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仏様の辞典  愛染明王【あいぜんみょうおう】 Buddha's dictionary ラーガラージャRāga-rāja

2022-05-19 09:06:11 | 運命学







  • 燃え盛る日輪を「織盛日輪」と言い、日輪は仏のもつ無上の浄菩提心を表し、燃え盛る炎は智火煩悩に基づく執着や愛欲をことごとく焼き尽くし、その「愛染三昧」の禅定が不退転となる仏の勇猛心であることを表している。
  • 頭上に獅子の冠を頂き、髪の毛を逆立てて怒髪天を突くさまを表すのは、百獣の王である獅子が吼えるとあらゆる猛獣もすぐに静かになる譬えのように、憤怒の怒りの相と獅子吼によって諸々の怨敵を降伏して、一切衆生を救済することを表している。
  • 冠の上に五鈷鉤が突き出ているのは、衆生の本有(ほんぬ)の五智を呼び覚まして、邪欲を捨てさせて正しい方向へと導くことを意味し、愛染明王の大愛[注 4]が衆生の心に染み入り、仏法の真実を体得せしめることを表している。
  • 一面三目で身体が赤色であり、その身を五色の華鬘で荘厳する点は、三つの眼は法身と般若と解脱を意味し、世俗面においては仁愛と知恵と勇気の三つの徳を表す。身体が赤く輝いているのは、愛染明王の大愛と大慈悲とがその身体からあふれ出ていることを意味し、五色の華鬘でその身を荘厳するのは、五智如来の持つ大悲の徳を愛染明王もまたその身に兼ね備えていることを意味し、両耳の横から伸びる天帯[注 5]は、「王三昧」に安住して如来の大法である真理の教えを聞くことを表している。
  • 六臂として手が六本あるのは、六道輪廻の衆生を救う意味をもつ。また、左右の第一手は二つで「息災」を表していて、左手の五鈷鈴は、般若の智恵の音と響きにより衆生を驚愕させて、夢の如きこの世の迷いから覚醒させることを表し、右手の五鈷杵は、衆生に本有の五智を理解し体得させて、愛染明王の覚りへと到達せしめることを表している。[11]
  • 左右の第二手は二つで「敬愛」と「融和」とを表していて、左手の弓と右手の矢(箭)は、二つで一つの働きをするので、この世の人々が互いに協力して敬愛と和合の精神を重んじ、仏の教えを実践する菩薩としての円満な境地に至ることを意味している。また、愛染明王の弓矢は、大悲の矢によって衆生の心にある差別や憎しみの種を射落とし、菩提心に安住せしめることを意味し、そして矢は放たれるとすぐに目標に到達することから、愛染明王への降魔や除災、男女の縁結び[12]における祈念の効果が早く現れることをも表している。
  • 左右の第三手は二つで人生の迷いや煩悩による苦しみの世界を打ち払う「増益」と「降伏」とを表していて、左手に拳を握るのは、その手の中に摩尼宝珠を隠し持っていて、これは衆生が求めるあらゆる宝と財産や、生命を育むことを意味していて、右手の赤い未敷蓮華(みふれんげ)は、それらの衆生の財産や生命を奪おうとする「四魔[注 6]}[14]に対して、大悲の鞭を打ち振るい、魔を調伏することを表している。
  • 愛染明王が座っている紅蓮の蓮華座は、「愛染三昧」の瞑想から生じる大愛の境地を実現させた密教的な極楽浄土を意味していて、その下にある宝瓶は、仏法の無限の宝である三宝を醸し、経と律と論の三蔵を蔵することを表している。また、その周囲に宝珠や花弁が乱舞するのは、愛染明王が三宝の無尽蔵の福徳を有することを意味している。






Myo, who is between the Buddha and humans and is thought to connect them with love. It is thought to be a temporary manifestation of Dainichi Nyorai or Kongo Ai Bodhisattva. That love surrenders all evil, and has the shape of a three-sided six-sided wrath and armor. He was believed to give people breath, respect, and good fortune, and the Aizen method was carried out. It was introduced to Japan in the early Heian period, and the Aizen class by Osaka's indigo merchants is known.

Translation of Sanskrit Rāga-rāja. One of the Myo Kings who worship in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism. It is a samadhi who lives in Samadhi, whose lust and greed are the same as the bodhisattva. It was introduced to Japan in the early Heian period, and examples from the latter half of the Heian period still exist. The common form is a three-eyed six-armed, red angry statue, which sits on the lotus position. It has bows and arrows on the left and right sides of the center of the six elbows, and a treasure bottle below the lotus position. Various types of images can be seen in the white iconography, but when looking at the existing works, the formal development on the iconography is not remarkable, and in addition to the general shape, the image that is said to be Enchin is known. Is.


This oath and merit

The characteristic of the so-called Aizen Myo is that it has three eyes and six elbows on one side. He sits in the lotus position of Guren with his back to the sun. The symbolic meanings of these phases are as follows.

The burning sunflower is called "Orimori sunflower", and the sunflower represents the Buddha's supreme pure bodhicitta spirit. It shows that it is the bravery of the Buddha.
The lion's crown over his head, his hair turned upside down and his angry hair pierced, is like the angry phase of wrath, as if the lion, the king of beasts, barks and all the beasts become quiet immediately. It represents the surrender of various grudges by the lion 吼 and the rescue of all sentient beings.
The protrusion of the five-headed sword on the crown means that it awakens the Gochi of the sentient beings, Honnu, to abandon their lust and lead them in the right direction. Note 4] shows that it permeates the hearts of sentient beings and allows them to learn the truth of Buddhism.
The fact that the body is red on one side and the body is magnificent with five-colored keman, the three eyes mean the ritual, the prajna, and the liberation, and on the secular side, they represent the three virtues of love, wisdom, and courage. .. The fact that the body is shining red means that the great love and mercy of Aizen Myo is overflowing from the body, and it is the virtue of the great sorrow of Gochi Nyorai to solemnize himself with the five-colored sword. It means that Aizen Myo also has this in his body, and the heavenly belt that extends from the side of both ears [Note 5] is to settle down in "King Sanmai" and listen to the teachings of the truth, which is the Dafa of Tathagata. Represents.
Having six hands as six elbows has the meaning of saving the sentient beings of the Rokudo Rinkai. In addition, the first move on the left and right represents "breathing", and the bell on the left represents the sound and sound of the wisdom of Prajna, which surprises the sentient beings and awakens them from the wonders of the world like a dream. On the right hand side, the Gotobuchi shows that the sentient beings can understand and acquire the true Gochi and reach the awakening of Aizen Myo. [11]
The two left and right hands represent "respect" and "reconciliation", and the bow on the left and the arrow on the right (bodhisattva) work as one, so people in this world cooperate with each other. It means that we will reach a peaceful state as a bodhisattva who practices the teachings of Buddha, respecting the spirit of respect and harmony. Also, the bow and arrow of Aizen Myo means that the arrow of great sorrow shoots down the seeds of discrimination and hatred in the hearts of sentient beings and makes them rest in the bodhicitta spirit, and because the arrow reaches the target as soon as it is released. It also shows that the effects of prayers on the demons and disasters on Aizen Myo, and the marriage between men and women [12] appear early.
The third hands on the left and right represent "increased profit" and "surrender" that ward off the world of suffering caused by the hesitation and anxiety of life. I have a secret, which means to nurture all the treasures and property that the people want, and the life, and the red Mifurenge on the right tries to take away the property and life of those people. In response to "Four Devil" [Note 6]} [14], it means to shake the whistle of great sorrow and to subdue the demon.
The lotus seat of Guren, where Aizen Myo sits, means the esoteric paradise of paradise that realized the state of great love that arises from the meditation of "Aizen Zanmai", and the treasure bottle below it is the infinite of Buddhism. It represents the brewing of the three treasures, which are the treasures of the Buddhist priesthood, and the collection of the three breweries of sutras, rituals, and theories. In addition, the jewels and petals fluttering around it mean that Aizen Myo has the inexhaustible virtues of the three treasures.
Aizen Myo

Let's see Aizen
Aizen Myo
The name of the Sanskrit is called Lagara Zoya (). Raga is greedy because it means "to be dyed in color".
It expresses bulkiness and sexual desire, and was translated into Chinese as "Aizen".
It's great to love people.
However, if this goes too far, it will become a mess of love called doting and blind love, and it will hurt people.
is. This is a worldly desire.
But love isn't just about lovers and families, it's about more people, non-humans.
Why don't you turn to the whole earth to the creatures of the world?
Is it? Small love will develop into dog-like love such as love for humanity and love for the universe, that is, bodhicitta.
It is Aizen Myo who gives the power to sublimate "Kleshas" into "Johbodhicitta".

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仏様の辞典  愛染明王【あいぜんみょうおう】 Buddha's dictionary ラーガラージャRāga-rāja

2022-05-19 09:06:11 | 運命学






  • 燃え盛る日輪を「織盛日輪」と言い、日輪は仏のもつ無上の浄菩提心を表し、燃え盛る炎は智火煩悩に基づく執着や愛欲をことごとく焼き尽くし、その「愛染三昧」の禅定が不退転となる仏の勇猛心であることを表している。
  • 頭上に獅子の冠を頂き、髪の毛を逆立てて怒髪天を突くさまを表すのは、百獣の王である獅子が吼えるとあらゆる猛獣もすぐに静かになる譬えのように、憤怒の怒りの相と獅子吼によって諸々の怨敵を降伏して、一切衆生を救済することを表している。
  • 冠の上に五鈷鉤が突き出ているのは、衆生の本有(ほんぬ)の五智を呼び覚まして、邪欲を捨てさせて正しい方向へと導くことを意味し、愛染明王の大愛[注 4]が衆生の心に染み入り、仏法の真実を体得せしめることを表している。
  • 一面三目で身体が赤色であり、その身を五色の華鬘で荘厳する点は、三つの眼は法身と般若と解脱を意味し、世俗面においては仁愛と知恵と勇気の三つの徳を表す。身体が赤く輝いているのは、愛染明王の大愛と大慈悲とがその身体からあふれ出ていることを意味し、五色の華鬘でその身を荘厳するのは、五智如来の持つ大悲の徳を愛染明王もまたその身に兼ね備えていることを意味し、両耳の横から伸びる天帯[注 5]は、「王三昧」に安住して如来の大法である真理の教えを聞くことを表している。
  • 六臂として手が六本あるのは、六道輪廻の衆生を救う意味をもつ。また、左右の第一手は二つで「息災」を表していて、左手の五鈷鈴は、般若の智恵の音と響きにより衆生を驚愕させて、夢の如きこの世の迷いから覚醒させることを表し、右手の五鈷杵は、衆生に本有の五智を理解し体得させて、愛染明王の覚りへと到達せしめることを表している。[11]
  • 左右の第二手は二つで「敬愛」と「融和」とを表していて、左手の弓と右手の矢(箭)は、二つで一つの働きをするので、この世の人々が互いに協力して敬愛と和合の精神を重んじ、仏の教えを実践する菩薩としての円満な境地に至ることを意味している。また、愛染明王の弓矢は、大悲の矢によって衆生の心にある差別や憎しみの種を射落とし、菩提心に安住せしめることを意味し、そして矢は放たれるとすぐに目標に到達することから、愛染明王への降魔や除災、男女の縁結び[12]における祈念の効果が早く現れることをも表している。
  • 左右の第三手は二つで人生の迷いや煩悩による苦しみの世界を打ち払う「増益」と「降伏」とを表していて、左手に拳を握るのは、その手の中に摩尼宝珠を隠し持っていて、これは衆生が求めるあらゆる宝と財産や、生命を育むことを意味していて、右手の赤い未敷蓮華(みふれんげ)は、それらの衆生の財産や生命を奪おうとする「四魔[注 6]}[14]に対して、大悲の鞭を打ち振るい、魔を調伏することを表している。
  • 愛染明王が座っている紅蓮の蓮華座は、「愛染三昧」の瞑想から生じる大愛の境地を実現させた密教的な極楽浄土を意味していて、その下にある宝瓶は、仏法の無限の宝である三宝を醸し、経と律と論の三蔵を蔵することを表している。また、その周囲に宝珠や花弁が乱舞するのは、愛染明王が三宝の無尽蔵の福徳を有することを意味している。







Myo, who is between the Buddha and humans and is thought to connect them with love. It is thought to be a temporary manifestation of Dainichi Nyorai or Kongo Ai Bodhisattva. That love surrenders all evil, and has the shape of a three-sided six-sided wrath and armor. He was believed to give people breath, respect, and good fortune, and the Aizen method was carried out. It was introduced to Japan in the early Heian period, and the Aizen class by Osaka's indigo merchants is known.

Translation of Sanskrit Rāga-rāja. One of the Myo Kings who worship in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism. It is a samadhi who lives in Samadhi, whose lust and greed are the same as the bodhisattva. It was introduced to Japan in the early Heian period, and examples from the latter half of the Heian period still exist. The common form is a three-eyed six-armed, red angry statue, which sits on the lotus position. It has bows and arrows on the left and right sides of the center of the six elbows, and a treasure bottle below the lotus position. Various types of images can be seen in the white iconography, but when looking at the existing works, the formal development on the iconography is not remarkable, and in addition to the general shape, the image that is said to be Enchin is known. Is.


This oath and merit

The characteristic of the so-called Aizen Myo is that it has three eyes and six elbows on one side. He sits in the lotus position of Guren with his back to the sun. The symbolic meanings of these phases are as follows.

The burning sunflower is called "Orimori sunflower", and the sunflower represents the Buddha's supreme pure bodhicitta spirit. It shows that it is the bravery of the Buddha.
The lion's crown over his head, his hair turned upside down and his angry hair pierced, is like the angry phase of wrath, as if the lion, the king of beasts, barks and all the beasts become quiet immediately. It represents the surrender of various grudges by the lion 吼 and the rescue of all sentient beings.
The protrusion of the five-headed sword on the crown means that it awakens the Gochi of the sentient beings, Honnu, to abandon their lust and lead them in the right direction. Note 4] shows that it permeates the hearts of sentient beings and allows them to learn the truth of Buddhism.
The fact that the body is red on one side and the body is magnificent with five-colored keman, the three eyes mean the ritual, the prajna, and the liberation, and on the secular side, they represent the three virtues of love, wisdom, and courage. .. The fact that the body is shining red means that the great love and mercy of Aizen Myo is overflowing from the body, and it is the virtue of the great sorrow of Gochi Nyorai to solemnize himself with the five-colored sword. It means that Aizen Myo also has this in his body, and the heavenly belt that extends from the side of both ears [Note 5] is to settle down in "King Sanmai" and listen to the teachings of the truth, which is the Dafa of Tathagata. Represents.
Having six hands as six elbows has the meaning of saving the sentient beings of the Rokudo Rinkai. In addition, the first move on the left and right represents "breathing", and the bell on the left represents the sound and sound of the wisdom of Prajna, which surprises the sentient beings and awakens them from the wonders of the world like a dream. On the right hand side, the Gotobuchi shows that the sentient beings can understand and acquire the true Gochi and reach the awakening of Aizen Myo. [11]
The two left and right hands represent "respect" and "reconciliation", and the bow on the left and the arrow on the right (bodhisattva) work as one, so people in this world cooperate with each other. It means that we will reach a peaceful state as a bodhisattva who practices the teachings of Buddha, respecting the spirit of respect and harmony. Also, the bow and arrow of Aizen Myo means that the arrow of great sorrow shoots down the seeds of discrimination and hatred in the hearts of sentient beings and makes them rest in the bodhicitta spirit, and because the arrow reaches the target as soon as it is released. It also shows that the effects of prayers on the demons and disasters on Aizen Myo, and the marriage between men and women [12] appear early.
The third hands on the left and right represent "increased profit" and "surrender" that ward off the world of suffering caused by the hesitation and anxiety of life. I have a secret, which means to nurture all the treasures and property that the people want, and the life, and the red Mifurenge on the right tries to take away the property and life of those people. In response to "Four Devil" [Note 6]} [14], it means to shake the whistle of great sorrow and to subdue the demon.
The lotus seat of Guren, where Aizen Myo sits, means the esoteric paradise of paradise that realized the state of great love that arises from the meditation of "Aizen Zanmai", and the treasure bottle below it is the infinite of Buddhism. It represents the brewing of the three treasures, which are the treasures of the Buddhist priesthood, and the collection of the three breweries of sutras, rituals, and theories. In addition, the jewels and petals fluttering around it mean that Aizen Myo has the inexhaustible virtues of the three treasures.
Aizen Myo

Let's see Aizen
Aizen Myo
The name of the Sanskrit is called Lagara Zoya (). Raga is greedy because it means "to be dyed in color".
It expresses bulkiness and sexual desire, and was translated into Chinese as "Aizen".
It's great to love people.
However, if this goes too far, it will become a mess of love called doting and blind love, and it will hurt people.
is. This is a worldly desire.
But love isn't just about lovers and families, it's about more people, non-humans.
Why don't you turn to the whole earth to the creatures of the world?
Is it? Small love will develop into dog-like love such as love for humanity and love for the universe, that is, bodhicitta.
It is Aizen Myo who gives the power to sublimate "Kleshas" into "Johbodhicitta".

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2022年5月19日 今日の運勢 

2022-05-19 06:58:48 | 運命学



2022519日  大日如来


望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じま












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おもしろ家電 とろとろ半熟ゆで卵も簡単に作れる! ANABAS スチームクッカー ゆで玉子名人 かんたん蒸し器 ゆで卵メーカー タイマー付き

2022-05-19 06:53:41 | 家電

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