
The 2014 Dayton Hamvention Antenna forumスライド

2014-08-29 09:01:00 | アンテナ





The Loop Fed Array Yagi
Justin Johnson, G0KSC

Building Antennas at the K9CT Station
Craig Thompson, K9CT
※ このプレゼンテーションはかなり刺激が強いので気をつけて下さい!(笑)

High Impedance Low Frequency Receiving Arrays
Lee Strahan, K7TJR

The Shared Apex Loop Array
Mark Bauman, P.E., KB7GF



The Loop Fed Array Yagi
Justin Johnson, G0KSC

Building Antennas at the K9CT Station
Craig Thompson, K9CT

High Impedance Low Frequency Receiving Arrays
Lee Strahan, K7TJR

The Shared Apex Loop Array
Mark Bauman, P.E., KB7GF


How to be Safe when Installing and Maintaining - Antennas, Towers and Supports
Phil Theis, K3TUF

The Computer Model Design, Construction and Field Results – of the World Radio Team Championship 2014 TriBand Antenna
Scott McClements, WU2X and Stan Stockton, K5GO

Getting Things Up! Antennas via Tram, Trolley, Cranes and Man lifts
John Crovelli, W2GD and Don Daso, K4ZA


Enhancing the Performance of the K9AY Receiving Loop Array
Dr. Richard C. Jaeger, K4IQJ

Tower Climbing - Safety and Rescue
Phil Theis, K3TUF

Revisiting the W6NL Two Element 40 Meter Moxon Antenna - A Tale of Two Models
Tony Brock-Fisher, K1KP

Installing Antennas Safely
John Crovelli, W2GD and Don Daso, K4ZA

Sun Spot Cycle 24 Update
Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA


Waller Flag - low band low noise rotatable receiving antenna
- Doug Waller, NX4D and Jose Carlos, N4IS

Multi-Element End-Fire Arrays of K9AY Loops
- Richard C. Jaeger, K4IQJ

Cycle 23, Cycle 24 and Long Path on 15m/12m/10m
- Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

Demystifying the Hybrid Coupler


Is Your Antenna Properly Insured
- Ray Fallen, ND8L

The 8 Vertical Receiving Array
- Joel Harrison, W5ZN and Bob McGwier, N4HY

Exotic Antenna Pattern Measurements
- Greg Ordy, W8WWV

What’s New at SteppIR
- Mike Mertel, K7IR


Loop Array Runs Circles Around The Beverage
- Eric Scace, K3NA

Thoughts on Antenna Positions, Sloped Ground and Foregrounds
- DR. Dave Leeson, W6NL

Effective Low Band Antenna for Small Lots
- Rob Sherwood, NC0B

K4ZA's Tips, Tricks and Toolbox
- Don Daso, K4ZA


Real World Antenna Patterns vs. Theoretical Computer Antenna Plots
- Mike Wetzel, W9RE
- Tom Chance, K9XV

A New Approach for Measuring Complex Antenna Currents in a Vertical Array
- Greg Ordy, W8WWV

Multi-element Lowband Vertical Arrays - Approaches for Small Lots
- Ted Rappaport, N9NB
- Ray Sokola, K9RS


What's New in the 21st Edition of The ARRL Antenna Book
- R. Dean Straw, N6BV

Antenna Topics
- Dave Leeson, W6NL / HC8L

People I know .... and Antennas they Grow
- Ted Rappaport, N9NB

The Design, Construction and Operation of the 28 Element OWA 15 meter Stacked Yagai Array at K3LR
- Jim Breakall, WA3FET and Tim duffy, K3LR


Another Way to View Propagation Predictions for DXing and Contesting
- Dean Straw, N6BV

Design, Construction and Maintenance of Antennas and Towers for Storm Survival and Long Term Reliability
- Frank Donovan, W3LPL

Construction of the Largest SteppIR Yagi Stack in the World at K9LTN
- Brion Gilbert, N0AE

Tips, Tricks, & Tools of the Trade
- Don Daso, K4ZA

The BIG Antennas at Contest Station VE6JY
- Mitch Mitchell, VE6OH and Don Moman, VE6JY


A New Feed System for Arrays
- John Devoldere, ON4UN / Robye Lahlum, W1MK / Roger Vermet, ON6WU

Strategies Using Propagation Predictions for DXing and Contesting
- Dean Straw, N6BV

Key To Successful Tower Installations: Under Stack And Over Guy
- John Corini, KE1IH

Ground Parameters For Hams: Do we have a problem and can we do something about it?
- Rudy Severns, N6LF


The Basics of How Antennas Work - Bill Parker, W8DMR

Selected Terrain Studies for Optimum HF Station Performance - Dean Straw, N6BV

SlippNott Rotator Enhancements - Tom Taormina, K5RC

The W8JI Antenna Notebook - Tom Rauch, W8JI

An Investigation Into Ground Systems for Best HF Performance - Rudy Severns, N6LF

W6NL 40 meter Moxon Yagi - David Leeson, W6NL

Propagation Software Review - Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA

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