

25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon Private Islandを自転車で

2021-12-14 22:10:10 | Weblog

Dear <森の番人>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 > How are you !

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。 The year-end

party season has arrived this year as well 。 Is there a year-end party in

Canada ? In Japan, it is an annual event in December 。

Currently, infection with the new coronavirus is rapidly decreasing 。

The state of emergency has also been lifted 。 However, since the

announcement of the Omicron strain, there has been increasing caution

about it 。 The fourth domestic case was announced on December 6th 。

Eight new people will be confirmed on December 10th, bringing the

total to 12 people 。 Infection is spreading at a very high rate 。 Since

there are many close contacts, there is a possibility that it will increase in

the future 。 I'm worried about how much it will increase 。 Therefore, it

seems that there are many year-end parties held with a small number of

people this year 。 A new way of working was created in the midst of the

new coronavirus disaster 。 And now companies are doing more online

work 。 It seems that there are government offices and companies that

hold year-end parties "online" 。 **It's an interesting article, so I'll give

you a in generral 。  * Merit 1。 If you do it at a restaurant, you will need 。

a place fee, a meal fee, and a service fee 。 You don't have to pay that

fee online 。 Costs are low for both managers and employees 。

* Merit 2* Since it is online, there is no risk of infection 。 * Merit 3 。

You can feel free to participate, so you can attend even if you are a little

sick 。 * Merit 4 。 You can participate in what kind of year-end party

the online year-end party is 。 And if you can do something, you can

leave freely 。 *Merit 5 。 You don't have to go out with the annual

second party and third party of the year-end party 。It's completely

free。This is also a great advantage 。 *Summary 。 1) You need to get

used to the online method 。 2) Prepare food and drinks in advance 。

3) Prepare the schedule in advance 。 4) Decide the start time and end

time 。 5) Decide when one person will speak 。 6) It would be nice if

everyone could discuss and enjoy themselves 。 I think the secretary is hard 。 **For your reference 。

**illumination 。 The illuminations are in a beautiful season 。

Illuminations decorating the sidewalk in the downtown area 。

Illumination shines all at once at dusk 。 The pruned trees on the

sidewalk come in a variety of shapes 。 Beautiful illuminations shine on

the pruned trees 。 Illuminations that look up at the sky illuminations

that speak to people walking on the road 。 Large shopping centers are

even more beautifully illuminated 。 Shoppers are admiring and looking

at it 。 It's a beauty that warms our body and soul 。 Customers are

enjoying the illuminations while enjoying shopping in the store for a

while 。 There are illuminations and large shopping center in both

downtown areas 。 We can enjoy going and returning 。 The tradition of

this period is very amazing 。 **Weather news 。 Cold days continued

this month, but from around the 6th, the number of days above 15

degrees has increased 。It's warm like spring and there is almost no

wind 。 In Japan, this is called "Indian summer" 。 It's a period of

unusually warm autumn weather 。 I don't know how long it will last, but

it's warm and cheerful and it feels good 。 Of course, going out, basking

in the sun, taking a walk, and exercising will increase 。

**Omicron strain News 12/11 。 On 12/11/2021, the Ministry of

Health, Labor and Welfare announced that an infected person was

found in the Omicron strain 。It is one of the close contact men who was

on the same plane as the fourth infected person in Japan 。 This is the

13th infected person 。 I'm worried about how many people will be in close contact in the future 。 ** Omicron strain News 12/11 18:44 。

Governor huruta of Gifu Prefecture announced that he had confirmed

one infection with the'Omicron strain' 。 A man who was on the same

plane as the fourth infected person in Japan 。 He has been vaccinated

twice and is hospitalized at a medical institution in the prefecture 。

We can't be relieved even if we have been vaccinated twice !!

**Omicron strain News 12/12 19:32 。 It was announced that the first

close contact with the Omicron strain was confirmed in Fukuoka

Prefecture 。It seems that they will be inspected at an accmmodation

facility in the prefecture 。 I hope it's not infected 。



           < 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon

                 Private Islandを自転車で) 宿泊する >

バンガローに入って、 テラスから直接ビーチに出ました。 旦那が自転車で

島を一周しようと言い、 大きな島でないから簡単に一周できると言いました

ね ! 主人の望みを尊重してサイクリングですね 。 アイツタキラグーンプライ

ベートアイランドを一周。 バンガローの横から海側へ行くと、 海は綺麗です

がビーチは整備されていませんね 。 大きな石と材木が浜辺にゴロゴロ

転がっているのですね! サイクリングの途中で吊るしてあるハンモックを

見ながら 濃い青や薄い青がとても綺麗な海を見ながらのサイクリングは

楽しいでしょうね! ビーチの空は厚い大きな雲で覆われている 。 しかし、

ビーチの海は何とも言えない美しさなのですね。 近くにデラックスビーチ

フロントバンガローを見ながら 綺麗な椰子の木の素敵な並木道を走るのは

気持ちがいいでしょうね!! 少し離れた所にPremium Beachfront

Bungalowがある 。 Premium Beachfront Bungalowの前には木があり、

テラスが見えないように目隠しされていますね 。 テラスには美しい青い長い

椅子があり、 海側にはハンモックとロングチェアが見えますね ! 反対側にも

ハンモックと長い椅子もありますね。 海岸の並木道は手入れが行き届いてい

て気持ちがいいでしょうね! 雲が薄くなると海がきれいになり、 海の深さに

よって色が違うようですね 。 海の向こう側に大きな島を見ながら行くと 少し

先に展望台のようなものがありますね。 並木道には大きな石のチェスがたく

さん見られ、 大型チェスとこの海は素晴らしい絵になる風景ですね !!

果てしなく真綿のような薄い雲に覆われる青い空と, 美しいライトブルーと

クリーム色のコントラストの海 。 そよ風に揺れる椰子の並木道、 白黒模様の

絨毯のように敷かれた布 。 この並木道は心が癒される風景ですね !!

綺麗なビーチチェアでのんびり眺められて、身も心も癒されましたね !!

カヤックが置かれている船着場は明日の朝、出発する所ですね 。 静かな白

い砂丘のような並木道は、 貴方と主人の二人だけの道ですね 。 二人だけの

為に用意されたのでしょうかね!! バーベキュー&ビーチバーでクリリポイ

ントに来ると、 このあたりのビーチはとてもよく整備されていますね . どこもか




             <森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

                Let's meet again .Take care.

< 25周年記念 クック諸島 Day4-3(旧名Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island

     を自転車で >


<上記アドレスをクリックしてください >


「夏旺ん        Today is cycling with respect for my husband's wishes       」

「白シャツの   We will go around Aitutaki Lagoon Private Island              」

「暑き日の      We go from the side of the bungalow to the sea side       」

「夏 岬           The sea is nice but the beach is not well maintained         」

「サングラス     Large stones and timber are rollling on the beach            」

「夏の浜          There was a hammock hanging in the middle of cycling   」

「夏帽子          The sea is very beautiful in dark blue and light blue          」

「夏の雲          The sky of the beach is covered with thick big clouds       」

「夏の海          But the sea on the beach is very indescribable beauty      」

「汗みづく        We can see Deluxe Beachfront Bungalow near us             」

「白靴の          It is a nice tree-lined road with beautiful palm trees         」

「青 岬            There is a Premium Beachfront Bungalow a little away      」

「夏の宿         There is a tree in front of Premium Beachfront Bungalow  」

「ベランダの     It is blindfolded so that the terrace cannot be seen          」

「バルコニー     There is a beautiful blue long chair on the terrace           」

「藤椅子の       Hammock and long chair can be seen on the sea side     」

「夏 邸           There are hammocks and long chairs on the other side    」

「夏木立           The tree-lined road on the coast is nice maintained         」

「青芝の           We want to be more relaxed in a beautiful bungalow      」

「夏の天           The sea becomes nice when the clouds become thin       」

「汗拭ひ           The color varies depending on the depth of the sea        」

「夏襟の           We can see a big island on the other side of the sea       」

「半ズボン        There are no waves so we feel we can go by kayaking     」

「夏木陰           There is something like an observatory a little ahead       」

「玉の汗           We see many large stone chess on the tree-lined road    」

「夏 衣             Large chess and this sea is a nice picturesque scenery    」

「海水着            A blue sky covered with thin clouds like endless cotton  」

「水泳帽           The sea with a beautiful light blue and cream contrast    」

「風薫る            A tree-lined avenue of palms swaying in the breeze        」

「レモン水           A beautiful cloth laid like a black and white carpet        」

「氷菓子            This tree-lined road is a scenery that heals our heart     」

「薫風の           We can take a calm look by the beautiful beach chairs   」

「夏日影            We came to the dock place where the kayak is placed   」

「夏日向          We'll going to get on from this dock tomorrow morning 」

「カヌー漕ぐ      We walk on a tree-lined road like quiet white dune         」

「夏の風            That's right, it's a road only for me and my husband       」

「雲の峰            We came to Kuriri Point with a barbecue & beach bar    」

「避暑の宿         The beach is very well good condition around here       」

「生ビール          An island with a amazing view of dreams everywhere    」

「避暑の客         We'll stay overnight and it is really nice to be here         」