

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day2-1(Pacific Resort Rarotongaで朝食を < 後編 >

2020-12-29 18:10:15 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > Thank you, continue 。

Time passes quickly ! It's getting a little more this year 。 In the average

year, many people go abroad for a warm New Year 。

The new coronavirus is a pandemic this year 。 Therefore, everyone will

spend quietly in Japan 。 How about your New Year ? Aside from that, I

have been indebted to you this year 。 Please give my best regards to

your family 。 I look forward to working with you next year !

  * 4 Travelers, Goo Blogs Thank you very much for your help this year

Please have a nice year ! I look forward to working with you next year

   さて本題に入ります。 結婚25周年記念を話し合って初夏のラロトンガへ

行く。 トロピカルなラロトンガで朝食後,トロピカルに酔いしれて敷地内を見学し

ていると時折降る気持ちの良い雨に打たれる。 道路沿いの至る所に大きな

どんぐりのような木や綺麗なハイビスカス・ 撮影大会が始まりますね!!


ベートを守っているのですね!日陰にもなりますよね! 全ての藁葺きの屋根

の上にソーラーパネルが付いているとは驚きですね! クック諸島は全島を

再生可能なエネルギーにする目標なのですね!! 80%以上がすでに行われ

ているとは驚きですね!凄いですね! 綺麗なプールとパラソル、そして丸い

のはジャグジーの南国ムード!! ラロトンガで、ムリビーチが一番綺麗だと聞

いて来たが噂のとおりですね! 美しい藁葺き屋根のホテルのフロントは時間

が早いので受付出来ないから, 適当にその道沿いを時間つぶしに散策 !!

   大変お疲れ様でした! <森の番人>さん, ご案内よろしくお願いします。


    Please say hello to your family

    Let's meet again .Take care.

< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day2-1(Pacific Resort Rarotongaで朝食を♪) >



「夏の雨            It's raining occasionally today, it's a pleasant rain           」

「青芝の            There are many tall and large trees with many branches 」

「青葉山            Large acorn-like nuts are falling any way along the road 」

「緑さす             Shooting tournament starts with smartphorn all at once 」

「茂り葉の          Large beautiful bright red hibiscus flowers are in bloom 」

「ハイビスカス     The green garden is very beautiful and heart is healed   」

「影涼し              A large foliage plant is planted in front of each room     」

「夏座敷             Protecting the privacy of the room with foliage plants    」

「若葉時              All thatched roofs have small solar panels on top          」

「夏の庭              Cook Islands is a goal to make renewable energy          」

「青葉若葉          It's all 12 islands where the people of the country live    」

「パラソルの        It seems that more than 80% has already been do         」

「山若葉              A nice pool and parasol, the round one is a jacuzzi        」

「パイナップル     The pool and jacuzzi are in a beautiful tropical mood    」

「夏の園              But when I put my hand in the jacuzzi, it was cold          」

「緑陰の              The outside temperature is high, so this is all right         」

「夏川原             Beautiful lotus flowers are blooming pretty in the pond  」

「蓮の花             There is a large forest of trees whose name is unknown  」

「海水着            There is a large two-story building in front of the beach  」

「夏の海             People are lying down and playing on the nice beach     」

「夏 衣              I'm crazy taking many pictures while looking at the sea   」

「サマードレス     At that time an elderly lady told us that you are lucky     」

「パナマ帽          It continued to rain until yesterday, we waited 5 days     」

「海の家              Reclining beach chairs only for gests are lined up           」

「汗拭い            We heard that Muri Beach is the most nice in Rarotonga 」

「遊泳の              As rumored, it's sure nice and the waves are quiet         」

「水潜り               The sea is very beautiful despite the many clouds          」

「バンガロー        There is a hotel reception with a nice thatched roof       」

「サングラス          We can not accept it yet because the time is early        」

「暑き日の             I decided to go for a walk along the road to kill time   」