The George Sand Association will be holding two sessions at the Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association in Boston (January 3-6, 2013).
I. "Histoires de leurs vies: Women Writers' Biographies after Sand"
Friday, January 4, 8:30-9:45 a.m. in 306 Hynes
Co-Organizers : Janet Beizer, Harvard University & Alexandra K. Wettlaufer, University of Texas-Austin
1. "Reimagining the Muse's Life: Louise Colet as Writer," Mary Rice-DeFosse, Bates College.
2. "The Comtesse de Loynes and the Problem of Operatic Biography," Evlyn Gould, University of Oregon.
3. "The Poet's Sister: The Legacy of Isabelle Rimbaud," Laure Katsaros, Amherst College.
4. "From George Sand's Soup to Colette's Carpet: The Woman Writer Feature Story in the Belle Époque Women's Press," Rachel Mesch, Yeshiva University.
II. Session 757: "Sensuous Sand/ Sensualités sandiennes"
Sunday, January 6, 2013
12:00 noon- 1:15 p.m. in 301 Hynes
Chair: Arline Cravens, Saint Louis University
Organizer: Aimée Boutin, Florida State University
1. "Suicide and the Sensual Self in George Sand's Indiana and Horace," Elizabeth Erbeznik, Northern Illinois University.
2. "Towards a Sensous Consciousness: Sand's Worker-Artist," Claire White, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge.
3. "Végétaux et sensualité dans l'œuvre de George Sand," Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.
Abstracts are available on the George Sand Association web site.