Dear <森の番人> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >
This year's Nobel Prize 。 Mr. Syukuro Manabe won the Nobel Prize in
Physics 。 Senior Researcher, Princeton University, USA 。
Research achievements on climate change forecasting were highly
evaluated 。 Mr. Manabe started his research in the 1960s 。 Mr. Manabe
was born in Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan 。 Mr. Manabe
has done wonderful research for a long time ! It’s very wonderful !
Congratulations !! By the way、 An earthquake has occurred Aomori
prefecture in the early morning of October 6th 。 It is an earthquake
with a seismic intensity an upper 5 。 Iwate Prefecture also experienced a
shaking with a seismic intensity of 4 。 Several people were injured 。
An earthquake occurred in northwestern Chiba prefecture on the night
of October 7th 。 Strong shaking with a seismic intensity of over 5
occurs in Tokyo and Saitama 。 There was a great deal of disruption
transportation 。 This is the first strong earthquake since the Great East
Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011 。 The Japan Meteorological
Agency is calling attention to earthquakes with similar strong vibration
for the next week or so 。 Fortunately, there seems to be no big
aftershock so far 。 But we can't let our guard down yet, right? I thought
it would be an autumnal climate this month, but hot days continue 。
It's cool in the morning and evening, but it's hot during the day 。 It will
be 25 degrees or more and close to 30 degrees almost every day 。
Clouds are also summer clouds。 There are many cumulonimbus
clouds。 It spreads all over the sky 。 I hope the weather will be like
autumn soon 。 Recently, there are days when it rains a little and there
are many rain clouds 。 But the weather is not like autumn 。
*Today’s topics 。 The House of Representatives was dissolved on the
14th 。 Announced on 19th, voting and counting on 31st 。 The election
is about to begin 。
< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-1(ラロトンガ出発の日の朝)> 続編
主人と二人で早朝のラロトンガの浜辺! 浜辺を歩くと人懐っこい犬が後から
ついてきますね。 ラロトンガの犬はどこへ行っても人懐っこいのですね。
Giant Clam(オオシャコガイ)を見たりしてからKoromiri Motuへ行く 。
Koromiri Motuへ行って新鮮な魚のバーベキューランチをする。 そしてコミカ
ルショーがあると看板に書いてありますね! 美しいビーチに2本の大きな木
が真ん中で切られて並んで立っていますね。 2本の木は非常に生命力のあ
る強い木ですね!びっくりですね! 主人と素敵な朝日を見れて幸せ朝!!
これまでの滞在中、今日の天気は最高でしたね。 名残惜しいですが大変
幸せな時間を過ごせてよかったですね! ホテルに帰る途中を振り返って
見ると驚きの光景に出会いましたね。 朝日が島を照らし森や川が輝いて
絵のように素晴らしい光景ですね! そして今朝も静かでやぶ蚊が少ない
ビーチ前の席ですね。 一度でメインディシュととデザートを一緒に持ってきま
したね!! お疲れ様でした!!
<森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。
Please say hello to your family
Let's meet again .Take care.
「 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-1(ラロトンガ出発の日の朝) 続編」 |
< 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >
「青 岬 A friendly dog follows us as we walk along the beach 」
「パナマ帽 Rarotonga dogs are very friendly wherever we go 」
「影涼し There is a yellow Captain Tama's Lagoon Cruizes sign 」
「夏の天 Two yellow boats are floating in front of the signboard 」
「サングラス The sign says that this ship is a glass bottom ship 」
「涼風の This ship approaches to a good point for snorkeling 」
「夏 魚 The ship go to Koromiri Motu after seeing Giant Clam 」
「夏の浜 And have a fresh fish barbecue lunch at Koromiri Motu 」
「夏木立 There seems to be a fun comical show at Korimori Motu 」
「朝涼し Two big trees stand side by side on a beautiful beach 」
「夏木蔭 The tree has been cut in the middle but has strong roots 」
「薫風の The two trees are strong trees with tremendous vitality 」
「夏帽子 The dog that was at us earlier went to different people 」
「白靴の We are happy in the morning when we leave Rarotonga 」
「夏シャツの Because I could see the nice sunrise with my husband 」
「半ズボン The weather was the best today during our stay so far 」
「白服の We are reluctant to leave but we are very happy time 」
「サンドレス Now we go back to the hotel and we're breakfast time 」
「麻服の That is surprising to look back on the way to the hotel 」
「茂り葉の It's a nice sight of the rising sun illuminating the island 」
「緑陰の The forests and rivers shine brigtly,it's picturesque sight 」
「夏の岬 We go to the seat in front of the beach this morning too 」
「万緑の It's far from the main dining but it's very quiet and nice 」
「青葉闇 And this seat is good because there are few mosquitoes 」
「パパイヤの I brought the main dish and dessert together at once 」