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2024-02-02 16:35:04 | タブレットPC


「力の湧き出る泉」は「チャクラ」と呼ばれ、英国やアメリカ、インドの神智学協会では「6Force Center」とも訳され、「力の中心」を指す。
 英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。
この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)

Profile of President Yasuo Kiriyama
The miracle of chagra
The source of Kundalini Yoga's paranormal ability is the "chakra".
Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years.
In such an old age, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven "springs of power" in the human body and created a technology to freely control these springs to generate superhuman abilities. .. Then, this "spring of power" is called "chakra".
What does chakra mean?
In The Chakras 9 published by Theosophical Society, which is based in the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, Reedbeater translates it as 6Force Centeref. It is the "center of power". Then, he explains as follows.
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a ring, and in literary terms, it is "rotation of the ring of law".
Another European yoga leader is said to be "width".
My idea is closer to this.
It was
However, it would be a mistake to call this a cap, which is similar to the pillars that radiate from the center of the wheel in all directions, that is, the width.
They are not the width itself, nor the ring, but the state of the width. That is, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.
It shows the state of things, not things themselves, and represents power. It is a state in which a force is generated by a certain stimulus.
To. That state is in the form of being radiated like a width.
It looks faintly shining with various colors when the power is fulfilled. Similar to Reiko, but the off does not emit as many colors as the chakras.
Why does the chakra generate a special force that can be called superhuman?
It was
For a long time it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.
All chakra lifts coincide with the endocrine glands.
A kundalini yoga expert stimulates the place with the power gained through special training, and generates power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine glands are the source of that force.
If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).
However, this anatomical contrast between chakra and modern medicine was classified by me according to my training experience, and it is quite different from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). There are differences. I believe this is more correct, depending on my training experience, or this
May be due to differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity, as Mr. Leadbeater said. In his book, he has quite different differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, race, and even the same race and race. , Some individual differences can be seen
It is. I think that's true.
Chagra function
It was mentioned that the chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine gland that secretes hormones, and is the place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.
It was
Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?
Let's write down what is told as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.
Mueller Darra Chatara
The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.
When you awaken this Jakura, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. Any illness
It does not accept and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who were sick will recover from their bad points. Concentrate the old 苫 ∃Q of the control system on this chakra and its energy
When activated, even a dead prisoner will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years or older younger than their true age.
Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so we also use a method of converting that energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.
2. Svadisterner chakra
It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.
When this chakra was awakened and Yu Furugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.
As a result, you will be able to actively and boldly act. Don't be afraid of anything
Don't be fooled, fearless, unwavering belief and willing to face any difficulties. Super life and death
Demonstrate superhuman skill
3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)
The mystery of yoga, "Yoger Sutra," says:
By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.
Regarding this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda (Section 29 of Freedom)
The navel ring is not an actual navel hole, but a mysterious wheel-shaped part that can be imagined around it, and is said to have a width of sixteen. According to one theory, it is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), so if you control it, the tissues inside the body will
It is explained that this is a little different.
The doctor is said to be "a mystery that can be imagined around that area", but this part is by no means a fantasy place. Demonstrate great power that seems to be mysterious
However, it is clearly medically confirmed.
It is the "solar plexus" medically named Sofu Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery.
It is a large sympathetic plexus at the origin of the artery (because it is on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.
It was named.
That is, the nerves coming out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pig, adrenal gland, intestine, etc. In addition, this plexus is the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, and the first.
The twelve thoracic ganglion and the first lumbar ganglion are gathered together, and it is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.
Until now, chakras have been considered only as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means like that, as I mentioned earlier.
In addition, it is deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, it is a very important place from a medical point of view, and it is a place that plays an important role.
It says, "By applying a system, you can know the tissues inside the body", but this system means a special concentration that has undergone special training. To know this organization
This means that you can freely control the organization, not just know it. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this sun god
The internal organs belonging to the light transport --- it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, protozoa, glands, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. Of these
It is immediately known what kind of condition the organ bamboo is in, and if there is any abnormality, it will be returned to normal immediately. That kind of power training is this umbilical ring training.
It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.
4th chakra (Anahata)
Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.
It was
You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
It was
In addition, you can assimilate things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to you into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and wisdom. In other words, of a person
Even if the body is loose, the energy of the heart that the person had has a trace in this space.
So, if this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of the mind, everything that the mind has, consciousness and intelligence, will be assimilated with oneself and become one's own.
That is.
In other words, it means that the way of transportation with the spirit world (four-dimensional world) will be opened.
5th chakra (Vishudda)
The fifth chakra is below the Adam's apple and is called the Adam's apple. It is related to the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and bronchi, and it is said that activation of this area enhances the ability to learn, teach, negotiate, and discuss.
6. Ajunya Chakra
It is the site of the pituitary gland.
Has extremely developed intelligence.
The memory that I never forgot what I saw and heard once
Power. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization.
Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.
Ultimately, the four virtues of "Joraku Gajo" in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.
7, Hustler Racha Tara
It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.
When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.
This chakra is called "light in the head"). It is said that the moment when this chakra awakens, the light appears in this part and it shines brightly. (There is a top secret story)
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2024-02-02 11:22:42 | タブレットPC
  1. これまでの大脳生理学が知らなかった第三の脳、「間脳」が存在していた。
  2. 間脳は他の二つの脳(古い皮質と新しい皮質)を統合し、コントロールする最も重要な脳である。
  3. 間脳は「霊性の場」と呼ばれ、その存在と機能は従来の大脳生理学ではほとんど知られていなかった。
  4. 桐山先生は、人間の脳には霊性の部位があり、これが進化の途中で閉鎖されたことが人類の狂気の症状を引き起こしたと主張している。
  5. 霊性の部位は大脳の最も中心である脳の視床下部にあり、そのすぐそばに特殊な内分泌腺である松果が存在し、これがはたらくためにはその特殊な機能が必要であるとされている。
  6. これらの発見は桐山先生の修行体験に基づくものであり、インドのクンダリニー・ヨーガやチベットの密教の修行などを参考にしている。
  7. 松果腺はアメリカのホルモン分泌学の権威であるD・ラトクリフによれば、第三の目の残跡であると考えられている。
  8. 第三の目は四次元世界や霊界を見る能力があるとされ、英国人がチベットで修行をし、第三の目を持つことでベストセラーとなった書籍も存在する。
There was a third brain, the diencephalon, which was unknown to previous cerebral physiology.
The diencephalon is the most important brain that integrates and controls the other two brains (old cortex and new cortex).
The diencephalon is called a ``place of spirituality,'' and its existence and functions are largely unknown in conventional cerebral physiology.
Professor Kiriyama argues that there is a spiritual part in the human brain, and that this part was shut down during evolution, causing the symptoms of insanity in humans.
The spiritual part is located in the hypothalamus, the most central part of the brain, and the pineal gland, a special endocrine gland, is located right next to it, and it is said that its special functions are necessary for the pineal gland to function. There is.
These discoveries are based on Mr. Kiriyama's training experience, and he draws on the training of Kundalini yoga in India and the esoteric Buddhism of Tibet.
According to D. Ratcliffe, an American authority on hormone secretion, the pineal gland is thought to be the remnant of the third eye.
The third eye is said to have the ability to see the four-dimensional world and the spiritual world, and there is even a best-selling book about a British man who trained in Tibet and possessed a third eye.

「ハードウエアの開発は、もはやギリギリのところにきている。これからはソ フトウェアの開発だ。ソフトウエアの開発にこそ無限の未来がある」 と語っているが、この言葉は、そのまま、われわれ人類にあてはまるのでは
太古の洞窟に棲む原始人が、火の使用をおぼえ、車輪を考案し、 文字をつく り、内燃機関を発明し、ついに原子力の解放にまで到達した。 この偉大なる進 化!その原動力であるソフトウエアを、われわれは、自分自身の脳の中に持 っているのである! ソフトウエアは無限の可能性を秘め、われわれは無限の 未来を持つ。人間はこれからどれほど高度な文明をきずきあげることであろう か? 洋々たるその未来! ばんざい!「にんげん」 ばんざい! 「ぜんと うれんごうや」 ばんざい!
ちょ、ちょ、ちょっと待っていただきたい。そんなところでいい気になって おどっていてもらっては困るのだ。
ものごとにはすべて二つの面があり、この世の中に、すべてよい事ずくめと いうものは絶対ないのだ。おもしろい話がある。
皮肉屋で有名だった英国の文豪バーナード・ショウに、あるパーティーで同 席した有名な女優サラ・ベルナールが、こうはなしかけた。
先生とわたしが結婚したら、理想的な子供が生まれることでしょうね。先生 そのすぐれた頭脳と、私のこの美しい容姿をあわせ持ったすばらしい子供で す。いかが? 結婚しましょうか?」
っしょにした子供が生まれるかもしれんと思うと、ぞっとするよ」 まわりの人々は、例によって例のごときショウの毒舌にわっと手をたたき、 美しい女優は口あんぐり、というエピソードがつたわっている。
さすがにショウで、ものごとにはすべて二つの面があることくらい、だれで も知っていることだが、とっさの間にこう軽く出てくるところが、ショウのシ たるところであろう。
つ、悪い方の面、超・悪人類の部分があったのだよ。悪い面は、旧皮質、古皮 質だけだと思ったのに、なんと新皮質の部分にもあったのだ。ブルータス、汝 もか、である。その
つまり、もっともすぐれたるよきものと、もっとも愚かな劣れるものと、こ の二つの極端に矛盾したものが、二つながら存在しているのがこの前頭連合野 なのだ。つまりそこにはジェキル博士とハイド氏がいっしょに住み、神と悪魔、
さきに、私は、前頭連合野こそ、人間の心のはたらきの中で、もっとも高度 な心のはたらき 「思考」「判断」「推理」「創造」「意志」「情操」が活動すると ころであると述べた。
ところが、そういう心のはたらきと同時に、そこには、「競争意識」「欲望 物欲、名誉欲、権力欲)」「情操(ねたみ、うらみ、嫉妬)」などの精神がいっ しょにいとなまれていることがわかったのである。
これは、最初、狂暴なチンパンジーが前頭葉(前頭連合野のあるところ)を切 りとられたらすっかりおとなしくなってしまった、というところからわかった
のであるが(そして前に述べた神経学者のモニスはこれにヒントを得て、前頭葉切除の手術をはじめたのであるが)、 前頭連合野がなくなると、狂暴な精神病者もおとなしくなる。と同時に、まえに述べた通り、思考力や創造力も失っ 無気力な人間になってしまうのである(世の中はなかなかうしかしながら考えてみると、前頭連合野は「よりよく」生きようとする心の はたらく場所であり、人間がよりよく生きようとするとき、それらの心もまた ある程度は必要であるのかもしれないのである。適度の競争意識、適度の権力 欲、名誉欲などがあることにより人間は努力し進歩するのであろう。
だがそれは、毒薬劇薬が適量につかわれることによって強力な効果をあげる ように、どこまでも「適量」であることが必要であり、少しでも量が過ぎると、 それは、人を害し、ものを損する。
だが、創造、企画の精神は、人間を、たえず積極行動にかりたててやまない。 「よく生きようとする意識の部分が、個性を生みだし、自主的に行動をする ことを教え、人類をここまでひき上げ進化させてくれたのであるが、同時にこ の「よく」生きようとする「個」の意識は、「自分だけ」を「よく」生かすた めに、他を抹殺してしまおうとする傾向がある。 その目的をはたすためには人 を傷つけ殺すことも辞さない狂暴な意識がひそんでいる。 それが、原子力を開 放して「よく」生きようとする道をひらくと同時に、「核バクダン」をつくり出して、他を殺し、傷つけ、征服 支配して、自分だけが最も「よく」生きよ うとしはじめることになったわけである。
もちろん、そういう野心を阻止し、抑制しようとする意識がないことはない。 しかし、それがほかならぬおなじ前頭連合野なのだから、まさにナンセンスと いうべきだ。 強盗と検事が同一人だったというようなものだ。とんだアルセー ヌ・ルパン物語だが、その上さらにワニとウマが同居しているというのだ。ま るでテンヤワンヤではないか。これでは、設計ミスどころか、まるっきり設計も計画もあったものではない。人間の脳なんてまるで粘土でもまるめてその辺 に無造作に放り出したようなものである。するとやはり人間は、“進化論に適合しない病に冒された異常な生物種であったのであろうか?
これまでの大脳生理学は、古い皮質(旧皮質・古皮質)と、新しい皮質(新皮質) しか知らなかった。ところが、このほかに、重要な脳がもう一つあったのであ る。
それは、他の二つの脳を統合し、コントロールする最も重要な脳であった。 そういう機能を持った脳のあることを、これまでの大脳生理学は知らなかった。 それは「間脳」と呼ぶ脳である。 大脳生理学は、生理学としてこの脳のあるこ とを知っていたけれども、その機能についてはほとんど知ることがなかったの である。
わたくしは、この脳を、「霊性の場」と呼んで、 「間脳思考』(一九八四年一月 刊行、平河出版社)の中で、対談者の質問に対し、つぎのように答えている。
桐山先生は、 ケストラーのいうように人間は、脳に致命的な設計ミスを持
「いや、わたくしはそう思いません。設計はほとんど完全に近かったと思い ます」
そうです。 ですから、 ケストラー自身もいっているように、かれのもう一 つの推理 ホモ・サピエンスが最後の爆発的段階に達したある時点で何か に狂いが生じたことは、といっているのが正しいのです。設計ミスではなか
った。設計はほとんど完全だったが、進化の途中で方向が狂ってしまったのです。 わたくしは、すでに、それを『密教・超能力の秘密』(一九七二年七月 刊行 平河出版社)の中で指摘しています」
「人間は脳に霊性の部位を持っているのです。これはそのように設計されているのです。だから、この部位がその設計の通りに活動していたら、人類は ケストラーのいうように“狂気の症状をあらわさなかったでしょう。した って、いまのような破壊に直面するようにはならなかったのです。 ところが、この部位が進化の途中で閉鎖されてしまった。そのために、人類は 愚人になってしまったのです」
「大脳の最も中心である脳の視床下部です。 このいちばん奥に、その部 位があります。ただし、これがはたらくためには、そのすぐそばにある松果 という内分泌腺の特殊なはたらきが必要です」
「いいえ、そうじゃありません。わたくしの修行体験による発見です。 イン ドのクンダリニー・ヨーガ、チベットの密教の修行などを参考に、わたくしが把握したものです。 脳生理学はまだそこまで到達しておりません。ただし、 アメリカのホルモン分泌学の権威・D・ラトクリフという学者は、その著 書『人体の驚異」(小学館)の中で、おもしろいことを言っております。
その機能がようやくわかりかけてきた松果腺は、脳の下側にくっついて いる小さな毬果形の腺で、人間が原始時代の祖先から受けついできた第三 の目の残跡と推定されている」
ずうっと以前に、そういう題名の本を読んだことがあります。 なんとかい 英国人が、チベットでラマ僧について密教の修行をし、眉間のあいだに、
四次元世界や霊界を見ることができる第三の目を持ったという内容で、ベス トセラーになりましたね。もうほとんど内容を記憶しておりませんが、読ん だおぼえがあります。
The secret of Gukumamochi’s enlightenment method
Was there a fatal mistake in the design of the human brain?
A famous computer scientist said,
Isn't there?
He said, ``Hardware development has reached its limit. From now on, it will be software development. There is an unlimited future in software development.'' These words are true. Does this apply to us humans?
Primitive humans living in ancient caves learned to use fire, devised the wheel, created writing, invented the internal combustion engine, and finally achieved the release of nuclear power. This great evolution! We have the software that is the driving force in our own brains! Software has infinite possibilities, and we have an infinite future. How advanced a civilization will humans be able to develop in the future? A glorious future! Good luck! Good luck! Good luck to all! Good luck!
Hey, hey, please wait a moment. I don't want him to get carried away and dance around in a place like that.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
I answered yes.
There are two sides to everything, and there is absolutely nothing in this world that is all good. I have an interesting story.
This is what Sarah Bernhardt, a famous actress who was sitting with him at a party, said to Bernard Shaw, a famously sarcastic British writer.
If you and I get married, I'm sure we'll have an ideal child. Teacher: She is a wonderful child who has both her brilliant mind and my beautiful appearance. How about it? Shall we get married?”
said the actress with a mischievous look in her eyes, and Shou didn't even smile.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for your slow brain and my poor body.
I shudder to think that we might have a child together.'' As usual, people around her clapped their hands at Shaw's harsh words, and the beautiful actress is said to have left her mouth hanging open.
Of course, he knows that there are two sides to everything, but the fact that he comes out so lightly like this is probably the best part of Shaw.
homo sapiens
By the way, this frontal association cortex is also true, and what I have described so far is a good one.
This is the part of an intelligent person. However, there is something else in this frontal association cortex.
Homo sultifamus
There was a bad side, a super evil part of humanity. I thought that the bad side was only in the old cortex, but it turned out that it was also in the neocortex. Brutus, you too. the
In other words, it is in this frontal association cortex that two extremely contradictory things exist, the most excellent and the most foolish, and the most foolish and inferior. In other words, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde live there together, God and the devil,
Hotoke and Oni live together.
First, I believe that the most advanced functions of the human mind, ``thinking,'' ``judgment,'' ``reasoning,'' ``creation,'' ``will,'' and ``emotions'' are active in the frontal association cortex. He said that.
However, along with this functioning of the mind, spirits such as ``competitiveness'', ``desire (lust for material things, desire for honor, desire for power)'', and ``emotions (envy, envy, jealousy)'' are also being consumed together. That's what I found out.
This was first discovered when a ferocious chimpanzee became completely docile after its frontal lobe (where the frontal association cortex is located) was removed.
(And Monis, the neurologist mentioned earlier, took a cue from this and developed a frontal
However, once the frontal association cortex was gone, he became violent and mentally ill.
Even the sick become quiet. At the same time, as I mentioned earlier, we lose our thinking and creative abilities and become lethargic (the world doesn't always go smoothly).
However, if you think about it, the frontal association cortex is the place where the mind works to live "better", and when humans try to live better, they are also necessary to some extent. It may be. Human beings will strive and progress if they have a moderate sense of competition, a moderate desire for power, and a desire for honor.
However, just like him, when a poisonous drug is used in the right amount, it has a powerful effect, so it has to be in the ``appropriate amount''; even a little too much can cause harm to people and damage things.
However, the spirit of creation and planning never ceases to motivate humans to take proactive action. ``The part of our consciousness that strives to live well is what gives rise to individuality, teaches us to act independently, and has brought humanity to this point and evolved. The ``individual'' consciousness has a tendency to try to eliminate others in order to ``make good use'' of ``only oneself.'' There is a hidden ferocious consciousness that does not hesitate to hurt or kill people in order to achieve that goal. This paved the way for people to open up nuclear power and live a ``well'' life, and at the same time created a ``nuclear bomb explosion.''
In other words, he began to try to live the best life for himself by killing, injuring, and conquering others.
Of course, there is no lack of awareness of trying to thwart and suppress such ambitions. However, since it is none other than the same frontal association cortex, he should say that it is nonsense. It's like saying the robber and the prosecutor were the same person. It's a crazy Arsene Lupin story, but on top of that, a crocodile and a horse live together. Isn't he Tenya Wanya in Haru? This is not only a design mistake, but it was not designed or planned at all. The human brain is like a ball of clay that has been rolled up and thrown carelessly around. Were humans then, after all, an abnormal species affected by a disease that did not fit the theory of evolution?
There was a third brain
It's different.
This is completely different.
There was one part of the brain that conventional cerebral physiology had not noticed at all.
Until now, cerebral physiology has only known about the old cortex (old cortex/paleocortex) and the new cortex (neocortex). However, there was another important brain.
It was the most important brain that integrated and controlled the other two brains. Until now, cerebral physiology was unaware that there was a brain with such a function. This is a part of the brain called the diencephalon. Cerebral physiology, as a field of physiology, knew what the brain was about, but it knew very little about its functions.
I call this brain a "place of spirituality," and in response to a question from my interlocutor in "Diencephalic Thinking" (January 1984, Hirakawa Publishing), I say the following: is answering.
Professor Kiriyama believes that, as Koestler said, humans have fatal design errors in their brains.
Do you think it is an unusual species?”
"No, I don't think so. He thinks the design was almost perfect."
Then, although the design was close to perfect, it did not proceed as planned.
that's right. Therefore, as Koestler himself says, it is correct to say that something went wrong with him at a certain point when his other theory, Homo sapiens, reached its final explosive stage. is. It's not a design error
It was. The design was almost perfect, but during evolution it went off course.
is. I have already pointed this out in ``Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Psychic Powers'' (published in July 1972, Hirakawa Publishing).
“Please be specific.”
“Humans have a spiritual part of their brain. It was designed that way.
There is. Therefore, if this part had worked as designed, humans would not have exhibited the symptoms of insanity that Koestler described. It didn't turn out that way.
However, this part was closed during evolution. That's why humanity has become so stupid."
Hmm, this is a surprising idea.”
It's not an idea. It’s a fact.”
Where is that spiritual part?”
``The hypothalamus is the most central part of the brain. It's located at the very back of this area. However, in order for this to work, it requires the special function of an endocrine gland called the pineal gland, which is located right next to it.''
Is that the theory of cerebral physiologists?”
``No, that's not true. This is a discovery based on my own training experience.
has grasped it. Brain physiology has not yet reached that point. However, a scholar named D. Ratcliffe, an American authority on hormone secretion, says something interesting in his book ``The Wonders of the Human Body'' (Shogakukan).
The pineal gland, whose function is only beginning to be understood, is a small cone-shaped gland attached to the underside of the brain, and is thought to be the remnant of a third eye that humans inherited from their primitive ancestors. There's
That's what it means.
Do you know about the third eye?”
I read a book with that title a long time ago. Somehow, a British man was practicing esoteric Buddhism with a lama in Tibet, and between his eyebrows,
He has a third eye that allows him to see the four-dimensional world and the spirit world, so he became a tosser. I don't remember much of the content anymore, but I do remember reading it.''
“I see, in ``Secrets of Esoteric Buddhism and Superpowers,'' I learned about this Ratcliffe.
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
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