SPK テクノ日記 autechre Ministry ゆるめるモ! パフューム

Techno Industrial EBM IDM テクノ エレクトロ トランス J-POP テクノ系日記!  

SPK-Danceteria down with stalinism neo-Nazi!

2012-04-29 06:00:59 | Noise Industrial

SPK-Danceteria [1982 SPK Club]


朝5時過ぎ起床。Radioのcontest二参加のため・急ぎbreakfastを食い、リグのスッウィチをon!It's not open JA.I 'm listening coffee,and taking part in the contest.Yeah.

A1.Suture Obsession

 Taking from leichenschlei.

yeah,I think SPK released many of items.

one of great,excellent one.


 vy good moody dance(´ー`)(

A3.Metall Field

 yeah,there are any of the same title CS exists,but very few.

A4.Walking On Dead Steps

yes,I always love this one.

great discule,you maube be vy happy happy.(^_^)ノ



yeah,listening this one somewhat horrible.

but nice track.enjoy !


 It's vy difficult with ham radio especially Contest!



So the end of today's blog.

Happy GW !

JL1DX  in shack.


I have to CQing 20m band cw.bye for now chao!
