


2013-08-31 21:36:48 | 言いたいことは何だ

CAミルピタス 慰安婦決議と少女像計画に抗議のメッセージを送ろう!


[件名例] Resolution No. 8285 and Comfort Women Issue
Dear Mayor and Council Members of Milpitas:
I hope this email finds you in excellent health.
I learned that the Milpitas City Council adopted Resolution No. 8285 on August 6, 2013 requesting investigation by U.S. Officials into claims of sexual slavery system directed by Japan Imperial Army according to the allegation by Koreans (the fact is mere private sex business) during World War II.
I also learned from South Korean news that a Korean organization in Silicon Valley is negotiating with Milpitas City to set up a comfort woman statue which is the same design as the one set up in front of Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea.
The Milpitas City’s resolution mentions the statement by Osaka City Mayor Hashimoto, where I found misunderstandings about his statement. He has never justified the comfort woman system and never described the system of sex slavery as war time “necessity.”
I would very much like to review the open letter to the Board of Supervisors of the city and the County of San Francisco from Mr. Toru Hashimoto, the Mayor of the City of Osaka:
Around the comfort woman statue built in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul regardless of the illegality, Koreans give harsh anti-Japan demonstrations every day which threatens the safety of Japanese residents in the city. With due consideration of the current tense in the South Korean community, it would be inappropriate for the City of Milpitas to build the same statue as that in Seoul, as there are many Japanese companies.
The nature of the comfort woman issue is determined as a bilateral matter. In light, I do not think it appropriate for any third parties to be involved in this matter, if such third parties do not spare time to have independent and thorough studies about the grounds of comfort women and the historic facts based on trustful and objective evidences in writing including Japanese, Korean, and non-Japanese/Korean news reports, articles and letters at that time. For an example, the number of passports applied through pimps, and issued to these women will reveal the real number of them because Taiwanese and Koreans used to have the Japanese nationality as the amalgamated country citizens. Please note that this is mere an immigration/emigration process, which had nothing to do with involvement by the Japan Imperial Army. If such studies were to be skipped, or the results thereof were not to be disclosed to public, I am afraid that the statue would constitute the ex-facto accusation of defeated countries regardless of the as well as harassment thereto. If it is simply intended to build as a historical monument, I wonder if it is necessary for South Korean organizations and groups to work on building the statues in public parks across the U.S.A., which have historically nothing to do with South Korean comfort women.
The City of Glendale, CA permanently put up the comfort woman statue on July 30, 2013. Innumerable Japanese people feel very strong resentment toward the outrageous decision by the City. Japanese media have strongly condemned Glendale. Please note that some U.S. news media find out that the comfort women issue is a foreign politics fight. The following is for your information:
As the best I know, a majority of Japanese are always sympathetic to girls who were sold by their parents due to their poverty, and who were discriminated in their hometown after the war. Please make no mistake about Japanese.
I would like the City of Milpitas to discuss this matter objectively and diligently, and fmake a sensible decision.
差出人名 (市、県、Japan)

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