


2024-09-03 12:37:44 | 今日の一句






  1. Translate the following 短歌 into English:
  2. ChatGPT:

    Oh no, this is bad—
    I’ve just noticed it myself: Nano nails.
    How long, I wonder,
    have I been neglecting them,
    leaving them as they are?

  3. あなた:
    Revise it considering that ナノネール is a substance that produces an odor typically associated with middle-aged and older men that is a sign of old age and lower attention to personal hygiene and bodily care.
  4. ChatGPT:

    Oh no, this is bad—
    I’ve just noticed it myself: nano-nails,
    that telltale odor
    of aging and neglect.
    How long has it been this way?

  5. あなた:
    Sorry, it was ノネナール、not ナノネール. Revise the translation.
  6. ChatGPT:

    Oh no, this is bad—
    I’ve just noticed it myself: nonenal,
    that telltale odor
    of aging and neglect.
    How long have I ignored it?

  7. あなた:
  8. ChatGPT:

    Oh no, this is bad—
    I’ve just noticed it myself: nonenal,
    that distinct odor
    of aging and neglect.
    How long have I let it linger?

  9. あなた:
    What do you think about the following?
    Oh, nonenal,
    That telltale odor of old age,
    How long have I ignored it?
  10. ChatGPT:

    Your version is concise and poetic, capturing the essence of the original 短歌 effectively. Here's a closer analysis:

    1. "Oh, nonenal,"

      • The exclamation "Oh" works well to express sudden realization or dismay.
      • Directly naming "nonenal" sets the tone and focus.
    2. "That telltale odor of old age,"

      • This phrase succinctly conveys the idea of nonenal being associated with aging.
      • "Telltale odor" is evocative and fits the emotional weight.
    3. "How long have I ignored it?"

      • This line reflects a sense of regret and self-awareness, staying faithful to the original tone.

    Overall Impression:

    It’s a well-crafted and elegant adaptation of the original 短歌, retaining the theme while making it relatable in English. The only suggestion would be to consider whether you want to include any nuance of neglect or personal care, but as it stands, it's effective and poignant.

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2024-09-03 09:00:28 | 英語特許散策

US2023026037(XANASTIM SARL [CH])
[0024] Creativity is one of the most important cognitive skills in our complex and fast-changing world.

Previous evidence showed that GABA is involved in divergent but not convergent thinking.

Results demonstrate active taVNS, compared to sham stimulation, enhanced divergent thinking, and what is associated with creativity.

A study suggested that GABA (likely by taVNS) supports the ability to select among competing options in high selection demand (divergent thinking) but

not in low selection demand (convergent thinking) which could also be crucial for professional athletes.

Another study demonstrated that taVNS enhances response selection processes when selection demands are particularly high.

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