


2024-11-26 10:24:29 | ChatGPT
  1. 電源回路と発光回路との間、および、発光回路と制御回路との間の少なくとも一方に設けられた絶縁体。
  2. ChatGPT:

    An insulator provided in at least one of the locations between the power supply circuit and the light-emitting circuit, and between the light-emitting circuit and the control circuit.

  3. あなた:
    How about "An insulator provided between the power supply circuit and the light-emitting circuit, and/or between the light-emitting circuit and the control circuit"?
  4. ChatGPT:

    Your version, "An insulator provided between the power supply circuit and the light-emitting circuit, and/or between the light-emitting circuit and the control circuit," is clear and concise, and it accurately conveys the idea of "at least one of" in this context. Using "and/or" here is a natural and efficient way to express the inclusivity of both possibilities.

    This phrasing is more streamlined than the original translation and is perfectly suitable, especially in technical or patent-related contexts where clarity and brevity are important.

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