長出大息呼吸法は、出る息、入る息、どちらも、で きるだけ細く長く深く呼吸する。一呼吸に二十秒から三十秒、一分くらい、時 間をかける。
2の長出息呼吸法は、出る息のみをできるかぎり細く長く吐いて、吸う息は つうに吸うつうに吸う。
3の反式呼吸法は、ふつうの呼吸とちかって、息を吸うとき、腹部をひっこ め、息を吐くとき、腹部をふくらませる。ちょうど逆になるわけである。
4強短息呼吸法は、「火の呼吸法」とよび、片方の鼻孔を指で押さえて閉 じ、片方の鼻孔で強く短く呼吸する。
Four types of breathing
The meditation breathing method consists of four types of breathing methods.
1. Long breathing breathing method
2. Nagayama breathing method
Third, anti-breathing method
4. Strong and short breathing method (fire breathing method)
It is.
To briefly explain,
The long-breathing breathing method is to breathe as thin, long and deep as possible for both out and in. Take 20 to 30 seconds, 1 minute, or so for each breath.
In the long-breathing breathing method of 2, exhale only the exhaled breath as thin and long as possible, and inhale as much as possible.
The counter-breathing method of 3 is different from normal breathing, in which the abdomen is retracted when inhaling and the abdomen is inflated when exhaling. It's just the opposite.
The 4 strong short breath breathing method is called "fire breathing method", and one nostril is pressed with a finger to close it, and one nostril is used for strong and short breathing.
Now let's explain the training of four types of breathing.
Long breath breathing training
Whether it is an iron seat or a chair seat, the head and neck should be in a very natural, straight and neat posture. However, don't be too nervous and stiff or stiff. It is important to relax and relax.
For that purpose, in order to relieve tension in the head and neck, it is advisable to bring the frontal region forward and pull the chin slightly inward to lower the head slightly. At the same time, the precordium should be slightly retracted, the abdomen should be slightly forward, and both shoulders should be relaxed and take a natural posture. Bend your back forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.
Buddha properly prepared the training method that will serve as a bridge to this Buddhist Buddhist law, Nanashina 37 Dojo. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anna Panna Nenho". I think that this meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the Seventy-Seven Departments, 37 items. Buddha is called "the best method of breathing and meditation." This method is also closely related to Gumonji Someiho, an esoteric Buddhist method that is said to be a secret method that makes a person a genius, as taught by Kobo Kukai Daishi. The acquisition of this law will be a stepping stone to the Seishin Buddhist Law, Shichika 37 Buddhist products. Anna nana memorial method is the method of breathing and meditation from the elementary steps to the supreme mystery, which is written in "Ana sutra sutra anna memorial day". Ten types of breathing and meditation methods are taught.
お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。
この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。
さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。