Blog 81


‘Democracy and Education’ from ‘Chomsky on MisEducation’ (2)

8100年08月09日 | 映画『東京家族』
All of this would have been completely intelligible to the founders of classical liberalism, people like Wilhelm von Humboldt, for example,who inspired John Stuart Mill and who,very much like his contemporary Adam Smith, regarded creative work freely undertaken in association with others as the core value of a human life.
So if a person produces an object on command,Humboldt wrote, we may admire what he did but we will despise what he is, not a true human being who acts on his own impulses and desires.
The bought priesthood has the task of undermining these values and destroying them among people who sell themselves on the labor market.
For similar reasons, Adam Smith warned that in any civilized society governments would have to intervene to prevent the division of labor from making people “as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to be.”
He based his rather nuanced advocacy of markets on the thesis that if conditions were truly free, markets would lead to perfect equality.
That was their moral justification.
All of this has been forgotten by the bought priesthood, who has a rather different tale to tell.


Dewey and Russel are two of the leading twentieth-century inheritors of this tradition, with its roots in the Enlightenment and classical liberalism.
Even more interesting is the inspiring record of struggle and organization and protest by working men and women since the early nineteenth century as they sought to win freedom and justice and to retain the rights that they had once had as the new despotism of state-supported private power extended its sway.


The basic issue was formulated with a good deal of clarity by Thomas Jefferson around 1816.
This was before the Industrial Revolution had really taken root in the former colonies, but you could being to see the developments.
In his later years, observing what was happening, Jefferson had rather serious concerns about the fate of the democratic experiment.
He feared the rise of a new form of absolutism that was more ominous than what had been overthrown in the American Revolution, in which he was of course a leader.
Jefferson distinguished in his later years between what he called “aristocrats” and “democrats.”
The aristocrats are “those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes.”
The democrats, in contrast, “identify with the people,have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the honest and safe depository of the public interest, ” if not always “the most wise.”
The aristocrats of his day were the advocates of the rising capitalist state, which Jefferson regarded with much disdain, clearly recognizing the quite obvious contradiction between democracy and capitalism, or more accurately what we might call really existing capitalism, that is,guided and subsidized by powerful developmental states, as it was in England and the U.S. and indeed everywhere else.


This fundamental contradiction was enhanced as new corporate structures were granted increasing powers, not by democratic procedures but mainly by courts and lawyers who converted what Jefferson called the “banking institutions and monied incorporations, ”which he said would destroy freedom and which he could barely see the beginnings of in his day.
They were converted, mainly through courts and lawyers, into “immortal persons” with powers and rights beyond the worst nightmares of precapitalist thinkers like Adam Smith or Thomas Jefferson.
Half a century earlier, Adam Smith already warned against this, though he could barely see the beginnings of it.


Jefferson's distinction between aristocrats and democrats was developed about a half a century later by Bakunin, the anarchist thinker and activist.
※ Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876)
It was actually one of the few predictions of the social sciences ever to have come true.
It ought to have a place of honor in any serious academic curriculum in the social sciences and the humanities for this reason alone.
Back in the nineteenth century, Bakunin predicted that the rising intelligentsia of the nineteenth century would follow one of two parallel paths.
One path would be to exploit popular struggles to take state power,becoming what he called a “Red bureaucracy” that will impose the most cruel and vicious regime in history.
That's one strain.
The other strain, he said, will be those who discover that real power lies elsewhere, and they will become it's “bought priesthood, ” in the words of the labor press, serving the real masters in the state-supported private system of power, either as managers or apologists “who beat the people with the people's stick, ” as he put it, in the state capitalist democracies.
The similarities are pretty striking,and they run right up to the present.
They help account for the rapid transitions that people make from one to the other position.
It looks like a funny transition, but in fact it's a common ideology.
We're seeing it right now in Eastern Europe with the group that's sometimes called the Nomenklatura capitalists, the old communist ruling class, now the biggest enthusiasts for the market, enriching themselves as the societies become standard Third World societies.
The move is very easy because it's basically the same ideology.
A similar move from Stalinist apologist to “celebration of America” is quite standard in modern history, and it doesn't require much of a shift in values, just a shift in judgment as to where power lies.

Fear of democracy is deeply entrenched.
Alexander Hamilton put it clearly when he described the people as a “great beast” from which governing elites have to be protected.
These ideas have become ever more entrenched in educated circles as Jefferson's fears and Bakunin's predictions were increasingly realized.
The basic attitudes coming into this century were expressed very clearly by Woodrow Wilson's secretary of state, Robert Lansing――attitudes that led to Wilson's Red Scare, as it was called, which destroyed labor and independent thought for a decade.
Lansing warned of the danger of allowing the “ignorant and incapable mass of humanity” to become “dominant in the earth” or even influential, as he believed the Bolsheviks intended.
That's the hysterical and utterly erroneous reaction that's pretty standard among people who feel that their power is threatened.


Those concerns were articulated very clearly by progressive intellectuals of the period, maybe the leading one being Walter Lippmann in his essays on democracy, mainly in the 1920s.
Lippmann was also the dean of American journalism and one of the most distinguished commentators on public affairs for many years.
He advised that “the public must be put in its place” so that the “responsible men” may “live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd, ” Hamilton's beast.
In a democracy, Lippmann held,these “ignorant and meddlesome outsiders” do have a “function.”
Their function is to be “interested spectators of action” but not “participants.”
They are to lend their weight periodically to some member of the leadership class, that's called elections,and then they are supposed to return to their private concerns.
In fact, similar notions became part of mainstream academic theory at about the same time.


In the presidential address to the American Political Science Association in 1934 William Shepard argued that government should be in the hands of “an aristocracy of intellect and power, ” while the “ignorant, the uninformed and the antisocial elements” must not be permitted to control elections, as he mistakenly believed they had done in the past.
One of the founders of modern political science, Harold Lasswell,one of the founders of the field of communications, in fact, wrote in the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences in 1933 or 1934 that modern techniques of propaganda, Which had been impressively refined by Wilsonian liberals,provided the way to keep the public in line.


Wilson's World War Ⅰ achievements in propaganda impressed others, including Adolf Hitler.
But crucially they impressed the American business community.
That led to a huge expansion of the public-relations industry which was dedicated to controlling the public mind, as advocates used to put it in more honest days, just as,writing in the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences in 1933, Lasswell described what he was talking about as propaganda.
We don't use that term. 
We're more sophisticated.


As a political scientist, Lasswell advocated more sophisticated use of this new technique of control of the general public that was provided by modern propaganda.
That would, he said,enable the intelligent men of the community, the natural rulers,to overcome the threat of the great beast who may undermine order because of, in Lasswell's terms, “the ignorance and stupidity of the masses.”
We should not succumb to “democratic dogmatisms about men being the best judges of their own interests.”
The best judges are the elites, who must be ensured the means to impose their will for the common good.
Jefferson's aristocrats, in other words.


Lippmann and Lasswell represent the more liberal, progressive fringe of opinion, which grants the beast at least a spectator role.
At the reactionary end you get those who are mislabeled conservatives in contemporary newspeak.
※ ニュースピーク(名詞) 《政府などが世論操作のために意図的に用いるあいまいな言いまわし》.  
[George Orwell の小説 Nineteen Eighty-Four から]

So the Reaganite statist reactionaries thought that the public, the beast, shouldn't even have the spectator role.
That explains their fascination with clandestine terror operations, which were not secret to anybody except the American public, certainly not to their victims.
Clandestine terror operations were designed to leave the domestic population ignorant.
They also advocated absolutely unprecedented measures of censorship and agitprop and other measures to ensure that the powerful and interventionist state that they fostered would serve as a welfare state for the rich and not troubled by the rabble.
The huge increase in business propaganda in recent years, the recent assault on the universities by right-wing foundations, and other tendencies of the current period are other manifestations of the same concerns.
These concerns were awakened by what liberal elites had called the “crisis of democracy” that developed in the 1960s, when previously marginalized and apathetic sectors of the population, like women and young people and old people and working people and so on,sought to enter the public arena,where they have no right to be, as all right-thinking aristocrats understand.


John Dewey was one of the relics of the Enlightenment classical liberal tradition who opposed the rule of the wise,the onslaught of the Jeffersonian aristocrats, whether they found their place on the reactionary or the liberal part of this very narrow ideological spectrum.
Dewey understood clearly that “politics is the shadow cast on society by big business, ” and as long as this is so, “attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance.”
Meaning, reforms are of limited utility.
Democracy requires that the source of the shadow be removed not only because of its domination of the political arena but because the very institutions of private power undermine democracy and freedom.
Dewey was very explicit about the antidemocratic power that he had in mind.
To quote him, “Power today”――this is in 1920s――“resides in control of the means of production, exchange,publicity,transportation and communication.
Whoever owns them rules the life of the country,”even if democratic forms remain.
誰であれそれら国の生命の規則を 所有する、」たとえ民主的形態のままであるとしてもです。
“Business for private profit through private control of banking,land,industry reinforced by command of the press, press agents and other means of publicity and propaganda, ” that is the system of actual power, the source of coercion and control, and until it's unraveled we can't talk seriously about democracy and freedom.

Education, he hoped,of the kind he was talking about, the production of free human being, would be one of the means of undermining this absolutist monstrosity.


In a free and democratic society, Dewey held, workers should be “the masters of their own industrial fate, ” not tools rented by employers.
He agreed on fundamental issues with the founders of classical liberalism and with the democratic and libertarian sentiments that animated the popular working-class movements from the early Industrial Revolution, until they were finally beaten down by a combination of violence and propaganda.
In the field of education, therefore, Dewey held that it is “illiberal and immoral” to train children to work “not freely and intelligently, but for the sake of the work earned, ” in which case their activity is “not free because not freely participated in.”
Again the conception of classical liberalism and the workers' movements.
Therefore, Dewey held,industry must also change “from a feudalistic to a democratic social order” based on control by working people and free association, again, traditional anarchist ideals with their source in classical liberalism and the Enlightenment.


As the doctrinal system has narrowed under the assault of private power, particularly in the past few decades, these fundamental libertarian values and principles now sound exotic and extreme, perhaps even anti-American, to borrow one of the terms of contemporary totalitarian thought in the West.
Given these changes, it's useful to remember that the kinds of ideas that Dewey was expressing are as American as apple pie.
They have origins in straight American traditions, right in the mainstream; not influenced by any dangerous foreign ideologies; in a worthy tradition that's ritually lauded,though it's commonly distorted and forgotten.
And all of that is part of the deterioration of functioning democracy in the current age, both at the institutional and at the ideological level, in my opinion.


Education is, of course, in part a matter of schools and colleges and the formal information systems.
That's true whether the goal of education is education for freedom and democracy, as Dewey advocated, or education for obedience and subordination and marginalization, as the dominant institutions require.
The University of Chicago sociologist James Coleman,one of the main students of education and effects of experience on children's lives, concludes from many studies that the total effect of home background is considerably greater than the total effect of school variables in determining student achievement.
So it's therefore important to have a look at how social policy and the dominant culture are shaping these factors, home influences and so on.



That's a very interesting topic.
The inquiry is much facilitated by a UNICEF study published a year ago called Child Neglect in Rich Societies, written by a well-known American economist, Sylvia Ann Hewlett.
She studies the preceding fifteen years, the late 1970s up through the early 1990s,in the rich nations.
She's not talking about the Third World but about the rich countries.
She finds a sharp split between the Anglo-American societies on the one hand and continental Europe and Japan on the other hand.
The Anglo-American model, spearheaded by the Reaganites and Thatcher, has been a disaster for children and families, she says.
The European-Japanese model, in contrast, has improved their situation considerably, from a starting point that was already considerably higher, despite the fact that these societies lack the huge advantages of the Anglo-American societies.
The U.S. has unparalleled wealth and advantages,and while the United Kingdom, Britain, has severely declined,particularly under Thatcher, it has the economic advantage, at least, of being a U.S. client as well as being a major oil exporter in the Thatcher years.
That's something that makes the economic failure of Thatcherism even more dramatic, as authentic British conservatives like Lord Ian Gilmour have shown.



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