one-party dictatorship. Ong documents Taiwan’s economic and social advancement under Dutch “barbarian” rule. The Taiwanese people have always promoted autonomy and jealously guarded their identity, but they reached their social and intellectual zenith via Japanese education. The current generation should take heed of the lessons of previous generations to avoid repeating their pain and suffering.


   Full text of the review can be found here.

* URL: http://www.sdh-fact.com/review-article/1063/

PDF: http://www.sdh-fact.com/CL/Taiwan-a-history-of-Agonies-reviewed-by-A.Hama-.pdf


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