イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念 イスラエル大柴燈護摩供
イスラエル建国60周年奉祝・世界平和祈念 イスラエル大柴燈護摩供
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel and praying for world peace Israel Osaito goma
Celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel and prayed for world peace.
At the invitation of Israel and the City of Jerusalem, a religious group of pagans (Buddhists) prayed for world peace in Jerusalem, which is a common sacred place for the world's three major monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). A historic event of performing a memorial service is realized. It became the cornerstone of religious reconciliation and world peace.
This is possible because the Agon sect does not worship idols, but considers genuine Buddha relics as the principal object of worship.