"His-tagged Racl was preloaded with -yP32-GTP and the rate of 32Pi release(32Pi遊離率)from [psi]32-GI[Psi] is plotted in the presence of increasing concentrations of each type of SODl. D) A time course of NADPH-dependent <1>O2 generation by isolated PMEF endosomes was measured in the presence or absence of human WT-SODl or L8Q-SOD1. Results in Panels C and D are representative of three experiments. E) Racl was immunoprecipitated (JP) from brain tissue of G93 A-SODl transgenic mice or control littermates followed by Western blotting (WB) for SODl and Racl."
"[0026] Figure 4 shows representative 1-MCP release rate(遊離率)from formulations containing bentonite. Samples L, M, and N contain 0.1 % I-MCP, and Samples O and P contain 0.5% 1- MCP."
"Measurements were normalized to control (0 mg/ml, hollow bar) to determine a %free(%遊離率)rhILIRa in solution = (CPM of sample/CPM of control) x 100. Data are stable within 24h of entrapment; data shown here at 96 hours of equilibration (n=5, mean + SD). Results indicate that the ELPs are able to entrap between 25-55% of this compound upon mixing."
" The percentage release(遊離率)of ANTS/DPX at 90 min was calculated as percentage release = ((F - Fo)/(F10o - F0)) x 100, where F0 and Fioo are baseline and maximal fluorescence, respectively. 1% Triton treatment is used to determine the maximum amount of liposomal release per assay, and this value sets the 100% value."
バズリクソンズA2:第9週 5時間前
曲げR、曲率半径:そうか単位は度じゃなかった 4日前
バズリクソンズA2:第8週 1週間前
バズリクソンズA2:第8週 1週間前
量子デバイス 1週間前
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ラインモへ移行 2週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前
二代目ウサギ 2週間前