倉富和子の女のひもとき in USA


屋久島千尋の滝とコンクリートジャングルを結ぶ瞑想A waterfall of Yakushima Chihiro and a concrete jungle, by meditation.

2020-05-15 17:08:05 |  縄文心導ヒーリング






Jomon  Shindo  Free Foll meditation

A waterfall of Yakushima Chihiro and a concrete jungle,

by meditation.

Many people  today keep their hearts in a small framework.

And how do you get rid of the old frame of mind as fear,

anger, sadness, suffering, negative feelings such as anxiety

or illness. 

For example, in a bungee jump, you can experience the feeling

of falling from the speed while accelerating and floating.

Humans have the potential to be free when freed from gravity.  

Human tension is not something that can be kept forever,

and once tension is created, it must be released somewhere.  

This is "the falling" concept of Oriental thought.  

I will apply this content to Shindo healing.  You have a

simulated zero gravity experience to release your mind and body. 

¤ By giving gravity to the recipient and creating a new

framework for the recipient then the suffering and pain that

the recipient had in himself naturally surfaced. 

By meditating with the image of the water flowing from a

waterfall, it will wash off with the waterfall the evilness,

negative emotions, and the old frame of mind. Guide your

mind and body to a space of peace, natural healing power

is demonstrated, you remember your DNA and return to

your true self. 


2-① The receiver sits on the floor and sits cross-legged.

Place your hands on your lap, lightly extend your back and

close your eyes lightly. 

2-② The performer stands behind the receiver.

Support the body of the receiver by erecting the knee so

that the receiver is lightly pinched from the side of the back.

By doing this, you will feel at ease and open your mind,

and the meridians will emerge. 

* Imagine you are in free space like outer space. 

Breathe naturally. 

Image meditation according to the narration. 

Imagine that the energy of the universe is pouring from

the top of your head through your own body into your


The receiver feels that the energy of the universe is

flowing into him as if water falls through the performer. 
Then the pain of the heart and the world of the heart that

was experienced in the past are revealed. 

It is important that the performer is stable and that the

recipient is in a state of accepting everything with peace

of mind. After this, gravity is applied to the meridians of

each organ.

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