Early Autumn



Hi, Diane. Summer seems to fade away.
It's been cool mornings and evenings.
You might miss nice, bright, sun-shiny days while strolling with your buddies.
Well, nice and cool days appear not-too-bad for walking, don't they?
I seldom take a long walk, but I leisurely take a stroll around the lost lagoon whenever the sun shines on Saturday or Sunday.
These days, even on the Net, news about the 2024 election pops up here and there.

The July poll seems to favor Trump.
However, the August poll favors Harris.

I hate Trump from head to toes.
He has a lot of bad episodes and incidents such as "Golden Shower".

These bad episodes and incidents work against Trump.


■『Golden Shower』
But he seems wickedly smart.
Trump parrots Hitler, that is, like Hitler, Trump tells what the Americans want to hear.

Although the election appears to take place in the States, foreign countries and agents interfere it like Iran and Russia.
For example, Iran seeks to stoke discord and undermine confidence in the coming US election.

My guess is that Trump will be elected because the Americans seem to hate the Establishment and favors an anti-establishment Hitler-parrot.
However, once Trump is elected, the things seem to go wrong worldwide.
God only knows.
As usual, I posted an article.

■Dead Poets Society
I hope you'll enjoy reading it.
In any case, have a very pleasant day!
Bye for now.
【Himiko's Monologue】

Yes, yes, yes, ... Trump seems wickedly smart.
But I feel, something is funny, foolish, and totally wrong about Trump.
How about you?
Come to think of it, I've never met a decent man in my life.
How come I'm always a loner?
I wish I could meet a nice gentleman at the library in my town as Diane met Kato.
Well, they say, there is a way where there is a will.
Have a nice day!
Bye bye ...

If you've got some time,
Please read one of the following articles:
■"First Love"
■"Fright on Flight"
■"Boy's Movie"
■"From Summer to Eternity"
■"Sōseki & Glenn Gould"

■"In Search of Your Footprint"
■"Little Night Music"
■"Merry X'mas"
■"Happy New Year!"
■"Long live Diane!"
■"Mona Lisa"
■"Flu Shot"
■"Selfish TD Bank"
■"Talk with Mozart"

Hi, I'm June Adams.
Halloween is over, now.
But, have you ever wondered when Halloween guising started?
As you know, children disguised in costume go from door to door for food or coins.
It is a traditional Halloween custom.
The guising is recorded in Scotland at Halloween in 1895, where masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped-out turnips, visited homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money.
The practice of guising at Halloween in North America is first recorded in 1911, where a newspaper in Kingston, Ontario reported children going "guising" around the neighborhood.
