

パエ-リャ 223

2009-03-07 17:56:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Era muy caliente hoy, no hay lluvia.
Primavera no debe estar demasiado lejos ...
Manya-na se espera lluvia, sin embargo.

Entonces, vamos?

No estoy preparada para eso!

a la hora de NANINANI

lo que pasa por algo importante

Tiene que haber un sistema que alientan a los jovenes!

en el mismo sentido

Eso me lleva a darme cuenta de que NANINANI!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

Let me set your fears at rest!

What have you got for me?

He is doing no better, but no worse than NANINANI!

This is something we heard a lot about?!

Yes, we will be looking at that!

We will let you off the hook!

Conchi, enough for now?
Take care!

Chinese spoons, Kota Kinabalu

2009-03-06 18:08:06 | Weblog
Conchita, you know that my wife and daughter
returned from Sicilly some time ago. One of the
things they brought back was the Balsamico vinegar.

When I looked at the bottle I was at a loss...,
because it said "Aceto balsamico". I am not
exacturely sure about Italian definite article,

is it "il"?, then, it was "il aceto Balsamico".
What am I on about there? It is the similarity, or

In the language of the Spaniards the olive oil is
"el aceite de oliva". Did the Romans know better?
I am inclined to think so...

"Aceite" is "Acid" in the language of those...
It cannot be an accident, I should imagine...

Anyway, I did not do a lot today. Coating yes,
but otherwise I spent most of my time today at
S's. However, before going there I did fix

boxes to the walls of my workshop. I managed to fix
4 boxes. See below?

Another one here, and it contains chopstics
halfway to completion. I have got a few more on the
opposite side. These come very handy, I need to keep

things temporarilly, very often.

In the course of sorting out boxes and and
the workshop I found uncompleted butter knives.
What I decided to do was to add side bars.

They are now drying in my bedroom...Overall shape
will be altered, of course. I will see how better they
might become. If they are not good I will throw them


Today, this afternoon I had a good chat at S's.
My pure income turned out to be some JPY 38,000.
Not too bad. If I have 10 shops to del with, then

that could potentially mean a lot... And, I will
try in that direction. We talked and talked a lot
about shop plicy and raw material procurement,

ads, and the range of things that could be displayed
for sale, direct impotrs, colour scheme, etc, etc.

Our unanimous conclusion was that we should aim for
a monthly turnover of JPY 300,000...

That means what?

パエ-リャ 222

2009-03-06 18:07:46 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Aqui, ha estado lloviendo y hoy heladamente frio.
Yo no estoy seguro si la Primavera llegara pronto...
Entonces, vamos?

si bien la decision final

como ultimo recurso

en una rueda de prensa

en el campo de la fisica

el cambio climatica

el pais de procedencia

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

That is a very expressive and graphic expression!

A missile is a thing you throw at somebody!

That was 30 years ago and I am getting on a bit!

Those things are taken for granted!


I get cross with myself when I realise that
I do not know something I should have known!

Conchi, aqui ya me voy y vaya con Dios!

New vision?

2009-03-05 18:12:57 | Weblog
Conchita, it looks as if we were in the middle of
a rainy season, September reversal, perhaps?...

There was a short outing by car, but otherwise
I kept on doing what I had been doing.

Frist image down here, I love it...
showing you the current coating lot of so
many Chienese spoons and forc-knives.

This is the third coating by polyurethane A.
A is for penetration, or immersive coating and
as a result of surface saturation they all

already look glossy.

Tomkorrow on there will be 5 further coatings
by polyuretane C, which is treally glossy, as it
is a protecting coating.

These below did not get coated. I kept them
drying completely for tommorrow's 2nd A

In terms of today's physical output I can only
show chopstics. Those on the left are cooking
chopstics and I am glad to say that they are now

all complete for coating. Those on the right are
23cm long adult chopstics and I have another
15 pairs to form to completion.

That should not take more than a few hours.

Here, you are looking at my little chopstic
forming jig. The square gap is meant for the
maximum width and the small hole for tip diametre.

The large hole for hooking purpose...

Right now, I am pausing a question to myself.
Can I do all this in a foreign country?

Logstics issues, power problems, transportation
and shipping, etc etc.

It is pretty much obvious that I cannot do
all of what I can here, but, I will need a minimum
of samller sanders plus trimmers and above all disk sander!

Sand papers? Wood materials? Internet connections?
Can I go all local? Can I import some of these
from Taiwan? I am unsure...

パエ-リャ 221

2009-03-05 18:12:35 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, hizo sol hoy. Manya-na es esperado
ser lluvioso! Yo no se lo que pasa!

por lo tanto

No me pasa haber dejado ese trabajo!

Solo quiero lo mejor para ti!

la mudanza a la que sera su nueva casa

cuantos antes

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

Take care you do not burn yourself!

When I finish I shall have been all used up!

if only to decide which

Road is blocked in both directions!

Make it two dinners!

Conchita, ya me voy and vaya con Dios!

Cooking chopstics, centre finding jig

2009-03-04 17:49:02 | Weblog
Conchita, it is not that I did no work hard
enough today, but somehow it looks like that way...

First thing in the morning I retrieved yesterday's
and they are shown below.

I will be removing small dfects during the
course of this evening and they will be
ready for shipping tommorrow on.

Needless to say that coating continued on the current
lot, no picture here. Today, I also made a few phone calls
to establish the repair scheme for my belt sander.

I am a lot happier now. Apparently, I can take it
to my local DIY shop for repair.

Above is the first of today's tangible result.
Cooking chopstics. More will follow tommorrow.
The idea here is that they will be coated just

like any other chopstics I make. Tips will not be
smeared by liquids and that is the selling point...

Can you see a short slit in this alminium piece?
This is a line drawing jig, fabricated by my
milling machine.

Can you also see a cube at its foot? The jig is meant
to make a small cross at the centre of these
cubes, so that I can make a hole at these crosses.

Here above, an experimental mini spoon. I am
not happy with this. The curvature is in the
wrong direction.

Iniaitlly, I thought it was going to be OK,
but looking at it compels me to think I made
a blunder...

The idea was to make this side banded, nice and
nice, but...

Cavity making is easy, simple drilling, but
forming the cavity walls is awfully messy.
I am not exactly sure if I want to continue

with these minis...

パエ-リャ 220

2009-03-04 17:48:27 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Esto debe ser el mes mas frio que
he experimentado! No nevo esta manya-
na, pero ha sido heladamente frio!

Ahora vamos?

El oso mide 2 metros i medio!

en los proximos meses

hace apenas dos meses

la fiesta del pasado diciembre

Eso tiene un sabor agriducle!

una sabrosa tarta a base de arroz,
verduras y frutas

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!?

grass stained white trousers

since it is you who raised the matter

I do not get much chance to read NANINANI!

She stormed out of the room!

Cannnot be done otherwise!

Production is slipping back!

We are trying to slot them in!

Our future is anything but secure!

He accepts nothing less than NANINANI!

Conchita, ya me voy. Take care!

The Grand Unified Theory of Spoon Formation

2009-03-03 17:36:58 | Weblog
Not only was it very cold today, Conchita,
but my heart also sank, too...

Anyway, I retrieved the result of yesterday's
A coating. See below. That walnut goes deeper
in colour even after one application of A is

just amazing to me...

I will be working on these this evening, to
remove rudimentary deffects in time for
tommorrow's A coating.

My belt sander dropped dead when I was
starting to sand today's lot. I will have to
take the whole lot to the shop...

I just wonder how long it might take before
it is returned to me...

I have two more belt sanders, but I do not
like them. They are now only meant for my
dinosour butter knives, but I may use one.

So, I spent my time on those seen above.
They are now coating ready.

It occurs to me that I might as well talk
about yesterday's small discovery in spoon
formation as per below.

Schematic A's black line is the top surface
line of any typical spoon. The red line is a
viewing aid.

However, it used to be the top surface line
of my corn flake spoon. In a way, it is cheating.
Abobe the red line I have an additional mound

at the stem end. Its curvature is close to
the originally intended one, except at the
spooning end.

This is illustrated by the schematic B. That is
to say that the actual spooning area top line
is (or, was)the line in red!

How come I left it like that? Well, you just
hold this spoon and you do not feel anything odd,
all thanks to the hump at the stem end.

Actually, C is a much better configuration.
Why on earth did I not then form my spoon
as in this last side profile?

The answer is that loosding the gap as in C
right at the start of spoon formation is
by disk sander and it is a messy job.

Simply, the area sanded out is large,
larger than the spooning area itself,
offering so much resistance to sanding.

Actually, there is more to it than just that.
Loosing the gap as in C is also loosing the
cavity depth. It becomes shallower, too.

Until recently, cavity formation was one
of the most time consuming job. However,
my another insight into this cavity

formation process, i.e., use of the spiky
ball rotating at RPM 12,000, has freed me
from this heavy boring task.

Now, I do not mind loosing the cavity depth, at all.
I go happily deeper than eventually required.

Once you have done that loosing the gap is
micky-mouse business. Much less resistance
because the area to be sanded out is almost

non-existent! You only need to sand down the rims!

I am plaising myself on this very much, as you
can well imagine. This is a tactic that can
be employed with any other spoons.

So much for the recent discovery.

It makes me think, too. It is just like
the Grand Unified Theory. Poeple over the last
700 years have contributed to it (not just yet complete),

bringing their own small (?) ideas.

My own spoon formation is also based on my other
small discoveries. Combined, they are a force
to be reckoned with!

Here above, I spent the rest of this afternoon
on chopstics, a longer version for a better
selling price...

パエ-リャ 219

2009-03-03 17:36:25 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Esta soleado alla?

Aqui, muy frio en este momento.
Parece que va a nevar pronto.
Se ha producido solo un dia soleado

durante los ultimos 10 días! Vamos?

un tesoro de datos

Esto se remonta a 1971!

una puntuacion alta

Tu fuiste calificado como feliz!

las personas con mas conexiones sociales

cada persona feliz adicional, te hace
mas feliz!

un amigo de un amigo

Conchi, ya vamos ingles!

Situation is laxed!

by the smae token

We lunched together in Vienna!

He came second in the contest!

A headline caught my eye!

even after 30 scrubs

Conchi, ya me voy? Take care!

Zero impedence outlet, Chinese spoons

2009-03-02 17:57:56 | Weblog
It has been sunny-cold. I am glad that a large number
of Chinese spoons and forc-knives were
subjected to the first A coating.

See the first image? Only part of what now
exists in the coating shed...

The last lot was retrieved and will be subjected to
mat coating tommorrow, then delivery. I will be applying
my TSK this evening.

Below, you see my impedance free chamber. This is
a large volume of space.

The idea is this. There is a Hoover inside my
workshop. As far as it is concerend the outlet
resistence is almost zero, due to this large

volume of fre space adjacent to the workshop.
The Hoover and the chamber is connected via
flexible pipe.

Naturally, all the usual filters have been removed,
so that wood particles are immediately
directed into the chamber upon intake.

Above is the result after about a year. Outlet
pipe is inserted into a vessel. There was water
in it, now completely evaporated.

The idea was that water molecules will cling
to dust particles. I had a look in the vessel.
There was only a small amount of dusts.

My guess is that the outlet pressure has
blown them out from the vessel and piled up
all around it, as you cann see from this image.

Here, upon removing the dusts.

However, most of my time today was spent on
walnut chopstics. What you find below gave me a new
insight into the formation of spoons.

I may come back to this subject, since it is
a revolutionary way of saving time. Suffice
to say, as a result, the rims were wider.

Can you see that?

Today, I managed to cut out 24 pairs at
23cm in length. I need more and in different
lengths, too.

Even here, there was a small discovery. Up until
today, I used to concnetrate on using disc-sander
before subjecting all the chopstics in one go

to the belt sanding operation.

From now on, each pair will go through dual
cycle sanding before next pair is workd on.

Again, I may talk about this in some more details, later.
My wokrs at A's are apparently selling well...
There is a request for more of my Chinese spoons!

Apparently, there is none left after only a week
of display!