早稲田大学 横浜稲門会 ブログ


英語で話そう会 6月例会のご報告

2023年06月11日 12時14分55秒 | 英語で話そう会

 This month's session for the "英語で話そう会" was held on June 10 with the discussion topic on "ChatGPT", which acquired one million users just in the first five days after it launched. 

 Several members of the club have already signed up and started asking questions to ChatGPT and shared them how ChatGPT responded to each questions to other members. Here are some of the questions asked;

  • Please create lyrics for a love song.
  • Please create a HAIKU with a word related to summer.
  • Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
  • How can I improve my golf skill?

 Some of outcomes or answers were not what we expected or sounded somehow funny but everyone was amazed by the depth of information it provided and how it sounded as if a human being is responding.

 Many of us agreed that too much dependency on ChatGPT will take away our creativity and should use it as a one of tool to gather inforamtion and to have fun chatting with AI.

 This month's topic was selected by Ms. Yoshinaka. It was a good opportunity to catch up with the state-of-art technology. Hope you sign up as well.

"英語で話そう会" is holding a session on second Saturday of every month from 10 am at "横浜稲門会事務所".  If you are interested in English or you want to brush up your English-speaking ability, then this is the right place for you!  Please contact 小板橋(marchkoitabashi@yahoo.co.jp) or 小林(soccer_foot04@yahoo.co.jp).

Written by T. Kobayashi



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英語で話そう会 5月例会のご報告

2023年05月26日 23時49分58秒 | 英語で話そう会

 This month's session for the "英語で話そう会" was held on May 13 with the discussion topic  "reading English magazine’s article that is tribute to Mr. Sakamoto Ryuichi, and talking about your favorite music (i.e., musical genre, musical instrument, song, singer, & etc.) now and then”.

 Since the article clipping from the Economist issued on Apr.8  is rather difficult to read for us, its Japanese translation made by AI tool (Microsoft Bing) was shared for our reference by the presenter Ms. Ajima. It was interesting to see how current AI tool translates English sentences to Japanese. We found AI’s translation useful but not sophisticated enough, with some inadequate Japanese descriptions. Since some of our members of “英語で話そう会” also belong to  “俳句の会“, they pointed out that our mother tongue Japanese is much more complicated and difficult to learn than any other languages. 

 While in the session of talking about our favorite music now and then (“then” is when you were a Waseda University student), there were so many interesting and exciting stories told by each member, in English and sometimes in Japanese. Stories related to Sakamoto Ryuichi’s YMO - techno-pop, Merry Christmas Mr. Laurence/Last Emperor - film-music, rock, fusion, jazz, Waseda Univ. High Society Orchestra, classic, 70-80’s disco dance music, J-pops, Yamashita-Tatsuro’s song, Enka, Karaoke (横浜稲門会カラオケクラブ), playing piano, Yamaha-Electone, guitar, drums, trombone, flute, & etc.… were shared.

"英語で話そう会" is holding a session on second Saturday of every month from 10 am at "横浜稲門会事務所".  If you are interested in English or you want to brush up your English-speaking ability, then this is the right place for you!  Please contact 小板橋(marchkoitabashi@yahoo.co.jp) or 小林(soccer_foot04@yahoo.co.jp).

Written by Y. Ajima minor edition by T. Kobayashi

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英語で話そう会 4月例会のご報告

2023年04月09日 12時16分42秒 | 英語で話そう会

This month's session for the "英語で話そう会" was held on April 8 with the discussion topic  "Japanese bird researcher 1st in the world to prove animals use words, grammar".

A documentary clip on the topic was shared at first by the presenter, Mr. Sudo, using a projector. It was intersting to see how birds actually exchange information with other birds using different sounds and how the professor went through different experiment to finally determined that birds do actually use words and grammar.  Most of us were convinced that birds do communicate after watching the documentary. 

A bird is one of very familiar animals to us aside from dogs and cats. However,  since we hear them chirping but rarely see them, we take their existence for granted. It was good to step back and realize how their lives are closely related to ours.

"英語で話そう会" is holding a session on second Saturday of every month from 10 am at "横浜稲門会事務所".  If you are interested in English or your want to brush up your English speaking ability then this is the right place for you!  Please contact 小板橋(marchkoitabashi@yahoo.co.jp) or 小林(soccer_foot04@yahoo.co.jp).

Written by T. Kobayashi

(scenes from the session)

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英語で話そう会 3月例会のご報告

2023年03月12日 18時51分43秒 | 英語で話そう会

This month's session for the "英語で話そう会" was held on March 11 with the discussion topic of "What does the James Webb Space Telescope do?"

Since the topic was concerning space which is far fetch form our every day daily life. Everyone needed to switch ones mind and had to think broader.  
That was a brain twisting experience!  There are 200 billion galaxies and each galaxy has 200 billion stars!  Indeed, astronomical numbers!

It was interesting to find that almost all of members belived in the existence of another lifeform in the galaxy and if they ever meet an alien that they
are willing to be friend with.  

"英語で話そう会" is holding a session on second Saturday of every month from 10am at "横浜稲門会事務所".  If you are interested in English or your
want to brush up your English speaking ability then this is the right place. Please contact 小板橋(marchkoitabashi@yahoo.co.jp) or

Written by T. Kobayashi

(scenes during the session)

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英語で話そう会 2月例会のご報告

2023年02月13日 21時45分42秒 | 英語で話そう会
英語で話そう会の2月例会は、2月11日(土)に「Will the next car you buy be gasoline engine or electric?」

その次には、「If you are to buy a vehicle today, which vehicle would you choose, Electric vehicle or 
Gasoline powered vehicle?」という問いに対して、メンバーからは電気自動車の功罪を踏まえての意見が述べ


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英語を話そう会 1月例会のご報告

2023年01月15日 22時09分35秒 | 英語で話そう会
英語を話そう会1月例会は、1月14日(土)に「My Favorite Place」というテーマにて開催されま



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英語で話そう会 12月の活動報告

2022年12月10日 23時09分49秒 | 英語で話そう会

 12月の例会では、昨年の横浜市長選挙でも争点となった「カジノ」について「Having casions in Japan does more good than harm」と言うテーマでディベートを行いました。全体としてカジノに対する悲観的な意見が多い中、敢えて賛成の立場から考えることにより広い視野での議論をする事ができました。また、メンバーからは海外滞在中のカジノ体験を共有してもらう機会もあり、改めて早稲田OB・OGがグローバルにご活躍されて来たことを実感させられました。


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英語で話そう会 活動報告

2022年11月13日 15時33分59秒 | 英語で話そう会


ディベートの主題には、2年半にも及ぶ 「ウィズ・コロナ」の新しい生活様式の中で東京から地方への移住者が増えている昨今の情勢を反映し、「Poeple should leave Tokyo and move to the countryside」を選びました。最初は、自身の意思と相容れないグループに振り分けられ戸惑う場面もありましたが、皆さん、すぐに順応し英語による活発な意見交換をする事ができました。両チーム共に意見がまとめられており、一市民としての意見から日本全体に関わる意見も出て、メンバーの意識の高さを改めて実感させられました。

「英語で話そう会で」は、毎月第2土曜日10時半から横浜稲門会事務所で活動を行なっています。英語にご興味のある方、英語のブラッシュアップされたい方は 小板橋(marchkoitabashi@yahoo.co.jp)、または小林(soccer_foot04@yahoo.co.jp)まで是非ご連絡ください。


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2014年01月23日 12時18分28秒 | 英語で話そう会






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2013年10月20日 13時22分58秒 | 英語で話そう会










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