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科学におけるヒトの改造 6 Human Remodeling in Science 6

2021-09-06 16:06:37 | 近未来


























時間の問題だと思っている。すでに、スチュワードが突破口を開いたと確信している。現代の最も鋭い科学者のひとり、故J・B・ホールデン教授は、クローン人のできる可能性をもっとも真剣に考えていたひとりであった。彼の見解では、われわれはすでに植物においてやりとげてしまっているのだから、培義細胞から有機的な組織体をつくる方法を、つか必ず発見するだろちし、これによって、人類発展の可能性を劇的に高めることになろう」と確信し、 つぎのような未来展望をしている。








"It was just like Yunatsu Milk acting like a clutch and gearing into the engine of the cells that were spinning from the point of growth ..."


After various experiments on other growth-promoting substances, research went into the second phase. Hundreds of carrot explants "(individuals obtained by separating a portion of an individual and culturing it in vitro) were cultivated in a single container. These cells are different. It can be very large, and it can be split into filaments in sequence.


Some sprout like yeast. What's more-and this is the point of this story, the cell mass that begins to take root. When transferred to a solid medium, green sprouts are scraped out. When I moved it to the soil again and cultivated it, it became a carrot with ordinary roots, stems, flowers and seeds!


A year before his death, Austrian biologist G. Harborland dreamed of achieving such vegetative reproduction. Steward made that dream a reality. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that almost any cell from one of the early history of carrots could grow asexually into an individual, as mentioned above.


Since Steward broke through the obstacles, other researchers have succeeded in similar experiments on tobacco.

This has to be painstakingly found with a slightly different culture procedure than for carrots.

It was. It seems that the culture conditions are different for each plant. It is believed that the same thing will soon succeed in any other plant.


by the way,

The practice is whether the same can be done for animal cells.

The answer is that it's not impossible.


Of course, it's not easy.


In general, culturing cells in the laboratory is by no means a new technique. However, it was only a dozen years ago that a method was discovered to grow a single cell into a thin layer of tissue. Normally, a single cell cannot divide even when placed in a nutrient medium. The late Wilton Earl discovered a method and succeeded in doing so. However, these cultured cells show little sign of forming structures such as organs even if they divide and proliferate and grow larger. The formation of organs is probably due to chemicals coming from another tissue next door. I have some idea, and research is currently underway to investigate this point. To be honest, the reality is that there is still no bridge between cell culture and the opening of the inspector.








Therefore, culturing animal cells into a complete organism does not go as smoothly as in the case of carrots and tobacco. But biologists never think it's impossible.


I think it's just a matter of time. I'm already convinced that Steward has made a breakthrough. One of the sharpest scientists of our time, the late Professor JB Holden, was one of the most serious about the potential of cloners. In his view, since we have already done so in plants, we will surely find a way to create organic tissue from cultivated cells, thereby dramatizing the potential for human development. I am convinced that it will be improved, and I have the following future prospects.


According to him, clones of athletics and dancers can be taken from young people, but most clones will be made from people over the age of fifty. Clone people are made up of people who have achieved outstanding achievements that are highly regarded in society. But in that case, of course, be careful that the success is not just a coincidence.

He also says:


"Even if there are some doubts about the evaluation of that talent, clones made from people with unusual talents would be equally beneficial. For example, a person who can adapt forever, a person who does not feel pain, a person who can detect what is happening in the inside and control it, such as an oriental day performer.





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スマートウォッチ フォッシル、次世代スマートウォッチ「Gen 6」9月27日から日本発売

2021-09-06 15:49:34 | デジタル機器

フォッシル、次世代スマートウォッチ「Gen 6」927日から日本発売

ジェネレーション 6 タッチスクリーンスマートウォッチ

フォッシルは、第6世代となるスマートウォッチ「ジェネレーション 6 タッチスクリーンスマートウォッチ」(以下、Gen 6)を8月30日に発表した。世界初となるクアルコム Snapdragon Wear 4100+プラットフォームを搭載し、アプリの読み込み時間の短縮、より効率的な電力消費を実現し、バッテリーの充電速度は前世代機種のおよそ2倍となり、30分で約80%まで充電可能とうたう。フォッシルグループでは初めてとなる、SpO2センサーを搭載する。
世界初となるクアルコム Snapdragon Wear 4100+プラットフォームを搭載



Gen 6は、ケース径44mmを4型と42mmを3型、合計7型をラインアップする。42mmの3型は主にレディース向けのデザインとなる。ステンレススティール製のケースに、1.28インチのタッチスクリーンデジタルディスプレー、常時表示に対応、3つのボタン、防水性能を備えたスピーカー、マイクを備える。Bluetooth 5.0 LE、Wi-Fi、GPS、NFC SE(日本対応未定)、8GBストレージ、1GB RAM、泳げる防水(3 ATM)。


Snapdragon Wear 4100+プラットフォームによる超低消費電力と、フォッシルグループが開発したスマートバッテリーモードとの組み合わせにより、24時間以上のバッテリー駆動が可能とうたう。さらに拡張バッテリーモードを使用することで数日間のバッテリー駆動が可能になり、30分強の充電で80%まで充電可能、睡眠のトラッキングなど1日中利用できるという。

Google I/O 2021で発表された次期OSに対応

Google I/O 2021で発表された次期OS「Wear OS 3」に互換性はあるものの、発売時には対応しておらず継続的なシステムアップデートを経て、Wear OS 3へのシステムアップデートの対象となるのは2022年の予定とのこと。


GARMIN(ガーミン) スマートウォッチ 時計 GPS アクティブトラッカー 活動量計 vivoactive3 Black Slate【日本正規品】176971 最大7日間連続稼働

(2021/9/6 15:53時点)



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今日の運命 2021年9月6日 Today's fate September 6, 2021

2021-09-06 07:05:08 | 運命学
今日の運命  202196





この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です。













Today's fate September 6, 2021

Yin Fire Snake




Ichihaku Mercury Day

There are many unlucky and disappointed visitors on this day. I myself am also depressed by melancholy. There are also problems with subordinates and children. It is especially important to keep in mind the immorality on this day.

A bad day except for work luck.
Since the causes and effects of the past come around, it is important not to blame others or impose responsibility just because things go wrong, but to say that it is an issue that you are facing and make an effort.






The right side samurai of Shaka Nyorai. He is said to ride on a white elephant, save reason, merit, indoctrination, and sentient beings from the bitter sea of ​​life and death, and lead them to the state of enlightenment (the equinoctial week). The ten great wishes made by this bodhisattva are considered to be the flag of all bodhisattva vows.



On, Ba, Zara, Ara,
Tanno, On, Tarark, Sowaka


Positive position: Unexpected danger. Bad luck in love. scandal. throw dust in eyes. Be deceived. I'm at a loss. betrayal. Home and family discord. A sick person in the family. Matters related to the person who died. inspiration. Psychological phenomenon. Spirituality with the dead. faith. Cemetery. Evil spirits are attached. Devil exorcism. Anxious departure. Change jobs. find work. Go on to higher education. Jumping into an unknown world by matchmaking marriage. ancestor. Ancestor spirit. The spirit world.
Reverse position ... a small lie. Taste a light thrill. A little failure. Affected by past events. Influenced by a witchy woman. An unpleasant partner in the past appears. A romantic quarrel.
Weight commentary
Positive position ... Hidden enemy. dangerous. Slandering. darkness. Fear. Deception. Illusion. Occult power. Failure.
Reverse position: unstable. Don't continue. silence. Small deception and failure.

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