Diane Girdles the Globe(PART 1 OF 3)


Subj:I'll wear a helmet
next time I ride in London.
From: diane@vancouver.ca
To: barclay1720@aol.com
Date: Thu, Apr 12, 2012 8:29 pm
Pacific Daylight Saving Time
Hello, Kato!
I read the following story.

■"Biker Babe"
(Thur. April 12, 2012)
If I knew I was going to go riding in London, I definitely would have brought a helmet... oh, well, at least I brought my underwear!
I really enjoyed Himiko's monologue.
【Himiko's Monologue】

I'm a biker babe, too.
You don't believe me, do you?
Well... I don't drive a bike.
But, I like to go for a ride on a bike.
How?... you may ask.
Well...I'm always a piggyback rider like this:

But, the other day when I went for a ride on the bike my cousin was driving, the cop in the picture stopped us.
At first I didn't know why he stopped us.
You may wonder if I was wearing no panties.
Of course, I did wear a string bikini bottom.
But the problem wasn't my panties, but a helmet.
So whenever you ride a bike piggyback, you'd better wear a helmet, too.
Otherwise, you'd get a ticket and pay fine.
I hope Kato will write another interesting article soon.
So please come back to see me.
Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...

This was too funny.
Thanks for sending it.

It was good to see you on Tuesday.
We had an amazing yoga class.
A girlfriend from my building joined me.

She is a lovely gal who used to be a grade school teacher and yoga teacher on the side.
She thought it was wonderful, too.
We both just about floated home we were so relaxed.
... too bad we can't hold on to that feeling, eh kiddo?
One day you'll have to join us.
Anyway, you are such a story teller, kiddo.

Love, Diane ~

Kato, what do you mean by "Diane girdles the globe"?

Do you have any idea?
Well..., I went over to London, and now I'm back here in Vancouver, but I don't think I've ever circled the world.
You haven't covered the whole world, but you've almost covered the globe through my readers.
...trotted over this earth through your readers? ... What's that supposed to mean, Kato?
Diane, take a look at the following chart.


This is a list showing the number of page views visitors made on my following blog site:

So, you're saying that those Net surfers came from the above 48 countries, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
You told me the other day that you've got several other blogs.
Yes, I have. To be exact, I've got eighteen blogs and one web site as follows.


So, you call those sites as "Denman Syndicate," don't you?

Yes, I do. You see, Diane...you haven't met those visitors from the 48 countries, but they virtually met you and imagined you as the following pictures:




So, in a sense, you visited the above 48 countires and met each one of the readers... I mean, virtually. That's the reason I said you almost covered the whole earth---that is, you girdled the globe.

I see. I wish I could meet each one of those visitors...must be a lot of fun!
Yes, I'd say so. They seem to have really enjoyed your story.
Which story?
Here it is.
(To be followed)