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英語で話そう会 12月例会のご報告

2024年12月15日 21時49分22秒 | 英語で話そう会

英語で話そう会 12月例会のご報告







It was the first time meeting in a new office.  A Few members got lost, however, I believe people could get to the office smoothly from next time. 

This month's theme was “What is your favorite things?”

Many mentioned music (and jazz fans were the most), and one member brought a miniature gold saxophone from Blue Note (photo attached).  Some likes palying instruments as well as listening (personally, I would love to hear them play).

One said she likes to see people's happy faces when they are bathed in care hospitals where she works, another said he likes watching sunrize and sunset also watching moon, another said he likes to read and study about poems from the old times in Manyoshu, another said he likes appreciating the changing of the seasons, another said he likes to watch small children (he feels so relaxed and peaceful with their smiles), another said he likes motorsports and has driven Route 66 in the U.S., another talked about food and beverages such as sushi and sake. The details on the reason of favorite things would show some sort of character of each member.  I believe not a few people have felt familiarity to others from the answers they provided.

After the regular meeting, we had a year-end party at the Caixiang Shinkan in Chinatown to deepen our friendship.

I would like to thank all of you for those who helped to hold the club.  I am wishing you a happy new year.


報告:世話人・鈴木 理子

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Unknown (Akihiko Watanabe)
2024-12-16 19:26:40
Thanks for posting. Yes,we had a great time sharing 'My Favourite Things' with each other. More understanding, more intimacy and more friendship. May the blessings of the Lord be with everyone always. Merry Christmas to all🎄
