

☆ オール沖縄会議による署名行動の呼びかけ

2023年03月07日 | 平和憲法

 ☆ 「辺野古新基地建設の断念を求めます」
   Stop the new base in Henoko with your signature (With English!)

☆ 今すぐ賛同 ☆

 発信者:辺野古新基地を造らせない オール沖縄会議
 宛先:岸田文雄 (内閣総理大臣)、3人の別の宛先

 ※ 公式ホームページはこちらから
 ※ 国会請願署名の〆切りを延長しました3月中旬 → 5月19日(金)
















申  入  書




 辺野古移設に反対する民意は今も変わることなく、2022年の沖縄県知事選挙で改めて示されました。2019年2月の県民投票でも72%が辺野古埋立てに反対し、今回を含めた 3 回の知事選挙で県民の意思は一貫しています。



 埋立て予定の大浦湾側には軟弱地盤があり、政府が工事を続けるには地盤改良の為の「設計変更」が必要で知事の承認を得なければなりません。知事は 2021 年 11 月、政府の「設計変更承認申請」に対して、法律に基づき厳正に審査して「不承認」としました。これに対して政府は、国民のための権利救済を目的とした行政不服審査制度を濫用して 2022 年 4 月、不承認を取り消す「裁決」を行いました。現在、県は「裁決」は違法・無効として、その取り消しを求める訴訟を起こしています。




★ ★ ★



 「オール沖縄会議」は2015 年 12 月、県民の総意として首相に手交した「建白書」(2013 年1月)の実現のために結成されました。



 結成から7 年。県民の民意は、県民投票や3 度の県知事選挙で一貫して新基地建設に反対を示してきました。


 2022年11月 共同代表 稲嶺進、高里鈴代、金城徹、大城紀夫、糸数慶子


< Let's leave the world-important Henoko and Oura Bay area >

   The Henoko and Oura Bay areas are rich in biodiversity with more than 5,300 species, including 262 endangered species such as dugongs. They keep the largest number of species in Japan. In 2019, the NGO Mission Blue acknowledged the area as the first “Pope Spot”in Japan in recognition of its scientific,cultural, and tourist value as a globally important marine area. This is a great joy and pride for both the region and Japan.This nature, which cannot be restored once destroyed, need to be preserved  for human life.

<The people of Okinawa are opposed to the construction of the new Henoko base>

 In January 2013, a "Petition" calling for the withdrawal of the Osprey deployment, the closure of the Futenma Air Station, and the withdrawal and abandonment of the relocation within the prefecture, was handed to the Prime Minister with the signatures and seals of all 41 municipalities in Okinawa Prefecture and the chairmen of the assemblies. In the 10 years since, the consensus of the people of Okinawa has not been realized. Furthermore, the will of the people against the relocation to Henoko was also shown in the 2022 Okinawa governor election.
   In the prefectural referendum held in February 2019, 72% of the voters were against the Henoko reclamation. The will of the Okinawan people has been consistent in the three consecutive gubernatorial elections, including this one.

<The background to oppose the construction of the new base >

  The reason why Okinawans oppose the construction of a new base is because, if the Japanese people want the US military to be stationed in Japan, the bases should be equally distributed nationwide.
  The current situation is that 70.3% of the US military facilities are concentrated in Okinawa Prefecture,which accounts for 0.6% of the prefecture's total land area. From the reversion to Japan in 1972 until the end of 2019,there were 6,029 criminal offenses committed by US military personnel, and 811 U.S. military aircraft-related accidents.
 In December 2021, there was an explosive spread of the new coronavirus, which is thought to have come to Okinawa through the US military. In addition, PFAS, which is said to be carcinogenic and remains in the body, was detected in the water sources around the US military bases and in the soil of elementary schools, which shocked Okinawans.

<The Henoko relocation is a new fixation of the US military base.>

 The new Henoko base is a fixed US military one with expanded   and enhanced functions, such as a naval port, ammunition depot, and two runways that are not present at Futenma Air Station.
 The wish of the people (of the prefecture) is to consolidate,  reduce, and remove the bases. The construction of new base(s) that will continue for future generations is unacceptable.

<The Henoko new base would not eliminate the danger from Futenma Air Station>

 There exists soft ground at the planned landfilling site in the Oura Bay. For the government to continue the construction, it   must need the prefectural governor’s approval over  "the design change for the construction" to improve the ground.
 In November 2021, after reviewing the design change application rigorously based on the laws and the scientific verification methods carried out by the experts in geology and the environment, the governor decided not to approve the design changes.
  The Japan’s government has announced that the construction will cost 930 billion yen, however, according to the prefectural estimate, it will cost 2.55 trillion yen.The construction period has also been extended from the initial five years to the next  12 years.
  As of August 2022, only 12. 3% of the total amount of earth and sand has been so far used for landfilling. In July 2020, the Okinawa Henoko Survey Team, which consisted of the geological experts scientifically demonstrated the failure of the construction. The team said that "There is a risk that the government's design change will cause the bank’s protection to collapse, even with a seismic intensity level of 1."
  Continuing the new base construction in Henoko, which may or  may not be completed as a relocation site, will not eliminate the dangers of MCAS Futenma Air Station as quickly as possible.

< Stop the new base in Henoko with your signature >

  By signing the petition, you will be able to know not only the real situation of the construction for the new Henoko base, but also the thoughts of the people of the prefecture.
  We urge both the Japanese and US governments to abandon the   construction of the new base, which is being unilaterally imposed against the will of the people of Okinawa and the local government.
 The signature campaign is scheduled up to mid-June next year. We will send the following application forms together with your signatures to the relevant organizations.


Movement: We demand that the construction of the new base in Henoko be abandoned.
Originator: All-Okinawa Kaigi to stop the Construction of a New Henoko Base
Addresses:  Prime Minister of Japan
                    President of the United States
                    Minister of Defense

   The mayors of all 41 municipalities and the chairmen of the assemblies signed and stamped a petition requesting that the citizens of Okinawa have wanted to implement the “burden reduction” from the U.S. military bases.  In January 2013, the Prime minister was handed the petition calling for the withdrawal of the Osprey deployment, the closure and removal of the Futenma Air Station, and the abandonment of its relocation plan to Henoko. 10 years have passed since then, but the consensus of the people of Okinawa has still not been implemented.
    The public opinion against the relocation to Henoko has not changed, and it has once again been demonstrated in the 2022 Okinawa gubernatorial election.  In the February 2019 prefectural referendum, 72% of the people of the prefecture opposed the Henoko land reclamation. And the  the will of the prefectural residents has been consistent even in the three gubernatorial elections, including this year’s one.
     A public opinion poll of all citizens also showed that a majority of the respondents opposed the construction of the new base in Henoko. The construction of the new Henoko base should be discussed by the entire nation and a democratic solution should be sought.
    The citizens of the prefecture have been forced to bear the burden of the excessive concentration of US military bases.  The new base construction in Henoko is the new establishment of  US military base with expanded and enhanced functions such as a naval port, ammunition depot and two runways that are not exist at the present MCAS Futenma.  The wish of the citizens of the prefecture is to consolidate, reduce, or remove the bases, but not to build new bases.
    There exists a soft ground at the planned relocation site in the Oura Bay. For the Government, in order to continue the construction, a “design change” to improve the ground is necessary, and also the design must be approved by the prefectural governor. In November 2021, the governor disapproved the design change for the approval application, reviewing it rigorously and being based on the law. In response, the Government abused the administrative appeal system aimed at relieving the rights of the people. And in April 2022, it made a decision to approve the design change application by overruling the local government’s decision. Currently, the prefectural government has filed a lawsuit to nullify the judgment as they believe it to be illegal and invalid.
    The Government has announced that the construction cost will be 930 billion yen, and the construction period will take 12 years, however, the prefectural government estimates it to be 255 trillion yen. Priority should be given to relieving people's livelihoods suffering from the corona crisis and high prices.
   In July 2020, the Okinawa Henoko Survey Team, which consists of geological experts, scientifically demonstrated the failures of the new design to construct the base on the soft ground, saying, "There would be a risk that the seawall may collapse even with a seismic intensity of 1."
   As of August 2022, the amount of earth and sand used  for the base construction is only 12,3% of the total. Adhering to the new base at Henoko as the relocation site for Futenma Air Station, which may or may not be completed over a long period of time, will not eliminate the dangers of the Futenma airfield as soon as possible.
    The governments of Japan and the United States should abandon the construction of the new Henoko base, which is being unilaterally carried out against the will of the Okinawan people and the local autonomy.


All Okinawakaigi to stop the construction of the new Henoko base

   The 'All Okinawakaigi' was formed in December 2015 to realize the petition handed to the Prime Minister (in January 2013) as the consensus of the people of Okinawa.

   We have been strongly demanding to reduce the excessive U.S. base burden on Okinawa and to stop discrimination against Okinawa by the Government. We especially have demanded the withdrawal of Osprey deployment, the closure and removal of the Futenma Air base, and the abandonment of the relocation for the Futenma base within the prefecture.

   The organization calls on all Okinawa citizens to join the campaign through “Shimagurumi Kaigi” or “island-wide conference”, which was launched in each municipality. It has been acting by the mobilization from political parties, labor unions, civil society groups and individuals with the principle of respecting identity rather than ideology.

   Seven years have passed since the formation. The public opinion of the people of the prefecture has consistently shown opposition to the construction of the new base in the prefectural referendum and three prefectural gubernatorial elections.

   We never give up!

   We will continue to work hard to realize the petition reaching out to Uchinanchu, or Okinawans around the world, conveying the current situation of Okinawa to the international community, and brighten up the future of democracy and local autonomy as well as Okinawa's.

Co-representative: Inamine Susumu, Takazato Suzuyo, Kinjo Tohru, Ohshiro Norio, Itokazu Keiko

☆ 今すぐ賛同 ☆



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