2016.07.29(liverty web)
「(私の公約は)restriction of Tokyo diet members. I want to cut! Cut! Cut! Diet member could be zero」
(都議会議員のリストラを行います。カット! カット! カット! 議会議員はゼロにできます)
「Currently in japan, Everyone believe that political struggle is at the center of politics in Japan」
「so called committee system of FCCJ is rigged, fraud, and biased」
「Mr. Yoshiro Mori, who is the head of The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic, is now trying to meddle in Japanese political situation」
「If I become a governor of Tokyo, I will cancel the Tokyo Olympic games」
「Make Tokyo very healthy city」
「Very few people talk about the budget or fiscal situation beyond 2020 Olympic games」
「I'm sure that many of foreigners worry about earthquake or tsunami that is happening in japan, and I would like make Tokyo a disaster preventive society or city」
「I believe that confusion that we see in current days in administration of Tokyo, is because of bringing the political conflicts in the central government into the local administration」
「Everything is concentrated on 23 wards or central Tokyo, and I believe it should be changed and we should revive our lives witch we can feel the earth and soil」
「My campaign pledge is one. Tear down or crush or break up NHK!」
「When you think about how many who are elected really keep the campaign pledges, you would find out that very few people actually keep their promises」
「The entire society or entire country should try to raise and nurture children」
「What I aim at is to create new Tokyo which continues to grow and develop with other regions in japan and other countries as well」
「My biggest proposal is to half the Tokyo population」
2016年7月27日付本欄 【都知事選】"主要3候補"以外の候補者6人が、ついに連名でテレビ局に抗議
2016年7月25日付本欄 【都知事選】大手紙、主要3候補に99%の面積を割く 他18人は合計1%
2016年7月24日付本欄 【都知事選】"主要3候補"以外の報道時間は3% 非"主要"候補者が共同記者会見