Anne Frank(PART 1 OF 4)

A rare moving picture of
Anne Frank seen from window
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Subj:London Theatre
Here We Come !

Date: Sun, Feb 26, 2012 4:57 pm.
Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kato,
Wow! That was a quick response .. thanks so much.
I'll send you a postcard and we'll see how long it takes to get from London to Vancouver.

I always think it's such fun to receive a hard copy of something these days; so quaint, n'est-ce pas?
I'm really getting excited about the prospect of experiencing some new things to shake me out of my routines.
Not an easy task, as I'm sure you know.
So I'm sure this trip will be good for me.
Besides, I'll get to see how compatible my boyfriend and I are travel-wise.
We've already discussed some of our differences.
He is a news junky and likes to glue himself to the television, for instance, and I'm a fan of quiet home spaces.
He's agreed to watch TV in the bar downstairs or with headphones, so I'm relieved about that.

Otherwise, it should be fine, hopefully.
Time will tell, as they say.
I think you might be on to something with respect to the commonalities between Kate and Sabina.
It would be interesting to know if they were both abused as children.
This would, of course, explain a lot at least at a superficial level.
Good luck with your sleuthing.
See you when I return from visiting the Queen.
Hug for my truly loving Taliesin.
Ta, ta as they say in England,

Love, Diane ~
SOURCE: "Fatal Relation"
(Wed., March 14, 2012)

Subj:Hi, Diane
Have a great time
in London!

Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2012 10:43 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Hi, Diane
How's it going with your Chi Gong class?
I was very glad to see you at Joe Fortes on Tuesday night.
You looked sparkling so that your presence made me feel as if I'd been with a Son goddess in the Heaven. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ...
As usual I wrote an article, which was about a notorious Japanese administrator at the famous blog-provider site called "Ameblo."
You can see my blog at the following URL:
Unfortunately, it was witten in Japanese.
Even if it were written in English, it wouldn't interest you at all.
Anyway, I posted it at around 5 o'clock.
Then I started watching "Midway" (war movie) on the DVD player.
This movie was made in 1976 with Henry Fonda, Toshiro Mifune, James Coburn, Charlton Heston, and so on.
I once saw it on TV a long time ago.

"MIDWAY" Trailer
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I don't think you would be able to enjoy seeing it.
It's a kinda macho movie, isn't it?
Since I had watched the first half last night, I spent an hour on this movie.
After that, I started watching "Judgment at Nuremberg," which was made in 1961 with Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Marlene Dietrich, Judy Garland and Montgomery Clift.
I saw it two decades ago, but I didn't understand it fully at that time.
My English-hearing ability has been improved since then, I can now understand it much better, and completely enjoyed watching it.
Oh, what a marvellous group of all-star actors and actresses they are!
The legendary Marlene Dietrich! and Spencer Tracy! and Judy Garland...
Their actings are so superb!
I fully enjoyed it.

"Judgment at Nuremberg"
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But ah!...the running time is more than three hours.
So, regrettably, I couldn't finish it!
I'll watch the rest tomorrow night.
Then I came home at nine o'clock and check mail in the mail box.
Guess what it is in there.
Surprise! surprise! surprise!... the postcard from London!
Oh, Goodness!

It was post-dated March 6, and reached my mail box on March 29.
What a long journey it has taken!
Did you send it by ship?
Anyway, ha, ha, ha,... I'm so glad the postcard has finally arrived at the destination.
and enjoyed watching a double-decker bus on Oxford Street.
View from a double-decker
on Oxford Street
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Thanx millions for such a beautiful postcard!
...hope I'll see you soon.
and write an article in English
Good night
Lovingly yours,
ever-romantic Taliesin, Kato

:) with love

I'm happy to know that you've finally received the postcard I sent.

I was worried about come it took so long?
One of the British postal workers might have misplaced it.
Anyway, I don't have to worry about it any more.
So, Kato, tell me why on earth you bring up Anne Frank.
Well...the other night I watched an Anne Frank DVD at Joe Fortes Library.

■"Catalogue page of the above DVD"

I see...and after that, you jotted down the above comment, didn't you?

Yes, I did.
I didn't know that you are an Anne Frank fan.
Well... when I was a freshman at my high school, a famous Japanese touring troupe came to my school and presented the play called "The Diary of Anne Frank" in the auditorium. I'd never seen any play before, so naturally I was really curious about it.
I see... so the Anne Frank play impressed you as you saw the real play for the first time in your life.
That's right. And a week ago, I happened to see the DVD on the shelf. It reminded me of my high school days, and played it with a bit of nostalgic sentiment.
The one you watched isn't a play, is it?
No, it isn't. It is a documentary...something like the following:
(To be followed)