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2021-09-22 19:34:35 | デジタル
9月10日にフェイスブックとレイバンが発売したスマートグラス「Ray-Ban Stories」を巡り、ヨーロッパで懸念の声が上がっています。アイルランドの規制当局はデバイスの撮影機能について、周囲に知らせる仕組みが不適切であると指摘しました。

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TILE Tile Pro Black & Pro White (電池交換版) コンボパック EC-18002-AP

2021-09-22 16:56:45 | デジタル




Tile ring phone



Tile Community


Tile は地球上でもっとも大きな落とし物コミュニティーである「Tileコミュニティー」を使って落とし物探しができます。「探し物」の近くの他のTileの利用者が通ると、アプリで場所をお知らせしてくれます。

Tile last plasce


アプリは最後にTileがアプリとBluetoothで通信した場所を記憶しています。 最後に落とした場所と時間をアプリで記憶してくれているので、見当をつけて、探しに行くことができます。

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フロイト フロイトは、ヒステリー

2021-09-22 14:15:13 | 心理学












ハンガリー出身の心理学者レオポルド・ソンディ(Leopold Szondi,1893-1986)は、運命分析学という深層心理学の学派を創設したり、『ソンディ・テスト』という人物写真を利用した投影法の心理テストを開発したことで知られる。日本語での名前表記は、レオポルド・ソンディ以外にも、英語読みで『リポート・ソンディ』という風に表記されることも多い

集合的無意識(Kollektives Unbewusstes)」

とは、偉大な心理学者カール・ユング(Carl Gustav Jung)によって提唱された。
集合的無意識に共通する基本的形を「元型(Archetyp )」と呼び、この元型から集合的無意識が生じ、原始心像が意識化され、元型そのものが意識化されることは決してない。

ソンディ・テストで知られる精神医学者のレオポルド・ソンディ(Léopold Szondi)は













Psychoanalysis is based on the basic hypothesis that humans have an unconscious process and that human behavior depends on the unconscious. Freud, in the treatment of hysteria (currently dissociative and somatic symptom disorders), can unknowingly suppress desires that are painful for humans to change shape and neurosis. I thought that it would be expressed in the form of symptoms such as. Therefore, we made a treatment hypothesis that the symptoms can be resolved by being aware of the content of the conflict suppressed in the unconscious area, exposing it to the surface, and being aware of it.

Carl Gustav Jung

Jung's psychology (analytical psychology) is similar to Freud's psychoanalysis in that it analyzes the individual's consciousness and unconsciousness, but it is not limited to the individual unconsciousness, but is common to all humankind beyond the individual. It also includes an analysis of the collective unconscious (universal unconscious). Psychotherapy by Jung Psychology also incorporates the Active Imagination. The active imagination is a psychotherapeutic method that waits for the image from the unconscious to appear in the consciousness. In addition, Jung Psychology emphasizes dream analysis in clinical psychology more than other groups. Dreams are said to be a "phenomenon in which the archetype image is expressed on a daily basis" as a collective unconscious, and also a manifestation of the personal unconscious.

What is a shadow?

As I explained above, I call myself a "shadow" that I don't want to admit, but I will explain what a shadow is in the first place.

A shadow is a "shadow" that everyone has, and each person has a self that he or she does not want to admit.
The stronger the feeling of not wanting to admit, the darker the shadow and the stronger its influence.

Also, in the myths and legends of the West and the East,
Since there are many things that deal with common themes,
Deep in the hearts of mankind, regardless of the ocean
I thought that there was a common "collective unconscious".

As shown in the figure, in a layer deeper than consciousness or personal unconsciousness,
It exists universally regardless of ethnicity, nation, or race.

Leopold Szondi

Hungarian psychologist Leopold Szondi (1893-1986) founded a school of deep psychology called fate analysis and developed a projection psychological test using portraits called the Szondi test. Known for doing. In addition to Leopold Szondi, the name notation in Japanese is often written in English as "Report Sondy".

"The Collective Unconscious (Kollektives Unbewusstes)" was advocated by the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
The concept is that there is a personal unconscious in the depths of human consciousness, and there is a collective unconscious in the depths.
The collective unconscious is connected not only to the individual but also to the group, the people, the entire human race, and even the consciousness of the universe and the universe beyond time and space.
The basic form common to the collective unconscious is called the "archetyp", and the collective unconscious arises from this archetype, the primitive image is conscious, and the archetype itself is never conscious.

Léopold Szondi, a psychiatrist known for the Szondi test, proposed the concept of a family unconscious, which lies between Freud's personal unconscious and Jung's collective unconscious.
Sondy was a rare figure in the world of psychiatry, putting a scalpel into the field of "fate analysis," which has not yet been recognized for its academic value.
"Family unconscious" means that the fate is inherited by the offspring, with the idea that the suppressed consciousness of the ancestors has a significant impact on the fate of the offspring. The fate of illness and debt, which is called "the cause and effect of the parent rewards the child," is called "forced fate," and is always in conflict with the "free fate," which is born from the free will of the individual.

But the unfortunate life under the control of forced fate is not just due to ancestors.
By being born as a descendant of such an ancestor, the karma of the past life has been eliminated, so we must understand and accept it well and steer our lives toward free destiny.
The best way to eliminate karma is to learn how to look at yourself as a third party.

Sondy calls the consciousness (impulse) that offspring inherit from their ancestors from generation to generation, "impulsive emotion (impulsive consciousness)," and says that "human destiny is a choice." Based on the impulsive emotions (impulsive consciousness) inherited from our ancestors, human beings make important choices in the four fields of life: marriage choice, occupation choice, disease choice, and death form choice. Sondy's theory.

L. Sondy's view of fate has two elements: "elements that he chooses independently" and "elements that are determined by the consciousness and emotions of his ancestors." ) The following eight types of genes are considered to be factors. A psychological test called "fate analysis method" is said to be able to know the trend (strength) and balance of the functions of these eight types of genes.

Sch (ego impulse) …… p (existing gene), k (owned gene)

C (contact impulse) …… m (dependent gene), d (acquired gene)

P (emotional impulse) …… hy (moral gene), e (ethical gene)

S (sexual drive) …… s (attack gene), h (love gene)

The unconsciousness inherited from Leopold Szondi's envisioned ancestors is called the "family unconscious", wider than Sigmund Freud's "personal unconscious" and more than CG Jung's "universal unconscious (collective unconscious)" The range is believed to be narrow. The ultimate purpose of deep psychology, which brought Sondy's fate analysis to the fore, was "the empirical and theoretical integration of the personal unconscious, the family unconscious, and the universal unconscious."
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守護仏とはどういう仏か?  What kind of Buddha is a guardian Buddha?

2021-09-22 13:19:46 | 










ホモ・エクセレンス= ホモ・サピエンスが持たない特別な能力をを身につけた「優秀なるヒト」












































なり、字変じて如意宝珠となる。宝珠すなわち駄都なり) と示し、此の法は生身の舎利即ち吾人本其の覚性と同一体なりと観ずるなり。

……此の法を修するには、道場の中心に塔婆(舎利宝塔)を安んじ、其の中に仏舎利(五粒・三粒・一粒等)を金壷に盛りこれを安んず。 とある。


































(2021/6/4 16:55時点)

What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?


Faith in Buddhism
It is made up of the Buddhist monk "Sanpo"

Until then, Agama was regarded as Hinayana Buddhism, and he spent his time without being seen by the Mahayana Buddhist denominations.
It is of great significance that President Kiriyama corrected his historical mistakes and decided to establish Agon Shu and promote the true Buddhism that Shaka preached to the world from the aspect of faith.
Faith in Buddhism is made up of the three major elements of "Buddha," "law," and "monk." The Buddhist sect must have all three elements at the same time as being correct.
In other words, it determines whether or not it is the correct cult.

An altar enshrined by the true Buddhist priest, Toshison, the principal image of Agon Shu

One, Buddha
The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the "honzon." The principal image of Agon Shu is "Shinjinshari", which has been deeply revered among Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Buddha resides.
In Agon Shu, this is called "Shinsei Buddhist priesthood".
For Buddhists, the true Buddha's sacred bone, Gautama Buddha, is the "living Buddha" itself, and is the only principal image of Buddhism.
It is neither an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but a sacred bone of Buddha that actually existed as Buddha, and is the highest principal image in Buddhism.

Two, the law
There are three training methods in Agon Shu.

"Buddhahood Law"
Regardless of whether it is alive or dead, it is a method of cutting off karma (work), breaking the cause (Buddhahood), and becoming a Buddha (a person who has awakened to the truth).
The Buddhahood method is "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," which Buddha preaches in Agama.

"Nyoi Hojuho"
It is the highest and most mysterious secret method in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In order to learn this law, you need to have a true body. If you enshrine the true body and practice the Nyoi jewel method, the true body will change to become a jewel. The Nyoi Hojuho is a secret method that gives you the merit of Fukutoku Hosei and the liberation of the cause, as you wish.

"Gumonji Someiho"
It is a method of making people a genius, which has been passed down from ancient times to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. However, many high priests have practiced this law so far, but most of them have failed to achieve their goals.
Agon Shu's scholarship method is a unique method that is completely different from the one transmitted in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.
His Eminence discovered that the origin of the "Kancho Mochi Satoshiho" is in the Buddhahood Buddhahood "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It was discovered that the "Shijinsokuho" in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines is the method of remodeling the human brain and making it an ordinary man to become a Buddha's satori, and restored it. it was done.

Three, monks
A monk refers to the cult itself or a leader.
Agon Shu is a sanga (monk), or sect, with President Seiyu Kiriyama as the leader and the principal image of the Shinto Buddhist priest.
"The Buddhahood method of the Buddha's theory that cuts off all karma," "The Buddha's method that gives the virtue of liberation treasure," and "The Homo Excellence * that creates a new 21st century." Agon Shu is a sanga with these three great secret laws.
* Homo Excellence = "Excellent Human" with special abilities that Homo Sapiens does not have




What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?

Toshi is the guardian Buddha. The guardian Buddha is a Buddhist shrine.

It is natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the one-hearted prayer of all Buddhists.

It is a guardian Buddha who responds and offers a helping hand.

"Dad capital law" "Nyoi jewel method"


The secret method of esoteric Buddhism


By the way, I mentioned in the previous chapter that esoteric Buddhism introduced the magnificent Buddhist priesthood belief into the mandala, but esoteric Buddhism was not the only one who adopted the Buddhist priesthood belief.


It was also incorporated into the most important practice for esoteric Buddhism.

It is the secret law that is said to be the deepest and deepest in esoteric Buddhism, which is called the "Datoho" and "Nyoi Hojuho".

In other words, the spiritual merit gained by Indian Buddhists was incorporated as a practice. It is nothing more than a changed form of Buddhist belief, and esoteric Buddhism has adopted the mainstream of Buddhist beliefs in India in this way.


About the "Nyoi jewel method" The "Nyoi jewel method" is a method of repairing the Nyoi jewel as the principal image.

Then, what exactly is a Buddhist jewel? It is a Buddhist priesthood, and "Esoteric Buddhism"


This is described in the "Dictionary" (Hozokan).


Nyoi Jewel

It is called Shinda Nun in the 梵. The truth is thought, and the nun is a jewel. It is named with the intention of putting out various things from the jewels.

For short, it is called Nyoiju, Hoju, Mani, and Mani, and it is also called Nousaku pearl. From ancient times, it is said that it should come out from the brain of Ryuo or Matori fish, or it will change to a Buddhist temple and become a jewel. (During

Omitted) L Hachi, Hiroshi Corporation Kukai's. The "Declaration" describes how to make Nyoi Jewels.


Then, it is said that 32 Buddhist shrines are kneaded with pure gold and several kinds of fragrant wood to make a ball. Later, the two priests, Noritoshi and Shoken, also produced this, and in the 18th "Secret Question and Answer" by the real priest, "Japanese national jewel maker, Daishimachi, Noritoshi, Shoken priest, and the above three people. There is L, but according to the secretary of the Shoken priest, the Buddhist priest is actually sealed by the oral tradition of the agreement, and this is regarded as a jewel, not a jewel.


In other words, the Buddhist priesthood itself is used as a jewel.


This esoteric jewel, that is, the Buddhist priesthood, is the principal image of the Buddhist priest, and the law is learned by the esoteric jewel method.

Nyoi Jewel Method


It is called the jewel method for short. A method of repairing Nyoi Jewel as the principal image.

This law is the most secret law in esoteric Buddhism, always keeping this name secret,

Use the ligature, or call it Nyoho, Nyoho, Nyojo, or Datoho, {Zhuho, Nyo {one, or his method.

There is no main rule in this law, and the rule of practice is based on the decree and the oral tradition of the teachers.

The Sanbo-in style, etc. are the same as this law and the Dato method, and although it is a secret method that regards Buddha's sword as a Buddha, the Koshuji style, etc. are different methods.

Because this method is a secret method of repairing the priesthood, that is, the jewels as the principal idol, the secret of the gods is to show how to view the principal idol.

Bun turtle (round-trip) character one change Sheng treasure bowl one bowl change ・ Shaka Nyorai Nyorai 丿 resident Reiyama Buddha. The end of the muddy world

Sentient sentient beings unfollowed, many Buddha's body, Iya sad courier one entry', Hosho Sanma Sho Immediately Ashimi Mataka (response) Chi, character change

Seat Nyoi Jewel Ichi Jewel Immediately Toya. (There is a back character, and it turns into a treasure bowl


It will be Buddha Nyorai. It's a Buddha of Mt. Ryozen. The sentient beings of the late turbulent world, who never saw the Buddha's body, therefore entered the Hosho's Samadhi with a mournful expedient, that is, changed their body to Tarakuu.

It turns into a jewel. It is shown as a jewel, that is, a bad city), and this law is regarded as the same as the consciousness of the living body, that is, the soul of the person.

...... To practice this method, rest the pagoda (Sarihoto) in the center of the dojo, and put Buddhist shrines (five grains, three grains, one grain, etc.) in a gold jar. .. a.


As you can see in the "Esoteric Buddhism Encyclopedia", the "Nyoi Hojuho" is the deepest and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism.

There are still a lot of secrets and oral stories, but I think that you can understand from the above.

Then, the secret law, "What kind of legal trial is there in the Nyoi Jewel Method L?" From this, it can be inferred.








The principal image of the Buddhist jewel method

In the Sanbo-in style of "Nyoi Hojuho, Honzonkan", the view is as follows.

‥ …… Ichiu changed to become a jewel. That is, it illuminates the ten-sided world with a great light of seven. In the light, it rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and hundreds of tastes. Everything is satisfied according to the wishes of sentient beings.

Also, let the treasure lotus rain in the light. There is a voice in the lotus flower and he preaches a delicate law. All sentient beings and listeners give off a bodhicitta spirit.

Also, this light far illuminates the bottom of Nari (hell). All suffering sentient beings

Enjoy. Approximately all sentient beings in the three worlds are exposed to this light and get liberated.

In other words, the legal test of this method is


Fukutoku Hosho


Dissolution of the cause


It gives two merits.


‥ …… Rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and clothes in the light. Satisfy all sentient beings according to the wishes of sentient beings ... All sentient beings' wishes and wishes can be fulfilled, that is, Fukutoku Hosho.


‥ …… Approximately three world suffering sentient beings, all touching this light and gaining liberation …… The ones suffering from hell, the sentient beings suffering from bad causes, all the sentient beings of the three worlds are liberated. That is,

It is a merit.


It is only natural that esoteric Buddhism is the deepest and most secret law, even if there is no more law.


Although esoteric Buddhism has secret law, great law, and esoteric Buddhism, there is no better way than this. Who is the esoteric practitioner who does not want to learn this law at least once?
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スマートウォッチ 【令和モデル】 スマートウォッチ 

2021-09-22 13:06:37 | デジタル



専用アプリとペアリング完了後で、スマートウォッチ 歩数計の時間はスマホの時間と自動的に同期します。手動の設定


令和モデル】 スマートウォッチ 光学式心拍センー スマートブレスレット 歩数計 活動量計 IP67防水 消費カロリー カラースクリーン 腕時計 着信電話 Line通知 GPS運動記録 smart watch 日本語対応 レディース メンズ iOS/Android対応


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iPhone 13 mini は究極の手のひらスマホだ 実機先行レビュー

2021-09-22 11:24:53 | デジタル


9月24日発売のiPhone 13、iPhone 13 miniの実機に少し早く触れる機会がありましたので、エンガジェット日本版よりレビューをお届けします。


iPhone 13シリーズは2020年発売のiPhone 12シリーズ同様、iPhone 13│13 mini、iPhone 13 Pro│13 Pro Maxの4モデル構成で、画面サイズはiPhone 13とiPhone 13 Proが6.1インチ、iPhone 13 miniが5.4インチ、iPhone 13 Pro Maxが6.7インチとなっています。



9月24日発売のiPhone 13、iPhone 13 miniの実機に少し早く触れる機会がありましたので、エンガジェット日本版よりレビューをお届けします。


「無印かProか」という観点は別のレビューをご覧いただくとして、とにかく小さい・軽いスマホを求める人にはminiのアップデートポイントが何より気になると思います。ちなみに同じ6.1インチでもiPhone 13はProより約30グラム軽量になっています。
▲重量はiPhone 13が約173グラム、iPhone 13 miniが約140グラム(実測値も同)



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アイリスオーヤマ IHコンロ IHクッキングヒーター 1400W

2021-09-22 06:48:11 | 料理



  • 商品サイズ(cm):幅約28×奥行約32.6×高さ約5.4

  • 本体重量:約2.2kg

  • 発売年・モデルイヤー:2020

  • 電源:AC100V(50/60Hz)

  • 定格消費電力:1400W

  • 電源コード長さ:約1.8m

  • 保証期間: お買い上げ日より1年間

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今日の運命 2021年9月22日

2021-09-22 06:28:29 | 運命学





望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます

癸酉日  不動明王





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