「示して云く、古へに謂ゆる君子の力は牛に勝れり。然あれども牛とあらそはずと。今の学人我が智慧才学人に勝れたりと存ずるとも、人と諍論を好むことなかれ。亦悪口を以て人を呵嘖し、怒目を以て人を見ることなかれ。」(正法眼蔵随聞記・第五・七, p111)
In ancient times it was said: “A gentleman is stronger than an ox, but he does not struggle with an ox.”Students today, even though they feel that their wisdom of talents are superior, should not delight in arguing with others. Do not abuse others with harsh words or glare at them with angry eyes.(A Primer of Soto Zen, p82)
「学道勤労の志しあらば時光を惜て学道すべし。何の暇まありてか人と諍論すべき。畢竟じて自他共に無益なり。法門すらしかなり。何かに況や世間の事において無益の論をなさんや。君子の力ら牛にも勝れりといへども牛と諍そはず。我れ法を知れり、彼に勝れたりと思ふとも、論じて人を掠め難ずべからず。」(正法眼蔵随聞記・第五・七, p112)
If you have the determination to study the Way, You must do so, begrudging any time wasted. When do you have the time to argue with people? It won’t do you or anyone else any good in the long run. If this is so with Buddhist teachings, how much more useless it is to argue about ordinary worldly affairs! “A gentleman is stronger than an ox, but he does not struggle with an ox.” Even if you think that you know the teaching thoroughly and are far superior to your adversary, you should not overwhelm him with argument. (A Primer of Soto Zen, p83)
「然あるに今の学人僧侶は、智慧法門を以て人に勝べきと思ふなり。必ずしも此を以て憍ることなかれ。我より劣れる人のうへの非義を云ひ、或は先人傍輩等の非義をしりていひ誹謗するは、是れ憍奢のはなはだしきなり。」(正法眼蔵随聞記・第五・二十二, p128)
Students and monks these days think that they excel others because of their knowledge of the teachings. Never take pride in such a thing. It is the height of arrogance to call attention to the errors of those beneath you or to criticize your seniors and colleagues for their mistakes. (A Primer of Soto Zen, p96)
法談の次に示して云く、設使我れは道理を以て云ふに、人はひがみて僻事を云を、理を攻て云ひ勝つはあしきなり。亦我は現に道理と思へども、我が非にこそと云てはやくまけてのくも、あしばやなり。只人をも云ひ折らず、我が僻ことにも謂はず、無為にして止みぬるが好きなり。耳に聴入れぬようにして忘るれば、人も忘れて瞋らざるなり。第一の用心なり。(正法眼蔵随聞記・第一・十, p26-27)
Once, after a discussion of the doctrine, Dogen instructed: It is not good to overwhelm another person with argument even when he is wrong and you are right. Yet it is also not right to give up too easily, “I am wrong,” when you have every reason to believe that you yourself are right. The best way is to drop the argument naturally, without pressing the other person or falsely admitting that you yourself are wrong. If you don’t listen his arguments and don’t let them bother you, he will do the same and not become angry. This is something to watch carefully. (A Primer of Soto Zen, p13)
懐奘編, 和辻哲郎校訂:ワイド版 岩波文庫「正法眼蔵随聞記」, 岩波書店, 1991
Masunaga Reiho (増永霊鳳): A Primer of Soto Zen. A Translation of Dogen's Chobogenzo Zuimonki, East-West Center Press, 1971