
SPE 1.3K-FA/1.5K-FA Verion II

2018-11-07 20:51:00 | ノンジャンル




Dear friends,

I want to inform you that we have started the production of the Expert 1.3K-FA and Expert 1.5K-FA, both versions II.

This was necessary to comply with the new EU rules which are much stricter than the FCC.

The most significant example is the minimum harmonic attenuation in HF which must be -50 dB, while in the 6m band the minimum attenuation must be -70 dB.

This involved:

- A new filter unit design.

- A new output transformer design.

On this occasion I have also added many modification. Among them is the soldering of LDMOS to the heat sink, which is very important and greatly facilitates its dissipation.

These changes have led to significant improvements in the use of our linear amplifiers. We have, for example, thoroughly tested one 1.5K on

FT8 on 6m FULL power for over 6 hours continuous without problems.

Unfortunately the changes are such that it is not possible to retrofit the hardware of version I to make it a version II. Therefore version I's hardware and performance will remain the same. The future software for the 1.3K and 1,5K will be compatible with both version I and version II.

Therefore only the second series amplifiers, version II, will be produced and delivered, and the prices will remain the same.

I hope this continuous effort made by SPE for the improvement of its products will be appreciated.

With the best 73


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