Dear <森の番人> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >
It's been 3 months ! How are you ! Japan is winter, and of course Canada
is also winter ! When it's cold, we want to go to a warm place !
Captain Cook was a great person 。 He was the captain of the Navy and
an explorer ! This time you went to commemorate the 25th anniversary
of their marriage ! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart 。
In Japan, the 25th anniversary is called the silver wedding ceremony 。
Silver is likened to "a deep beauty like oxidized silver when polished"。
How do you say it in Canada ? I hope you can continue to live in
harmony with each other !
さて本題に入ります。 結婚25周年記念を話し合って初夏のラロトンガへ行く
ことに決定 。 バンクーバーからロサンゼルスへ、そしてラロトンガへ早朝に
到着! 食堂のトロピカルな丸太小屋は綺麗な植物、緑に覆われている 。
会場は大勢のお客様で賑わうお食事ですね 。よかったですね! 新鮮野菜が
豊富にテーブルにフルーツ、キュウリ、トマト等並んでいる 。 そんなにお腹が
空いていないと思っても豪華なメニューで食べますよね! 朝食後は公園の
トロピカルムードに酔いしれて敷地内を散策する 。 敷地内の綺麗な川には
沢山の魚がいます 。 今日のホテルはこの川の先のムリビーチ(Muri Beach)
ですね 。 結婚式やパーティの大きな会場や綺麗に整備された緑のスペース
<森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。
Please say hello to your family
Let's meet again .Take care.
< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day2-1(Pacific Resort Rarotongaで朝食を♪)> |
< 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >
「夏きざす What to do with our 25th wedding anniversary 」
「夏の天 Discuss and decide to go to Rarotonga in early summer 」
「夏 衣 We go from Vancouver to Los Angeles to Rarotonga 」
「雲の峰 We arrived at Rarotonga Airport early in the morning 」
「白シャツの We came to the hotel by car with a kind person 」
「夏帽子 Thanks to you we arrived at the hotel too early 」
「サングラス Breakfast is complementary so we decided to go eat 」
「アイスティー There was a dining venue in a log hut with a tropical 」
「泉 殿 The fountain surrounded by beautiful plants is gorgeous 」
「サマーハウス The fountain is covered in green and feels very cool 」
「夏の園 The venue is a lively meal with numerous customers 」
「赤茄子の A lot of fresh vegetables are lined up on the table 」
「パパイヤの There are fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, yogurt, etc.. 」
「姫瓜の There is banana bread, which is moist and delicious 」
「常夏の I was able to eat quite a bit, thinking I wasn't so hungry 」
「青葉の花 After breakfast we stroll around the hotel grounds 」
「パイナップル We intoxicated by the full of tropical mood in the park 」
「熱帯魚 There are many fish in the nice river on the premises 」
「夏木立 Today's hotel is Muri Beach, just beyond this river 」
「若葉風 There is also a large venue for weddings and parties 」
「新緑の There is also a big green space that is well maintained 」
「蔦青葉 There are also bungalows for guests along the river 」
「万緑の We look the building that seems to be the highest villa 」