At the moment, I have a version of ExpertSDR 1.1.2, the forum has already become available regular 1.1.3 RC xx, so it is possible in the future the settings will lose their relevance.
My experiments all hang on a common cat failed. The sound of the telegraph was well described by the words "style of a drunken sailor", floated and was ragged. Therefore I had to bring a separate port for this case.
So, add a new pair and splitter in the VSPE settings

You can see the settings there, I already gave them for CAT, they are identical.
Next, turn on the port in ExpertSDR

Further, the settings for the log UR5EQF or any other software

For example, for 5M Contest:

At the moment, I am testing these tinctures, while everything is working stably ...
Having tested the latest configuration of the CW settings for SUNSDR2 for several days, I came to disappointing conclusions - a drunken sailor is still with me, and the greater the load on the processor, the worse and worse the signal quality. The transition from the current version 1.1.2 to the latest release, candidate 1.1.3, also did not improve the situation.
I have not the sistemnik the slowest

However, a bundle of a pair of skimmers, log and ExperSDR2 create processor load up to 70%.
Having studied the waste of forums and after conducting a couple of laboratory works, I came to the conclusion that VSPE is the weak link. Over the past couple of years, this manager has finally got me, since I had to click on his notifications every time I started. So there was a reason to get rid of it.
The replacement was the old proven com0com. At first, I installed the latest version 3.0, but my seventh Windows flatly refused to accept its unsigned drivers, at least in test mode, even if editing group policies. Spending time on the delights was lazy, and gave version 3, installed the older, but with a digital signature - 2.2 without any problems.
After removing VSPE, you had to restore CAT and CW management

With com0com settings, everything works as before, except that port 8 is available for one program only.
In order for any necessary software to work with CAT at the same time, we need a splitter (!!!).
As a splitter, I managed to find only one program that arranged me - the FabulaTech Serial Port Splitter. It is paid, but to find a pill is not very difficult. It is configured once and then works in the system as a service and does not require supervision. If you can't find the program, download mine.

According to the settings of this program, the desired option is not called "Splitter", but "Sharing". The principles of work are well reflected in the help, although it is English, but it is quite accessible.

Now the old functionality is fully restored.
com0com creates 2 port pairs. The first ports from each pair are captured by ExpertSDR for CAT and CW.
The second port of the first pair using Serial Port Splitter is shared for all programs that require cat.
The second port from the second pair is used utilitarianly or in the log for telegraph operation or in contest programs and does not need additional splitters. If someone needs it, then you can add it to the splitter.
This bundle showed a good result under the strongest system load. I continue to test, but the results are quite encouraging and no problems have been noticed.
My experiments all hang on a common cat failed. The sound of the telegraph was well described by the words "style of a drunken sailor", floated and was ragged. Therefore I had to bring a separate port for this case.
So, add a new pair and splitter in the VSPE settings

You can see the settings there, I already gave them for CAT, they are identical.
Next, turn on the port in ExpertSDR

Further, the settings for the log UR5EQF or any other software

For example, for 5M Contest:

At the moment, I am testing these tinctures, while everything is working stably ...
Having tested the latest configuration of the CW settings for SUNSDR2 for several days, I came to disappointing conclusions - a drunken sailor is still with me, and the greater the load on the processor, the worse and worse the signal quality. The transition from the current version 1.1.2 to the latest release, candidate 1.1.3, also did not improve the situation.
I have not the sistemnik the slowest

However, a bundle of a pair of skimmers, log and ExperSDR2 create processor load up to 70%.
Having studied the waste of forums and after conducting a couple of laboratory works, I came to the conclusion that VSPE is the weak link. Over the past couple of years, this manager has finally got me, since I had to click on his notifications every time I started. So there was a reason to get rid of it.
The replacement was the old proven com0com. At first, I installed the latest version 3.0, but my seventh Windows flatly refused to accept its unsigned drivers, at least in test mode, even if editing group policies. Spending time on the delights was lazy, and gave version 3, installed the older, but with a digital signature - 2.2 without any problems.
After removing VSPE, you had to restore CAT and CW management

With com0com settings, everything works as before, except that port 8 is available for one program only.
In order for any necessary software to work with CAT at the same time, we need a splitter (!!!).
As a splitter, I managed to find only one program that arranged me - the FabulaTech Serial Port Splitter. It is paid, but to find a pill is not very difficult. It is configured once and then works in the system as a service and does not require supervision. If you can't find the program, download mine.

According to the settings of this program, the desired option is not called "Splitter", but "Sharing". The principles of work are well reflected in the help, although it is English, but it is quite accessible.

Now the old functionality is fully restored.
com0com creates 2 port pairs. The first ports from each pair are captured by ExpertSDR for CAT and CW.
The second port of the first pair using Serial Port Splitter is shared for all programs that require cat.
The second port from the second pair is used utilitarianly or in the log for telegraph operation or in contest programs and does not need additional splitters. If someone needs it, then you can add it to the splitter.
This bundle showed a good result under the strongest system load. I continue to test, but the results are quite encouraging and no problems have been noticed.