早稲田大学 横浜稲門会 ブログ


英語で話そう会 8月例会のご報告

2024年08月11日 20時30分43秒 | ニュース





The theme for August was "What is your favorite hobby?" The hobby in this theme is not a simple hobby in everyday activities such as reading or going for a walk, but an activity that you have been doing for many years and have a passion for (and spent money on), and that you can proudly say "This is my hobby!!

It seems that some participants had difficulty choosing one from many hobbies.   Astronomical observation, travel, visiting world heritages, playing piano, golf, cooking, ceramics, and supporting soccer team were listed.  However, there was a member who love to work that her hobby Is working.  Another member said he was surrounded by Wasesda related personnel/graguates, and many of his activities also connect to Waseda that his hobby is Waseda.

Hobbies enrich our lives. I hope we can continue and enjoy the hobby for lifelong time. I would be happy if the “Eigo de hanasou kai” can play a part in it.

After the meeting, we went to Yokohama Beer to socialize, and had a great time.

(報告:世話人・鈴木 理子)

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