視床下部がなぜ霊性の「場」であるかについて、わたくしは、『密教・超能力の 秘密』で、脳生理学と、ホルモン分泌学と、酵素薬理学の三つの面から解明しています。 この視床下部が“第三の目”として活動するとき、人間は霊性を顕現するのです。 そしてその究極において、カミ、ホトケにまで到達するのです。
人間は、知性・理性の場である新皮質脳と、本能の座である大脳辺縁系との中間にあ る「間脳」に、霊性の場を持っていたのです。これにより、人間はバランスがとれるの です。ところが、この間にある霊性の場を、人間は失ってしまった。しかし、それを 知っているひとたちがいた。その代表が、シャカです。 シャカは、『解脱法』『成仏法」 という名で、この霊性の場を再開発するシステムを完成しました。
つまり―わたくしのいう真実の智恵とは、この霊性の場から発する智恵なのである。 この智恵なくして、世界は救えない。
大脳辺縁系による愛 本能に根ざした愛、たとえば母性愛 (盲愛・愛に陥りやすい) 二、新皮質脳による受理性的な愛。 前に述べた哲学の定義の中の、「あるべきもの」(善 を求める意志から出るもの(利己的な愛に走りやすい)
つまり、間脳の霊性の場には、純粋の霊的)愛と、最高度の霊智が存在するのある。 この二つはすみやかに一つにならねばならぬ。 いま、世界がかくも混乱をきわめ、災いにみち ているのは、この二つがこれまでべつべつの道を歩んでいたからである。この二つの道が一つに なる。 二十一世紀をきりひらくあたらしい道が開くのではないのか。
人間のこころは、死んで肉体が消滅したからといって、そのまま消えてしまうものではないのつよい憎悪、怨恨、苦痛の念は、肉体が消滅しても、かなり長期の間、この世界に残る。残る だけではなく、それが生きている者たちの世界に、つよい影響をあたえるのである。もちろん、 つよい怨恨や憎悪のこころが、よい影響をあたえるはずはない。悪い影響をあたえるのは当然で
人間これだけの生物が死んでしまったら、あとに何も残らないと考えるほうが、わたく しはおかしいと思っている。
シャカの成仏法を修行したわたくしには、そういう特殊なの存在がわかるのである。シャカ 自身、そのことについて、いくつもの経を残しているのである。
つよい霊障を持つ家庭は、「肉親血縁相の因縁」が生ずる。 肉親どうしが、血で血を洗う深 刻な争いをするのである。そうして急速に家運が衰えてゆく。いまのヨーロッパがそうである。 同じ人間どういうならば兄弟である。 それが殺し合い、傷つけあっている。
今度はじめて、ヨーロッパに行って、これほどひどかったのかと、わたくしは戦慄した。 アメ リカの十数倍も強い。
これでは、つねに戦乱が止まないのは当然である。明日にも国土が壊滅し、荒廃するような大 戦争が起きてもふしぎではない。このすさまじい霊障の群れが、やがては核戦争の引きがねにな
わたくしは、一日も早く「成仏法」が修されねばならぬと思った。「成仏法」の供養によって、 この霊障を浄化せねばならぬと思った。
キリスト教に、仏教の「成仏法」にあたる法儀があるかどうか、わたくしは知らない。 しかし、この霊障のすさまじい堆積はどうだ。
死者にたいするシャカの成仏法供養は、死者の迷える魂、苦しむ魂、怨恨にもだえる魂、すべ 救い、平安ならしめる。
洗礼者ヨハネ(せんれいしゃヨハネ、ヘブライ語: יוֹחָנָן הַמַּטְבִּיל, Yōḥānān ha-Maṭbīl, 希: Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτιστής, 羅: Ioannes Baptista, 伊: Giovanni Battista, 英: John the Baptist, 独: Johannes der Täufer, 仏: Jean le Baptiste, 西: Juan el Bautista, 蘭: Johannes de Doper、紀元前6年から前2年頃 - 36年頃[要出典])は、『新約聖書』に登場する古代ユダヤの宗教家・預言者。個人の回心を訴え、ヨルダン川でイエスらに洗礼(バプテスマ)を授けた。『新約聖書』の「ルカによる福音書」によれば、父は祭司ザカリア、母はエリサベト。バプテスマのヨハネ、洗者ヨハネとも表記・呼称される。ヨハネは「יהוה(ヤハウェ)が深く恵む」という意味の名。正教会ではキリストの道を備えるものという意味の前駆(Forerunner)の称をもってしばしば呼び、日本ハリストス正教会での呼称は前駆授洗イオアン(ぜんくじゅせんイオアン)。
This is the wisdom and intelligence of "philosophy."
In ``Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers,'' I elucidate why the hypothalamus is a spiritual ``field'' from three aspects: brain physiology, hormone secretion, and enzyme pharmacology. When the hypothalamus acts as a "third eye," humans manifest spirituality. And at its ultimate level, it reaches kami and hotoke.
Human beings had a spiritual field in the diencephalon, which is located between the neocortical brain, which is the place of intellect and reason, and the limbic system, which is the seat of instinct. This is what allows humans to be balanced. However, humans have lost the spiritual space that existed during this time. However, there were people who knew this. The representative is Shaka. Shaka completed a system to redevelop this spiritual place under the names ``Liberation method'' and ``Buddhahood method.''
In other words, what I call true wisdom is the wisdom that emanates from this spiritual place. Without this wisdom, the world cannot be saved.
However, what nurtures this wisdom is an endless love for humanity and sentient beings.
This love has three forms.
These are the three.
Love based on the limbic system Love rooted in instinct, such as maternal love (easily falling into blind love/love) 2. Receptive love based on the neocortical brain. In the definition of philosophy mentioned earlier, ``what should be'' (something that comes from the will to seek goodness (which tends to lead to selfish love)
Pure love emanating from the love and spiritual intelligence of the three-brained brain
In other words, in the spiritual field of the diencephalon, pure spiritual love and the highest degree of spiritual wisdom exist. These two must quickly become one. The reason that the world is now in such turmoil and full of disasters is because these two things have been following different paths until now. These two paths become one. Isn't it possible that a new path will open up to usher in the 21st century?
A cough filled with terrible grudges
This time, when I flew over the skies of Europe for the first time, what I felt most keenly was the accumulation of an infinite amount of resentment, hatred, and pain from a long time ago.
A person's heart does not disappear just because the body disappears after death. Strong hatred, grudges, and thoughts of pain remain in this world for a long time even after the body disappears. . It will have a strong influence not only on the person who remains, but on the world of the living. Of course, strong grudges and hatred cannot have a positive effect. Of course it has a negative impact
We call this "spiritual disorder."
Actually, I don't really like to use this way of calling it, but I use it because it's easiest for the general public to understand. The problem is that although it is easy to understand, it is also bland and can easily lead to misunderstandings and backlash. People think like Yurei, call it superstition, and end up using it as material for slander. He is in trouble because there are even religious people and monks among them.
I think it's strange for him and me to think that if so many living things died, there would be nothing left.
Having practiced Shaka's Buddhist attainment method, I understand the existence of such a special thing. Shaka himself has left behind a number of sutras regarding this matter.
In families with strong spiritual disabilities, there is a ``fate of blood relations''. Family members engage in serious and bloody conflicts. As a result, the family's fortunes rapidly decline. This is the case in Europe today. If we are the same people, we are brothers. They are killing and hurting each other.
The effects of spiritual disorders are the same on families and nations.
When I went to Europe for the first time, I was horrified to see how bad it was. He is more than ten times stronger than Rika.
It is only natural that this situation will lead to unending wars. It would not be surprising if a major war broke out tomorrow that destroyed the country and left it in ruins. This horrifying group of ghosts will eventually become the trigger for nuclear war.
I thought that I needed to practice the ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood'' as soon as possible. I felt that I had to purify this spiritual hindrance by offering the ``Buddhist Dharma.''
I don't know whether Christianity has a ritual that corresponds to Buddhism's ``method of attaining Buddhahood.'' But what about this tremendous accumulation of spiritual disorders?
Even though I have a method to protect myself from spiritual disorders no matter how much I come into contact with them, I couldn't sleep in the hotel where I was staying overnight. Even during the day, I often felt shudder. Some of the spiritually inclined members of the group were vomiting or almost fainting at severe points.
If you think about it, there may be quite a few Christians who die without repenting or without ever having the opportunity to repent. Such people are said to be souls who will fall into hell at the time of the final judgment and will never be saved. They are people who have been abandoned by Christianity.
From our standpoint, these people are ``spirits of unattainable Buddhahood.'' Many of those people's souls are bound to be mentally disabled souls. All the hordes of psychics I have seen are from this person. These are people who have fallen from the net of Christian salvation.
We must save these people through the ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood.''
Shaka's Buddhahood offerings to the dead bring salvation and peace to the lost souls, suffering souls, and grudge-ridden souls of the dead.
Christianity must also have rituals like this to comfort and save the dead. Now is the time, for the sake of world peace and the peace of humanity, to join hands and rescue these lost and suffering souls.
"Give me a baptism of fire"
I heard it. Voice of the Prophet in St. Peter’s Basilica!”
The voice of the prophet calls out loud.
The liberation goma performed by the Agon sect is a ``baptism of fire'' and a ``mass of fire.''
Isn't it time for the prophet's voice to be realized?
The prophet who prophesied “baptism of fire”
His name is John
What is the current Pope's name?
His Holiness John Paul II.
Do you think it's a coincidence?
But I heard the voice of the prophet. With your whole body.