


2021-11-02 16:18:18 | 英語特許散策

[1325] In embodiments, methods and system s of back-calculation of data collected with a system for data collection in an industrial environment may be applied to concrete pouring equipment in a construction site application. 
[1325] 実施形態では、産業環境でデータ収集のためのシステムで収集されたデータの逆計算の方法およびシステムは、建設現場のアプリケーションでのコンクリート打設装置に適用されてもよい。

[0023] Referring to Figs. 4 and 5, the pour point 60 may be the location for final use of the ready-mix concrete or a location where the ready-mix concrete exiting the conduit 42 is transferred to a secondary transport system.

The secondary transport system may include vehicles and / or conduits such as hoses or pipes.

Thus, the location for use of the ready-mix concrete may be remote, e.g., up to a kilometer or more from the pour point 60.

In some application, the pour point 60 may be on land 62 but the final use may be at an underwater location, such as a seabed or sea floor.

[00103] In yet another aspect, the invention generally relates to methods of making low calcium silicate cement composite materials and objects made therefrom.

A method of making a carbonated low calcium silicate cement-based material includes:

mixing a low calcium silicate cement with water, and filler particles comprising CaO or Si02 having a particle size of 0.1 pm to 1000 pm, to form a wet mixture,

casting the wet mixture in a mold,

wherein the cast wet mixture has a plurality of pores that contain at least some of the water,


[00167] Concrete cylindrical specimens (18) were cast with Solidia Concrete which was mixed in a pan mixer following the standard mixing procedure as per mixture proportions described earlier.
   コンクリート円筒形試験片(18)を、標準的な混合手順に従い、前述の混合割合通りにパン型ミキサーで混合したSolidia  Concrete(商標)打設した。

The cylindrical concrete specimens (4”dia. X 8” height) were put in an environmental chamber for 4 hours with mold at 70°C and 50% relative humidity.

The specimens were demolded and put in C02 curing chamber with more than 95% C02 concentration at ambient pressure and 70°C for carbonation curing for 20 hours on day 1.

When the concrete is poured the sheathed tendons within the casting form become completely surrounded by concrete with only the live end tails exposed.

The anchors are cast into and mostly surrounded by the concrete with a portion of its outer surface exposed inside a“pocket” of negative space created by a plastic pocket former set into the exterior face of the concrete structure. 

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