

パエ-リャ 228

2009-03-12 17:38:54 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui hoy, ha sido soleado, pero frio y ventoso.
Manya-na se espera que este soleado, tambien.
Entonces, vamos?


las tareas de rescate

a la primera hora de la manya-na

una persona desaparecida en la vaguada

al final de las pistas de esqui

por ello

el rumor de fondo sobre un posible embarzo

la toma de posesion del nuevo presidente

Conchi, vamos ingles!

Anything short of that is no good to him!

At the rate of the numbers have been going,
my chance to fly is about two days away!

To cut a long story short

a piece of land cut up into many allotments

He does not have the mind for NANINANI!

Stay still!, understood!?

Judge for yourself!

He got a whiplash injury when there was a crash!

Optical fibres are thin glass strands!

I would not mind as long as I have
enough money to live on!

Conchita, that should be enough for now!
Take care!

Chinese spoons, wooden funnels, rice lifters

2009-03-11 17:44:48 | Weblog
Today, there was no outing by car and I had a full
time for my pieces.

First thing in the morning on my coating.
No image here. There was a bit of an experiment,
but no photo either of that...

Most of my time was spent on the Chinese spoons.
I have to get them out of the way as soon as possible.
See below?

These 7 pieces were roughly concaved and then
finely polished in 40 minutes in all. This is
no too bad.

However, stem end of each has not been
polished yet. The next schematic will tell you

With the larger flap foil I can only polish
most of the front end. Tommorrow, I will have to
use the smaller flapper to finish off the rest.

Convex ends have been OK, no problem here.

Today, I also tried out my new type of rice
lifters. Whiter one is a template, and the one
to which it is leaning against is the real piece.

It may appear flat, but it is not going to be.
It will be conved and concaved, too, and on top
of that the stem will be side-banded.

Here below, you see the side bands fixed to the stem.
The other piece here is the brush hanger, temporarilly
assembled. Not all the pegs have been fixed, yet.

This afternoon, I managed to speak to A's. She said
that the offer I made to her was OK with her. Not only that,
she had found another shop with which I can deal.

It is in another town nearby. With the demise in other places
I have been pessimistic, but this new shop may
turn out to be profitable enough... I will see...

A local girl made a suggestion for wooden funnels.
I am attracted to her idea. Apparently, metal kinds
do not work well... I will need to make sure

I understand her problem here. It was all mentioned in a
fleeting conversation...

パエ-リャ 227

2009-03-11 17:44:21 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estoy seguro de que estas feliz con tu familia!

La prevision era de lluvia, pero no
la lluvia al final. No era demasiado
frio, pero no caliente cualquiera.

Ahora, vamos?


DOKOSOKO estaba investigando si alguno de los
productos fue distribuido en Reino Unido

por septimo a-nyo consecutivo

en busca de NANINANI

la mujer atrapada por un alud de nieve

a las 17:00 horas de ayer

El numero ha ido aumentando a lo largo del dia!

dos perros de busqueda y rescante

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles, no?

I have periodic contacts with him!

The chemical tanker veered off the road!

They described it as like an atomic explosion

(Note: No mis-transcription in above)

Such surprise is surprising!

(Note: There is no "a" here)

Stay still! Freeze!

I am 400 passengers away!

Conchi, let us call it a day, shall we?
Vaya con Dios!

The International Space Station, Chinese spoons

2009-03-10 17:57:56 | Weblog
Conchita, I had a full day today. The weather has
been a bit funny, though...

Caoting continued at different levels. There are new
members, as seen to the left of the following image.

Here below, you have some more ear piercers', plus
seen to the right are cooking chopstics. Their first
A coating. I will be busy with them from now on...

Floppy? butterknives are now on to C coating, because
they are of hard wood.

What took up most of my time today were thoese
seen below, Chinese spoons.

With these I meant to put into practice my grand unified
theory of spoon formation. However, as it turned out
I ignored my theory...

The most crucial part of my theory was how to loose
the gap volume. I had a good and long look at the
potential gap volume, and then I realised that

it was not after all a big deal... I naturally have
some reservation about these Chinese spoons, in that
it seems to take up a lot of my time.

I now know why... It is those individual steps that
you need to to follow. Individually, they are not that
time comsuming. They simply add up...

So, those 11 pieces on the left were done in about
90 minutes. Those on the right are yet to be done.

I am thinking of the total amount of time, outside
my coating, and my gut feeling is that each of these
Chinese spoons takes up about 45 minutes of my time.

Theri selling price? I do not remember well, but
something like JPY 1200. Much better to work at Mac!

What follows below are the sequences of my International
Space station being assembled. It looks simple,
but you need to think aout the order in which parts

are assembled. The biggest reasos is that peg holes
are very deep so that when struck in they are
perpendicular to the surface without any further

assistance. And, that means you cannot strike the
pegs as you please. You need to follow certain

These members are not glued. Sheer friction does the job...
Of course, you need to setp on the whole lot to make sure
they sit flat. What the hell! All I get from each of these

is mere JPY 2500! Oh, I forgot to upload my brush thing.
Tommorrow, oh my milling machine is doing a wonder with
these grids and brush hangers, too!

パエ-リャ 226

2009-03-10 17:57:28 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Estas bien? Creo que si!

Ha sido un dia divertido. Comenzo lluvioso
y calido + sol y, a continuacion,
el trueno! Se esta calentando, pero ...

Entonces, vamos?

la cantidad de paises que podrian haber
importado la carne

esta en el rango de 20, 25 paises

Son desde luego menos de 30!

Esos se descubrio provenian de irlanda!

el alimento para cerdos contaminado

Conchita, this makes me think...
OK, I can take it, but... Vamos ingles!

There is no douubt in my mind that DOUNOKOUNO!

Have a drink of water!

Which of DOUNOKOUNO do you find most interesting?

It is likley to be much more the other way!?

You are not going to let yourself into DOUNOKOUNO!

I have been taken out of context!

Cocnchi, ya me voy. Take care!

Things out of somewhere, something...

2009-03-09 17:59:29 | Weblog
Conchita, the only outing by car today was for
my shopping at a DIY.

The first image here is a set of materials I am
going to use for the brush hanger. The problem
here is that they are rather expensive...

I will need to recover something like
JPY 2500, at the least to recover costs.

See below? These are an assortment of pieces
I bought at a 100 yen shop. All inclusive it set me
back by JPY 900.

There are small spheres, cubes, pillars, and
a host of rectanguler blocks of wood. I place these
at my bedside and think how and what they might be

turned into. Minimum selling price for the whole
lot of these will have to be no less than JPY 10,000.
Mind you, I will be working on them...

What is below is a bit blurred. The block on the left
is for 3 sets of saucer placers, each selling at JPY 2500.

I had to work on the ear piercers things at the front,
for stability. It cost me some time...

Discks on the right were also sanded for maximum
bonding. They may turn into something.

Yes, two images below. I started to work for another
set of Chinese spoons. They are popular and constitute
my B&B product.

The problem with these is that they are so much
material consuming and time consuming. And yet,
somehow, perhaps for historical reasons

their selling pirce is amzing low,
at something like JPY 1000...

Yes, I have been pausing a question. Am I
happy doing all this? When should I stop?

One biggest problem is that I am not yet
bored, bored to death. An additional problem is that
I do not feel I have accomplished something

absolutely super. Until that is found I will
probably continue, but my gut feeling now is that
I will be finding myself out in a jungle next year...

Almost certainly, continuing with most of what I do
out down there... I will have my own power supply
installed by the locals, all in order to

comply with shops' requests...

Will I be ever freed from all this?...

パエ-リャ 225

2009-03-09 17:59:02 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Comiendo bien? Cantando bien?

Se ha nublado todo el dia.
No demasiado frio, sin embargo.
Espero que manya-na sera bueno ...

OK, vamos?

La carne contaminada podria haber llegado
a 25 paises

または、podria haber sido exportada a hasta
25 paises


DOUNOKOUNO, que puede provocar problemas de salud!

dounokouno, y con una larga exposicion

El govierno advertio al publico que no los
consumiera (豚製品)

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

He is the one who is in the wrong!

You walk out and stay walked out!

Shake yourself out of it!

That is a bit of blow, is it not!?

It does make you wonder if DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchi, aqui ya me voy. Take care!

Ear piecers, pot placers, Chinese spoons

2009-03-08 18:22:08 | Weblog
Conchita, time flies...
The first pic here came about by accident,
but it really is a reminder.

That temprerature, that wind, those insects,
those voices all around, that sort of things, really...

Anyway, there was an outing by car and I had
little time for anything. So, I worked with cubes.

What follows below are my little containers
for ear pierces. I am dead certain that there are
a wide range of similar placers on the market.

These, however, are meant to be pretty obvious
what these are for, or are they?

One of these even got coated, as per below. What you see
around it are A coated (2nd time) butter knives and
corn flake spoons.

Naturally, a few questions arise here. Will they sell?
I think they will, depending on the price...
My gut feeling is that they should go for JPY1500,

at the least. The reason is emprical, really. I could
even offer them at JPY 300. However, in that case
they are unlikely to sell well...

Pricing is a funny thing, really...

The rest from the last lot are drying at the moment
in my bedroom, ready for tommorrow's C coating.

Here below, you are looking at three sets of
pot placers in parts. These will be connected
by bars.

Thoese at the far back are centre pieces with
4 holes, those on the righ with 2 holes and those
on the left with 3 holes.

My new milling machine is good! Far, far better than I thought!
It is much more powerfull, and no need to worry about
cutting depth at any one time, within a limit, of course.

Depth stopper mechanism is so obviously arranged and
I am greatly helped by it all! And, of course, the centre
finding jig I made recently, too.

I am mindful of the possibility of my jungle
workshop... more about that later

パエ-リャ 224

2009-03-08 18:21:37 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hacia frio otra vez! No solo eso, parecia
como si se tratara de ir a la nieve
en cualquier momento!

Esto seguramente debe ser la inversion de septiembre!


los logros que les han hecho mercer el primo

los procesos antes desconocidos

al ser preguntado por la repurcusion practica

la simetria quebrada espontanea

los constituyentes fundamentales de la materia

en la fisica subatomica

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles?

How can we get through to him!?

Lock it away!

I will give it a try!

Many people go on about this...

It is awful you forget things!

Conchi, ya me voy. Take care!

Chinese spoons, coniffer spoons

2009-03-07 17:56:31 | Weblog
Conchita, today I finished off with the current
lot of chopstics. Of course, there are minor
sandings to follow, but I should be OK.

No photos of those here...

C coating continued. I call it C, because the
identification label on the can says "C". It is
really, surface protection by polyurethane...

Naturally, it is a glossy coating as you can see below.
This is the result of second application. I have 3 more
sessions to go, at the end of the rsult of which you expect

to see wonders!

Forc-knives, too. They are looking better and better!

What is shown below is a combination, of A coating.
Spoons are made of coniffer. Sitting side by side are
broad leaf butter knives, from yesterday's.

Somebody I do not know is leaving for NY. Aparently,
she has been given one of my dinosour butter knives.

She also apparently declared that she would be proudly
showing off my butter knife!

Whatever..., I am pleased that my presents to the factory
are being useful...

I have a nagging thought, though... Have I ever made
an ultimate version of my spoons? I do not think so...

What do they look like? What should the look like?
Perhaps, allmighty spoons? I have got to think over this...