英語で話そう会 1月例会のご報告

The first theme of this year's meeting was “Outlook of 2025”. Below are some comments from the members.
- Am worried about the impact of Donald Trump's re-election to this world.
- Hoping that Mr. Trump will resolve the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
- Am concerned about the Bank of Japan's monetary policy regarding inflation and the Japanese economy.
- Am worried about technology, climate change, world peace, etc.
- Despite the pessimistic economic outlook, there are some new attempts such as mergers of major companies, so I have hope in them.
- We are watching the development of the possibility of flying cars (since there will be a test flight at Expo '70 Osaka).
- This year is Jubilee (an important holy year for Catholics), which comes once every 25 years. I will pray that the world will be filled with peace and joy.
- I have been working in the nursing home for a while, and saw quite a few people passing away. From this experience, I recommend people to enjoy one’s life.
- Am worried about global warming and want to do whatever I can do to prevent the situation goes worse.
- We cannot predict the world situation and economy, but we can predict the movement of celestial bodies. I would like to observe the phenomenon which Saturn's rings will become invisible from the earth in November this year.
Wonder what will your new year like? I wish it will be a joyful and pleasant one‼
報告:世話人・鈴木 理子