- 真言宗の教え 空海は、真言宗の開祖であり、真言宗は、密教の中でも特に重要な教えの一つです。真言宗は、「真言(しんごん)」と呼ばれる特別な言葉を用いた修行法を行うことで、人々が真実を直接的に体験することを追求する教えです。
- 身口清浄の実践 空海は、身体と言葉を清浄に保つことが重要であると説きました。身体と言葉が清浄であることで、心も清浄に保つことができ、真理に近づくことができるとされています。
- 祈りと慈悲の実践 空海は、祈りと慈悲の実践を重視しました。彼は、自分自身や他者のために祈りを捧げることが大切であるとし、そのために修法を行いました。
- 仏教の普及 空海は、仏教の普及にも尽力しました。彼は、多くの寺院を建立し、仏教の教えを広めることで、多くの人々に救いを届けようとしました。
Kukai teaching
Kukai is a monk who has created the Shingon sect in Japan in the Heian period and spread the teaching of esotericism. Kukai studied abroad in the Chinese Tang and learned the teaching of esotericism. After returning to Japan, he was able to understand the teaching of esotericism from his own training experience. His teachings include:
Kukai, a Shingon sect, is the founder of Shingon sect, and Shingon sect is one of the most important teachings in esotericism. Shingon sect is a teaching that pursues people who directly experience the truth by performing training methods using special words called "Shingon".
Kukai, a pure pure, argued that it is important to keep the body and words clean. It is said that the body and words are clean, so that the mind can be kept clean and approaching the truth.
Practice of prayer and mercy, Kukai, emphasized the practice of prayer and mercy. He said that it was important to pray for himself and others, and did the training for that.
The spread of Buddhism has also worked on the spread of Buddhism. He built many temples and tried to deliver salvation to many people by spreading Buddhism's teachings.
Kukai's teachings include the teachings of esotericism, the practice of prayer, mercy, the practice of pure pure, and the spread of Buddhism. He is a person who pursues truth, emphasizes himself and for others, and has influenced many people.