

Looking at materials in a new perspective

2009-03-16 18:10:36 | Weblog
Conchita, as I stated at the onset I did not
do much in terms of fabrication. Coating,
of course, continued, but no image here.

The most important thing that happened today was
that I delivered my pieces to the new shop.
It was a beautiful shop, it really was!

Let us hope that they will sell well there...
If not, I will retrieve them and talk to other

What you see below is a piece of beech. I went to
a DIY shop on my way home and I found it there.
I got it for JPY 980.

Picturewise, it does not give you a feel for its
dimension, but it is large, large enough for
something like 10 toast placers, each selling at

JPY 1500, I think...So, not a bad deal in itself.

This next image is a blow... This cube in the middle is
one of the 12 pieces of the same size I bought for JPY 100.

However, each of those on either side set me back by
JPY 110! Can you top that!!! I only bought them out of curiosity.
Darker natural colours mean they will shine out, when coated.

Here is an assortment of other things I bought at JPY 100.
All of these come from China, or Vietnam, only God knows what
other places on earth they come from.

The point is that they are fairly precision made and
very affordable... Right now I am most interested in the
spheres, 6cm in diam, and solid!

I culd make them myself, but that would be extremely
time consuming. My gut feeling is that it would take
2 to 3 hours to fabricate a sphere of this size.

All this makes me think... If I can computerise
my milling machine I will be happily producing
at least some of these myself...

Until then, I will have to be content with
what I can outsource, not too bad, that...?

Spheres, sphres, spheres, what will they become?
Vessels?, likley, what else?

パエ-リャ 232

2009-03-16 18:09:58 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy aqui, no podia hacer mucho...
Ha sido muy caliente. Estoy seguro de que
este clima continuara durante algun tiempo.

Ahora, vamos?

En el momento en que haya mas situaciones stresantes
en casa!

por haber hemos probado
(for having been tried)

por haber probado
(for having tested)

Son heces blandas como papilla!


El gatito saca mucha baba y espuma
de la pastilla!

Como hago para que mi gato vuelva a tener apetito!?

Contestame rapido por que se me muere mi gato!

los machos y las hembras

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

I would have liked to have do so!

I would not say it is as bad as that!

10P to get in, plus the charges on what you do!

I will give Heathlow a ring!

We are in for it!

Be happy with what you have got!

How long have you been away?

Conchita, this should suffice for today.
Vaya con Dios!

Hand washing boards?, bread placers

2009-03-15 17:42:47 | Weblog
Today, quite a lot of Chinese spoons went mat,
along with a similar number of forc-knives and
mini scrapers (no formal name yet).

My stock is building up and I am most
pleased about it...

The first image below indicating the status at
which rice handlers are now. One standing is
coating ready.

I actually have 7 more outside this image and
I may not work on them any further until these
are proved to sell.

Here below, just showing you where I am
with respect to brush hangers. One was delivered
to S's today, with the saucepan bed. Hope they will

sell...Oh, I forgot to mention that these parts
for the hangers were rounded at the edges.

Here below, those edge rounded pieces are now
ready for coating. Since I am not going to
coat them with my usual polyurethane I would

normally coat them in my bedroom, but I will
not be doing that this evening, as I have a large
number of chopstics to deal with.

You see a board in this image. It is so obvious
what it is meant to be for. What do you call it?
Washing board? I am not sure.

Anyway, I was asked to coat this for A's.
She had bought it for JPY 700 and intends to
sell one (once coated by me) for JPY 1100.

All this makes me think...

I am not involved in this transaction except
my coating labour. All she can hope for is
JPY 400. If I ask for my time and coating

material her gain would be less. It is not that
I will ask for my bit. The idea here is that
I can make this myself, for a lot less...

Perhaps, at something like JPY 120...

Not only that, this is so much like my
toast placers. My gut feeling is that I will
produce something which will act as a shallow

saucer on one side and the toast placer on
the other side, something along that line...

All these ideas are only possible because I now
have a much more powerful milling machine.

In fact, at S's we talked about my pierce box
having a dark top layer (cemented at the top).
In order to do that I will need to loose

something like 5mm thicknes from the top of
cube. Again, this process is made ever
easy with my milling machine...

For that matter, the replacement 5 mm thick
dark top layers can be easily fabricated
by the same machine...

No need for planing..., that is the idea!

パエ-リャ 231

2009-03-15 17:42:26 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Se ha calido el dia de hoy, sin viento
para hablar de ... Parece que la primavera
ha llegado por fin aqui.

Entonces, vamos?

Solo me salen residencias clinicas!

salen mucho a cenar!

Me ha salido mal!

Quien me puede decir como se deice DOUNOKOUNO?

DOUNOKOUJO, pero ya se me paso!

a cause de todo un poco

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles, no?

DOUNOKOUNO, that is why!

You just stay put!

Try and lose your chaser!

That was a poetic language!

It is just like everything else!

It has already been done!

We can save some for after!

It was everyman for himself!

Conchita, this should suffice for now. Take care!

Tropical cross reference

2009-03-15 01:15:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I am mindful of the likelihood of me
making continued references to the tropical zone,
in particular to those large islands in the South China Sea.

This I view as inevitable. After all I spent a large
amount of ship time in the region, often wondering
if any one of all those islands in view might have

been the one where the Mosla and the King Kong
were born... I was already longing to see what it
was like out up there in the distant future...

The episode on the other side of the region is
reflected in my "Across the Miles". We talked about it
once, of course. I now realise that it did form

the foundation for my current thinking...

You can visit this episode by reversing the log viewing
order by pressing the right position and looking around
amongst the first 10 pages or so.

Que rapido pasa el tiempo!, no?

パエ-リャ 230

2009-03-14 18:16:53 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy aqui, estaba lloviendo al principio,
pero se convirtio soleado en el fin.
Manya-na deberia estar bien, y tambien, esperemos caliente ...

Entonces, vamos?

Cuando te sientes con fuerza, empieza a correr todos
los dias!


Recuerda que no hay modas milagrosas que te quiten
los kilos en dos dias sentada en casa!

Residencias para mascotas?


En concreto gata, para dejarla
cuando me vaya fuera de viaje...


Ya he buscado por internet, pero no se si
estoy buscando correctamente!

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles!

They did more harm than they did good!

The days are long gone when DOUNOKOUNO!

Dry weather is just about everywhere!.

That is a matter of judgement!

Have you had the opprotunity to put
to him that DOUNOKOUNO?

OK, I will play it your way!

Media blow things up!

Surely at some stage we have to bury the past!

Conchita, I would not want to...
That Italo and all that...

Ya me voy!

Calligraphy brush hangers, rice spatulas

2009-03-13 18:29:33 | Weblog
Conchita, well... Today was just one of those
days, really... My problem these days is that
I keep saying to myself "What the hell!"

The hell with it! Today, I took my car for the
regular check up. It costs me, but I feel safer
that way. They notify me for it...

The first image here indicating that I am
now into a mini-mass production of rice

I have 11 of them and 6 of them have been
side banded.

Here below, you are looking at the four sets of
brush hangers on their way to completion. Parts
have been hold, for pegs and pillars.

Here below, you are looking at the side of the arrangement
I used today for making holes at an angle.

This is not to my liking, at all...
The whitish square you can see is the one into which
holes are being bored. The two dark triangular

sections are the holding jigs. The issue here is that
these jigs are not connected and as a reult the top
piece might slide up by the lateral pressure

from the vice... Well, it did not happen...

That is exactly why I am feeing very uneasy. In theory,
it should, and it did not. What it means is that
the piece did not slide up due to the friction.

In order to make constistent series of horizontal
hanging bars I need more than that...

My current thinking is that I should make a jig
which will hold my target piece in a very stable
position, reproducible position.

That means that I will need to fabricate a whole
one piece holding jig. That should not be that
difficult, with my milling machine.

All I need to do is to cut out a 90 degree corner
drench with my bit. I think I will do that tommorrow.
Actually, it should be easy...

パエ-リャ 229

2009-03-13 18:28:57 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Cantando bien?, leyendo bien?, comiendo bien?
Creo que si!

Es soleado, bien, pero no fue muy caluroso.
Este mini-temporada de lluvias se puede ir lejos, pero ...
Manya-na va a estar bien?

Vamos, no?

la polemica modelo Kate Moss

una travesia por una de las laderas del pico

en virtud de los acuerdos de colaboracion

el procedimiento se puso en marcha

la unida canina especializada en la busca de personas

en primer lugar NANINANI, y posteriormente

Quisiera algunos consejos!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

That should not mean tearing up the whole thing
by the roots!

That is why srrong language is neccesary!

How would the average Englishman feel about NANINANI,

I just do not know!

What chance do we stand?

You cannot turn your back on!

It makes you think you are not wanted!

Cocnhi, todo esto es bastante para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Chinese spoons and rice handlers

2009-03-12 17:39:14 | Weblog
Conchita, there was an outing by car in the morning,
but that apart I could concentrate on things at hand.

Those on the first image continued with type C
polyurethane, except those cubes and they took
type A polyurethane.

So did these chopstics, A second. Those
which underwent A second yesterday are now
resting so that they can catch up with these.

Coating is getting a bit complicated...

These Chnese spoons here below are now ready
for going mat. They are resting until others
can catch up...

However, those saucepan placers at the corners
went straight to B coating, which is normally
reserved for connifers.

It does not matter. Nobody is going to lick them,
or place edible things on these. So, tommorrow
they will be delivered to shops.

Below, you see another set of Chinese spoons. They are
popular and I need to keep a stock. See how whitish
they look? It is all due to random reflection by dusts

on the surface. Once A coated they will look more

Here below, I completed one of the rice handling
spatulas for coating ready. Its overall shape is
a copy of the plastic equivalent that my wife uses.

However, mine is much more refined. There are concave
and convex surfaces, slots, and side-bars. My intention is
to sell one for JPY 1900, minimum.

Of course, I will have to hear what shop people have to say.
You think slots are too wide? It does not matter...
Ric grains are sticky enough!

I am now trying to produce a lot more of these.

Today, I also bought materials for 4 more brush
hangers. I will work on them tommorrow. I now have
one almost completed and it got coated by B.

Again, nobody is going to use it with food. So,
it does not matter whatever coating is made on them...

I will be expected to be busy tommorrow withh this and