原 敬、山縣有朋、倉富勇三郎は、同じ頃の枢密院議長でした。

I'm visiting at daughter's Coko and am visiting Kyoto University literature department.
The decipherment class of the Kuratomi Yuzaburo diary starts, my daughter is invited from a professor, as a student.
Coko permitted short-term studying abroad this time.
The Kuratomi Yuzaburo diary decipherment is difficult, as much as it was read, for, an ordinary person can understand.
They aren't precocious, so the Kuratomi Yuzaburo decipherment class is for one year under Prof. Nagai.
It ranges and it's held as a session.
Hara Takashi, Yamagata Aritomo and Kuratomi Yuzaburo were the Privy Council chairperson at the same time.
As a reference book on a book of Emperor Showa who lines up a bookstore recently, Kuratomi.
A diary appears. Kuratomi Yuzaburo is a politician at Hara Takashi's center stage.
It was a man of business more than doing and playing an active part.
Decipherment work entered for 4 reels of present, that it'll be completed, the one of about approximately 10 reels
Its amount is to the extent I enter Guinness Book of Records in completed dawn, in a masterpiece.
The Kuratomi Yuzaburo diary serviceable for Meiji, Taisho and Emperor Showa is the world as well as Japan.
I have begun to be watched as the valuable material which is so.
A researcher of Kuratomi Yuzaburo diary keeps increasing every year, and, as well as Kyoto University.
Before and after Kuratomi diary researcher has come from Ritsumeikan University, and I'm in twenties, a one.
Be popular with the young and chip in beginning of Showa from Taisho in them.
Even if I'm interested in a background and know Meiji the time of TE, the Taisho Era?
Material wasn't done clearly, issued one, Kuratomi Isamu.
Something by which something written on Saburo diary is the contents which catch eye in particular for a researcher
The Taisho Era when it's so and to be able to place restrictions on opening to the public of a diary from a country also cries, reading
An untied key is opened.
By the hand by which the Kuratomi diary written like cipher is Nagai total instruction of Kyoto University.
It's the time caught from the front and is inherited in the patient and young generation.
RE is going to be spent.