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2020 Apple MacBook Air ノートパソコン: Apple M1 Chip、13インチ、8GB RAM、256GB SSD、

2023-02-10 17:43:42 | pc

The 2020 Apple MacBook Air is a laptop computer designed and developed by Apple Inc. It was released in March 2020 and is part of the MacBook Air lineup.

Here are some of the key features of the 2020 MacBook Air:

  • Processor: It is powered by a 10th-generation Intel Core i3, i5, or i7 processor.
  • Display: The MacBook Air has a 13.3-inch Retina display with True Tone technology that adjusts the color temperature of the screen to match the ambient light in the room.
  • Storage: It has fast SSD storage options ranging from 128 GB to 2 TB.
  • Battery life: The MacBook Air has a built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery that provides up to 12 hours of web browsing and up to 18 hours of video playback.
  • Operating system: The 2020 MacBook Air runs on macOS Big Sur, Apple's latest operating system.
  • Other features: It also has a Touch ID fingerprint sensor for secure login, a FaceTime HD camera for video calls, and two Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports for charging and connectivity.

Overall, the 2020 MacBook Air is a lightweight, portable laptop with fast performance, a high-resolution display, and long battery life.


2020 Apple MacBook Air は、Apple Inc. によって設計および開発されたラップトップ コンピューターです。2020 年 3 月にリリースされ、MacBook Air ラインナップの一部です。

2020 MacBook Air の主な機能の一部を以下に示します。

プロセッサ: 第 10 世代 Intel Core i3、i5、または i7 プロセッサを搭載しています。
ディスプレイ: MacBook Air には、True Tone テクノロジを採用した 13.3 インチ Retina ディスプレイが搭載されており、部屋の周囲光に合わせて画面の色温度を調整します。
ストレージ: 128 GB から 2 TB までの高速 SSD ストレージ オプションがあります。
バッテリー寿命: MacBook Air には、再充電可能なリチウムポリマーバッテリーが内蔵されており、最大 12 時間の Web ブラウジングと最大 18 時間のビデオ再生が可能です。
オペレーティング システム: 2020 MacBook Air は、Apple の最新オペレーティング システムである macOS Big Sur で動作します。
その他の機能: 安全なログイン用の Touch ID 指紋センサー、ビデオ通話用の FaceTime HD カメラ、充電と接続用の 2 つの Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ポートも備えています。

全体として、2020 MacBook Air は軽量でポータブルなラップトップであり、高速なパフォーマンス、高解像度のディスプレイ、長いバッテリー寿命を備えています。


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The Heart Sutra is a Buddhist scriptur  魔訶般若心經 

2023-02-10 17:35:59 | 

The Heart Sutra is a Buddhist scripture that is widely regarded as a summary of the essence of Buddhist teachings. It is part of the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajñāpāramitā) genre of Buddhist literature. The sutra is short and condensed, containing only 260 Chinese characters, but it is considered to be very profound and has been the subject of much commentary and interpretation over the centuries.

The Heart Sutra expresses the idea that all things are empty and devoid of self-nature, and that there is no distinction between samsara (the cycle of birth and death) and enlightenment. It teaches that by realizing the emptiness of all phenomena, one can attain a state of mind that is free from ignorance, craving, and hatred, and thus attain enlightenment.

The Heart Sutra is recited and studied in many Buddhist communities, and is considered to be a highly sacred text. It is often used in meditation and chant practices as a way to help individuals focus the mind and cultivate insight into the nature of reality.




この行の波羅蜜多において、聖なる観自在菩薩は、この世のものすべて、五蘊いっさいは、本来空な るものと照見たまいて、この真理をもって、世のひとすべての悩み苦しみを解きほどく真実の道となし




その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかりに形を生じたものな れば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、形なしとて無しと思うな、縁によって は、を生じ相をあらわす。



たとえば、かの水を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気 となって空にとけこむ。さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。 寒の縁にあわばか たき氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化す。世のことす べてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。


人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。人は敷き、悲しみ、あるいは喜ぶ、されど、人の性 の内に、 敷き、悲しみ、喜びの、一定の性のあるにはあらず。





このように、法の本は、空なる欄である故に、現象の上にては縁によって様々に変化をあらわ すけれども、その本体はいささかもることなし。生ずることもなければ、滅することもなく、るる こともなければ、浄まるということもなし。減ることもなければ、増すこともなし、ただあるものは変化 のみ。


この道理を悟って、この世の成立を見るならば、色あるものも形なきにひとしく、受も、想も、行も、 識のはたらきすべてることなし。また、それらの本なる眼も耳もも舌も身も意もあるにあらず。





まよいを離れてかならず涅槃を究竟つくさん。 三世に住みたまえるのは、このさとりによって因縁解脱を成就し給えり。この故に、解脱を 求めんとする人は、すべからく、般若波羅蜜多の大神呪を知らねばならぬ。









Devil's Heart

Naru Kanjizai joined the line of a thief in search of the truth that will save all the troubles of the world.

In this line of Paramita, the holy Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara sees that all things in this world, including all the five knots, are originally empty, and with this truth, is the true way to relieve the suffering of all people in the world. none




If you preach the teaching here, you should not be bound by the form even if there is a form. If a form arises due to an edge, depending on the edge, it will also change into a formless, empty thing. Also, don't think that formlessness is nothingness.




See, for example, that water. If you get the chance to heat it, it will become hot water, and then it will become steam and melt into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again, and then falls to the ground as rain. On the brink of cold he becomes a splinter of ice, a pillar of cold frost. The nature of water does not change, but it changes depending on the circumstances. Everything he has done in the world has been added to this, and the book, whether tangible or intangible, is one, and it all depends on fate.


The functions of the human mind, such as receiving, imagining, and acting, and the functions of consciousness, are all nothing other than this truth. People are sad, sad, or happy, but there is no fixed nature of sadness, sadness, or joy within human nature.

According to the theory of cause and effect, the rim moves according to the cause, and only a phase appears. I call this the reason of the sky.





In this way, the law book is an empty column, and although the phenomenon shows various changes depending on the edge, the substance itself is not at all. There is no birth, there is no destruction, there is no ruling him, there is no purification. No decrease, no increase, only change.


If you understand this principle and look at the formation of this world, things with color are the same as without form, and there is no function of receiving, thinking, acting, or knowing. Nor do they have eyes, ears, tongues, bodies, and minds.

There are no colors, voices, scents, tastes, touches, or laws that are objects of the six roots. In addition, there is no line of sight, and

There is no world of consciousness, no ignorance, and therefore no end to ignorance, no old age, no death.

Therefore, realize that there is no end to old age and death, no suffering, no collection, no destruction, no path, no wisdom, and no income. Don't dwell on it at all, and when you realize this, you should get rid of all the troubled minds. If the mind is free from hesitation, fear, or greed, the bodhisattva should inevitably embody the truth of this emptiness.


Leaving Mayoi, you must reach Nirvana. It is through this enlightenment that one can live in the third generation and achieve liberation from karma. Therefore, those who seek liberation must know the Great Divine Curse of Prajnaparamita.


This Great Divine Curse is a supreme spell and a spell of nothingness. It is a spell that relieves all hardships and calamities, and its power is unfathomable. Because it is the truth, it does not change in any age, at any time, and is not false.


go to that

"If you learn the truth of the sky and pursue it, you'll eventually reach your destination.

Under the message, "Zeyo, zeyo, just earnestly. To him of liberation."




(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)

(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)


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仏教における瞑想   Meditation in Buddhism

2023-02-10 13:59:41 | pc







Meditation in Buddhism




Meditation is an important aspect of Buddhist practice and is considered a means to achieve enlightenment. In Buddhism, meditation is seen as a means of calming the mind, gaining insight into the nature of reality, and ultimately ending suffering.

There are many different types of meditation practices in Buddhism, such as mindfulness meditation, compassion meditation, and visualization practices. Mindfulness meditation is a central practice of Buddhism and involves nonjudgmentally focusing attention on the present moment in order to gain insight into the nature of one's thoughts, feelings and sensations.

Loving Kindness Meditation, also known as Metta Meditation, involves developing feelings of love, compassion and kindness towards yourself and others. This practice is believed to foster a more positive and compassionate mindset and help reduce feelings of anger, hatred, and resentment.

The practice of visualization in Buddhism involves imagining specific scenarios, such as the presence of a peaceful and enlightened being, in order to cultivate positive qualities such as peace, wisdom and compassion.

In addition to these practices, Buddhist meditation often also includes ethical and moral reflection, and an understanding of the Four Sacred Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. These are the central teachings of Buddhism and provide guidelines for leading a virtuous life and ending suffering.

Overall, meditation is seen as an integral aspect of Buddhist practice and is often incorporated into daily life through regular meditation sessions, retreats, and other spiritual practices.

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星祭りに詳しく教えて Tell me more about the Star Festival

2023-02-10 13:39:30 | 運命学






阿含宗は。2023年2月12日   午前9:30より





Agon sect. February 12, 2023, from 9:30 am


Hold a star festival.








2023    2   12

午前中  9:30より






Tell me more about the Star Festival




"Star Festival" is one of many traditional Japanese events. The festival aims to show respect for the stars and constellations.

The Star Festival is usually held on July 7th. On this day, people observe the summer night sky to relive the stars and constellations. In addition, family members and friends make “Tanabata Tanzaku,” which is a feature of the Star Festival, write prayers and wishes on it, and dedicate it to the heavens.

The Star Festival also has community events where you can enjoy colorful balloons, flames, music, dancing, sweets, and cooking. These events aim to provide a place where people can enjoy the stars and the summer night sky with their friends and family.

The Star Festival is a wonderful way to enjoy and preserve traditional Japanese culture and pass it on to new generations.

Tell me more about the Star Festival

Agon sect. February 12, 2023, from 9:30 am


Hold a star festival.




February 12, 2023, from 9:30 am


Hold a star festival.










2023 2 12

From 9:30 in the morning






Ancestor memorial service according to Buddha Shakyamuni's enlightenment method consists of two laws.

1. Liberation service method
2. Remembrance service method

1. Liberation service method
The Liberation Memorial Service is a method to completely liberate those who have strong grudges, and it is also called ``Liberation Jobutsuho''.
A psychic hotoke with a strong grudge has a very bad influence on descendants.
The spirits of these ancestors are spiritually discovered, given a good posthumous Buddhist name, and the guru practices the Buddhahood method.
In a family with a hotoke with a spiritual disorder, a strong ``familiar relationship with blood relatives'' will always arise, and there will always be conflicts between families. Warm conversations are rarely exchanged, and parents and children, siblings, and husbands and wives are always irritated, cursing and yelling at each other over trivial matters. A scuffle begins. As I said, the fight never ends. Because this fate belongs to the hell world, the family becomes hell.
In addition, families with mental disorders have a strong ``familiar fortune decline'', so no matter what they do, things will not go well. A series of misfortunes and setbacks. Being hit by inexplicable misfortune or misfortune, such as illness, injury, or being deceived by others. From that point on, conflicts between families become more serious. In times of misfortune, the whole family should unite their strengths and cooperate with each other to deal with the situation.
When you perform a liberation memorial service, these things change in a surprising way. Anyway, I can feel that the thorny and dark atmosphere that had been covering the house is suddenly fading away. It will change dramatically.

2. Remembrance service method
This is not enough to cause a strong spiritual disturbance, but it is a memorial service for many souls who have not attained Buddhahood and are suffering from being unable to attain Buddhahood.
Professor Masaatsu Yasuoka
"Our ancestors are said to exceed 1 million people when we go back 20 generations, and over 1 billion people when we go back 30 generations."
He says.
According to my clairvoyance, it is the ancestors up to about three or four generations ago who are directly affected by spiritual disorders. Except for special cases, that's usually it.
On the other hand, the influence of the unborn Buddha spirit extends to the seventh, eighth, and even tenth generations.
All of them are the cause of the ``cause of the decline of family fortunes'' and the bad causation related to it.
Occasionally, I can feel the vague negative influence of an unborn Buddha spirit that I don't know how many generations ago.
In such cases, in many cases, there are not a single body, but a few bodies, or a dozen or more bodies. , sometimes I think. These also make the family line unlucky and cause various misfortunes, so they must be removed.
The method for attaining Buddhahood for these spirits that have not attained Buddhahood is the ``Meitoku Kuyoho''.
The reason why this method is called the Meikoku Kuyoho is that when these spirits of Buddha who have not attained enlightenment are liberated by this method, the "Meikoku" will always appear in the person who made the offering. Mokutoku means the virtue of receiving help from the shadow of the ancestral spirit.
If you perform this memorial service, you will meet with unexpected good fortune. Your family will get better.
Unlike the Liberation Memorial Service, this Mei-toku-kuyo is not only performed by me as a guru. By chanting the Tokukuyo Shingon, we pray for liberation and enlightenment.


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2023年2月10日 今日の運命

2023-02-10 11:08:08 | 運命学




02月10日 (金曜)



癸卯 四緑木星 歳
甲寅 八白土星 節
己亥 九紫火星 日





凌犯期間  危の日










ホテルショコラ シグネチャー ポケット 8粒入り バレンタイン チョコレート 手提げ袋付き ギフト プレゼント

(2023/2/9 08:48時点)

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