


2024-09-20 18:09:40 | 英語特許散策

US2022149190(DENSO CORP [JP])
A peripheral withstand structure such as a guard ring is formed in the semiconductor substrate 10 corresponding to the peripheral region 10 B.

Further, a plurality of small signal pads 28 are provided on the semiconductor substrate 10 corresponding to the peripheral region 10 B.

Examples of the type of the small signal pad 28 include a gate pad for inputting a gate signal, a temperature sense pad for outputting a temperature sense signal, and a current sense pad for outputting a current sense signal.

[0068] In the edge termination region 20 , a voltage withstanding structure such as a junction termination extension (JTE) structure is disposed (refer to FIG. ).
  エッジ終端領域20には、接合終端拡張(JTE:Junction  Termination  Extension)構造などの耐圧構造が配置される(図3参照)。

The JTE structure is

a voltage withstanding structure in which,

from a center-side (side thereof nearest the center of the semiconductor substrate 30 ) thereof to end-sides (sides thereof nearest the ends of the semiconductor substrate 30 ) thereof,

plural p-type regions (in FIG. , reference numerals 22 23 ) having differing impurity concentrations are disposed in descending order of impurity concentration, in a substantially rectangular concentric pattern surrounding a periphery of the active region 10 and centered around a center of the active region, in a plan view.


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2024-09-20 16:18:20 | ChatGPT
Translate: この装置は、第1の面に近づくほど本体から離間する部材を有する。

The device has a component that becomes more distant from the main body as it approaches the first surface.

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有する、備える、含む:comprise, include, provided with

2024-09-20 14:36:40 | ChatGPT
Explain the difference in meaning, nuance, etc. between the following sentences:
1. This communication device comprises a case, a power supply, and a control board.
2. This communication device includes a case, a power supply, and a control board.
3. This communication device is provided with a case, a power supply, and a control board.

Here’s an explanation of the differences in meaning, nuance, and usage between the three sentences:

1. This communication device comprises(*から成る、有する、備える)a case, a power supply, and a control board.

  • Meaning: "Comprises" means "is made up of" or "consists of." It emphasizes that the listed components form the entirety of the communication device. The sentence implies that the case, power supply, and control board are the essential or complete components of the device.
  • Nuance: This phrasing tends to be more formal and precise. In technical or legal contexts, "comprises" suggests that nothing outside the listed components is part of the device, though this can vary by usage.
  • Implication: The device is made up of these specific parts, and it could imply that no other components are included, depending on the context.

2. This communication device includes(*含む、有する、備える)a case, a power supply, and a control board.

  • Meaning: "Includes" means that the case, power supply, and control board are part of the device, but there may be other components as well. It doesn't imply that these are the only parts.
  • Nuance: This is a more flexible and less formal term. It suggests that the listed components are important but not necessarily exhaustive. It is commonly used in descriptions where completeness isn't emphasized.
  • Implication: The device contains these parts, but there could be additional components not mentioned here.

3. This communication device is provided with(*備える、具備、有する)a case, a power supply, and a control board.

  • Meaning: "Is provided with" suggests that the device comes equipped with these components, implying that they are supplied or installed with the device.
  • Nuance: This phrasing often implies that these components are accessories or standard parts that come with the device. It has a slightly more passive construction, making it sound a bit less direct than the other two.
  • Implication: The device comes with these parts, but it doesn't emphasize whether these are the only components or if there are others. It focuses more on what is included rather than on the composition of the device.

Key Differences:

  • Precision: "Comprises" is the most precise and formal, suggesting these are the complete components. "Includes" is more general, allowing for the possibility of other components. "Is provided with" focuses more on the idea of these parts being supplied or equipped, without necessarily defining them as the complete set.
  • Tone: "Comprises" is more formal and technical, while "includes" and "is provided with" are more flexible and commonly used in less formal contexts.

Which term you choose depends on whether you want to emphasize completeness, flexibility, or just the fact that the device comes with certain parts.

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2024-09-20 14:12:17 | ChatGPT
Translate: この発明は、小型化および軽量化が可能な表示装置を提供する。

The invention provides a display device that can be miniaturized and made lightweight.

How about the following:
1. The invention provides a display device which is reduced in size and weight.
2. The invention provides a display device with which it is possible to achieve reductions in size and weight.
3. The invention provides a display device in which reductions in size and weight are achieved.
4. The invention provides a display device that has achieved reductions in size and weight.

Here's a breakdown of each option in terms of grammar, clarity, and nuance:

1. The invention provides a display device which is reduced in size and weight.

  • Pros: Clear and concise.
  • Cons: The phrase "which is reduced" could suggest that the size and weight have already been reduced in a fixed sense, which might not fully capture the potential or capability for further miniaturization and weight reduction.
  • Suggested adjustment: "The invention provides a display device that is reduced in size and weight." ("That" is often preferred over "which" in restrictive clauses.)

2. The invention provides a display device with which it is possible to achieve reductions in size and weight.

  • Pros: Clearly emphasizes the potential to reduce size and weight.
  • Cons: Slightly wordy and indirect compared to the others.
  • Usage context: Good if the emphasis is on the possibility of achieving reductions, rather than stating that they have already been realized.

3. The invention provides a display device in which reductions in size and weight are achieved.

  • Pros: Straightforward and indicates that reductions in size and weight are a realized feature of the device.
  • Cons: Implies the reductions are inherent to the device itself, which is fine, but may sound a bit less flexible compared to phrasing that suggests ongoing possibilities.

4. The invention provides a display device that has achieved reductions in size and weight.

  • Pros: Clearly conveys that size and weight reductions have been accomplished.
  • Cons: The past tense ("has achieved") might make it sound as if the invention has already completed this process, which could feel a bit final if the focus is on the device's potential for future adjustments.


  • For potential/capability focus: Option 2 is best.
  • For realized reductions: Option 4 is most appropriate, though Option 3 is also effective.
  • For brevity and clarity: Option 1 (with the minor adjustment) works well.

The choice depends on whether you want to emphasize that the reductions have already been achieved or that the device enables such reductions. Which aspect would you prefer to emphasize?

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2024-09-20 10:42:22 | 英語特許散策

WO2022212122(INTEL CORP [US])
[00147] (b.3) In some aspects, the RACH configuration is separately provided to RedCap and non-RedCap UEs.
  (b.3)いくつかの態様では、RACH設定は、RedCap及び非RedCap  UEに別個に提供される。

Specifically, a separate UL BWP #0 configuration may be provided to RedCap UEs via SIBl to provide a “reference UL BWP #0” location.
具体的には、「参照UL  BWP#0」位置を提供するために、別個のUL  BWP#0設定がSIB1を介してRedCap  UEに提供されてもよい。

The separate UL BWP #0 configuration may include the RACH configuration and the UE may determine the actual UL BWP #0 based on the RO location as described above.
別個のUL  BWP#0設定は、RACH設定を含んでもよく、UEは、上述したように、RO位置に基づいて実際のUL  BWP#0を決定してもよい。

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判断した場合:When determined?

2024-09-20 09:42:45 | 英語特許散策
Is the following sentence OK in terms of grammar, usage, convention, etc.? "When determined that the user location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed to identify the new/changed location of the user."

The sentence you provided is mostly clear but can be improved for readability and grammatical precision. Here's a revised version:

"When it is determined that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed to identify the new or updated location of the user."

Changes made:

  1. Added "it is" – The sentence requires a subject. "When determined" is awkward and incomplete; "When it is determined" makes it grammatically correct.
  2. "User location" changed to "user's location" – Possessive form improves clarity.
  3. Replaced "new/changed" with "new or updated" – Using a slash can make formal writing less clear. "New or updated" is more precise and professional.

Let me know if you'd like further adjustments!

How about, "Upon determining that the user location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed to identify the new/changed location of the user"?

Your revised sentence is much improved! However, a couple of small tweaks could further refine it for clarity and flow:

"Upon determining that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed to identify the new or updated location of the user."

Changes made:

  1. "User location" changed to "user's location" – Using the possessive form ("user's location") maintains clarity and follows standard convention.
  2. "New/changed" replaced with "new or updated" – As mentioned earlier, avoiding the slash makes the sentence more formal and readable.

This version maintains the formal tone and improves clarity while following grammar conventions. Would you like further adjustments or explanations?

You say it's much improved, but the expression "Upon determining" seems problematic to me because it is a dangling participle, which [where] should be avoided when the subject of the participle and the subject of the main clause are not the same. In the sentence under consideration, the "location determination component" (subject of the main clause) does not make the determination of a change in user location. What do you think?

You're absolutely right! "Upon determining" does create a dangling participle in this case, as it implies that the location determination component is the one making the determination, which isn't the intended meaning.

A clearer, more grammatically correct alternative would be:

"When it is determined that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed to identify the new or updated location of the user."

This avoids the dangling participle problem by using a passive construction ("it is determined"), which keeps the subject of the main clause separate from the action of determining the location change. Your observation is spot-on—avoiding the participle phrase ensures that the sentence is structurally correct.

The problem of the dangling participle aside, how about the following? 1. When determining ..., 2. Determining ...,

Both "When determining ..." and "Determining ..." are grammatically possible, but they can lead to ambiguity or a dangling participle issue if not used carefully. Let’s look at each option in detail:

1. When determining ...

  • Potential issue: Like "Upon determining," the phrase can imply that the subject of the main clause is the one doing the determining. If the location determination component is not the one making the decision, this can lead to confusion.

  • Example: When determining that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed...
    In this case, it's unclear who or what is determining the change in location, leading to a dangling participle.

  • Revised example for clarity:
    When the system determines that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can be employed...
    This revision specifies the subject doing the determining (the system), which clears up the ambiguity.

2. Determining ...

  • Potential issue: This construction often works best in very specific contexts where it's clear who or what is doing the determining. However, it can also easily lead to a dangling participle if it's unclear who or what is performing the action.

  • Example: Determining that the user's location has changed, a location determination component 304 can then identify the new location.
    This construction implies that the location determination component is performing both actions (determining and identifying), which may not be accurate.

  • Revised example for clarity:
    After determining that the user's location has changed, the system employs a location determination component 304 to identify the new location.
    This makes it clearer who is doing what, avoiding any participial ambiguity.


Both options—"When determining" and "Determining"—can lead to dangling participles unless the subject of the action is clear. To avoid ambiguity, it's better to explicitly state who or what is determining the location change (e.g., "When the system determines..."). This ensures clarity and avoids grammatical confusion.

Would you like help reworking the sentence with one of these forms in mind?

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2024-09-20 09:31:16 | 英語特許散策

Finite element analysis was conducted by discretizing the air cavity using acoustic elements and discretizing the rim using structural elements.

To emulate tire-road excitation, one of the elements of the air cavity is excited with random vibration.

Finally, the road surface is modeled as a rigid surface that reflects 100% of the pressure waves that are incident upon it.

[0040] Blade 16 , as embodied by the disclosure, provides an airfoil 25 with a reduced overall weight with cavities 61 and 66 .

The reduced overall weight should inhibit vibrations, and excitation forces on blade 16 during operation.

Blade 16 including cavities 61 and 66 is capable of reducing vibrational forces and any loads therein over blade 16 .

With the increase in accuracy, the sensor will be more capable of measuring low amplitude ambient vibrations that occur frequently due to wind and other ambient excitation sources, allowing for system identification of specific structures.

US11555791(CORNING INC [US])
[0075] In various embodiments, in addition to the techniques described above to reduce disturbances to the optical components (e.g., caps 206 and 208 , Fizeau wedge 302 ) and/or wafer 106 , the measurement cavity 200 has a substantial mass.

The mass, m, of the measurement cavity 200 can change the natural frequency of the measurement cavity 200 and increase the amount of energy (force) needed to excite (vibrate) the measurement cavity 200 .

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