理想の来世どころか、苦しみの人生となりいそのうえ横変死の因縁などを 持っていたら、天寿を全うすることすらむずかしい。
まず、現世でこれらの悪因縁を完全に消滅させ、聖者の境界になっておく必 要があるのである。
須陀逼とは別名、七来とよばれ、七度(二、三回のこともある)生まれ変わって 成仏する。しかしながら、三悪趣とよばれる境界には堕ちることはない聖者で ある。斯陀含とは別名、一来とよばれ、一度だけ現世に生まれ変わって成仏す
阿那含は別名、不還とよばれ、もう現世には戻ってこないので、輪廻転生 瞑想法の領域からは離れ、釈尊の成仏法の範躊となる。阿羅漢は仏陀である。
つまり、輪廻転生瞑想法とは、少なくとも須陀逼(七来)、できれば斯陀含二 来)になり、瞑想法により転生を制御する修行法なのである。
一、まず、瞑想法の基本を習得し、同時に、解脱宝生行、先祖供養、如意宝 珠敬愛法によって、抑圧意識を除去していく。また、初歩のチャクラ開発 の基礎訓練を開始するとともに、徳を高める積徳行もおこなう。
二、つぎに、本格的なチャクラ開発訓練と輪廻転生曼荼羅瞑想法によって、 肉体的および精神的な能力を高める。同時に、現世成仏息災成仏法によっ て、ソンディ型の抑圧意識を完全に除去していく。さらに火界定(護摩 行)、水想観(滝行)の瞑想法の訓練に入る。
三、水晶龍神瞑想法(四神足法)の訓練に入る。その上で、四神足法による、 火界定、水想観の瞑想訓練をおこなう。
Far from the ideal afterlife, it is difficult to complete the natural life if you have a life of suffering and a cause of suspicious death.
First of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate these evil causes in this world and to become the boundary of the saints.
Suda 逼 is also known as Nanarai, and is reborn seven times (sometimes two or three times) and becomes a Buddhahood. However, he is a saint who never falls into the boundary called the three bad tastes. Sakadagami is also known as Sakadagami, and is reborn as a Buddhahood only once in this world.
Anuruddha is also known as non-return, and since it does not return to this world anymore, it is separated from the realm of reincarnation meditation and becomes a category of Buddha's Buddhahood. Arhat is a Buddha.
In other words, the reincarnation meditation method is at least Sudagami (Nanarai), preferably Sadagami Nirai), and is a training method that controls reincarnation by the meditation method.
The training system of my reincarnation meditation method is as follows.
First of all, learn the basics of the meditation method, and at the same time, remove the oppressive consciousness by the liberation treasure life, the ancestor memorial service, and the pearl respect method. In addition, while starting basic training for elementary chakra development, we will also carry out a virtue-enhancing act.
Second, improve physical and mental abilities through full-scale chakra development training and reincarnation mandala meditation. At the same time, the consciousness of oppression of the Sondy type will be completely removed by the Buddhahood Law of the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. In addition, he started training in the meditation method of Fire World Sada (Goma) and Mizusokan (Takiyuki).
Third, begin training in the Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method (Iddhipada Method). On top of that, we will conduct meditation training on the fire world and the view of water using the Iddhipada method.
From the above, it becomes a saint of Sudagami or Sadagami.
Chapter 8 Reincarnation Meditation Curriculum