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Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī

2023-01-20 18:27:39 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words





なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.



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 魔訶般若心經    Hannya Shinju

2023-01-20 14:02:26 | 仏陀の言葉  Buddha's words



この行の波羅蜜多において、聖なる観自在菩薩は、この世のものすべて、五蘊いっさいは、本来空な るものと照見たまいて、この真理をもって、世のひとすべての悩み苦しみを解きほどく真実の道となし




その教えをここに説くならば、形ありとて形にとらわるべからず。縁あってかりに形を生じたものな れば、縁によっては、また、形なき空なるものに変らん。また、形なしとて無しと思うな、縁によって は、を生じ相をあらわす。



たとえば、かの水を見よ。熱するという縁をあたうれば熱湯となり、蒸気 となって空にとけこむ。さむればふたたび水となり、雨となって地に降りそそぐ。 寒の縁にあわばか たき氷となり、つめたき霜の柱となる。 水の自性に変りなく、ただ縁によってかく変化す。世のことす べてみなこの加し、形あるも無きも本は一体にして、すべて因縁次第なり。


人の心の作用の、受も想も行も、識のはたらき、すべてこの理にほかならず。人は敷き、悲しみ、あるいは喜ぶ、されど、人の性 の内に、 敷き、悲しみ、喜びの、一定の性のあるにはあらず。





このように、法の本は、空なる欄である故に、現象の上にては縁によって様々に変化をあらわ すけれども、その本体はいささかもることなし。生ずることもなければ、滅することもなく、るる こともなければ、浄まるということもなし。減ることもなければ、増すこともなし、ただあるものは変化 のみ。


この道理を悟って、この世の成立を見るならば、色あるものも形なきにひとしく、受も、想も、行も、 識のはたらきすべてることなし。また、それらの本なる眼も耳もも舌も身も意もあるにあらず。





まよいを離れてかならず涅槃を究竟つくさん。 三世に住みたまえるのは、このさとりによって因縁解脱を成就し給えり。この故に、解脱を 求めんとする人は、すべからく、般若波羅蜜多の大神呪を知らねばならぬ。









Devil's Heart

Naru Kanjizai joined the line of a thief in search of the truth that will save all the troubles of the world.

In this line of Paramita, the holy Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara sees that all things in this world, including all the five knots, are originally empty, and with this truth, is the true way to relieve the suffering of all people in the world. none




If you preach the teaching here, you should not be bound by the form even if there is a form. If a form arises due to an edge, depending on the edge, it will also change into a formless, empty thing. Also, don't think that formlessness is nothingness.




See, for example, that water. If you get the chance to heat it, it will become hot water, and then it will become steam and melt into the sky. When it cools down, it becomes water again, and then falls to the ground as rain. On the brink of cold he becomes a splinter of ice, a pillar of cold frost. The nature of water does not change, but it changes depending on the circumstances. Everything he has done in the world has been added to this, and the book, whether tangible or intangible, is one, and it all depends on fate.


The functions of the human mind, such as receiving, imagining, and acting, and the functions of consciousness, are all nothing other than this truth. People are sad, sad, or happy, but there is no fixed nature of sadness, sadness, or joy within human nature.

According to the theory of cause and effect, the rim moves according to the cause, and only a phase appears. I call this the reason of the sky.





In this way, the law book is an empty column, and although the phenomenon shows various changes depending on the edge, the substance itself is not at all. There is no birth, there is no destruction, there is no ruling him, there is no purification. No decrease, no increase, only change.


If you understand this principle and look at the formation of this world, things with color are the same as without form, and there is no function of receiving, thinking, acting, or knowing. Nor do they have eyes, ears, tongues, bodies, and minds.

There are no colors, voices, scents, tastes, touches, or laws that are objects of the six roots. In addition, there is no line of sight, and

There is no world of consciousness, no ignorance, and therefore no end to ignorance, no old age, no death.

Therefore, realize that there is no end to old age and death, no suffering, no collection, no destruction, no path, no wisdom, and no income. Don't dwell on it at all, and when you realize this, you should get rid of all the troubled minds. If the mind is free from hesitation, fear, or greed, the bodhisattva should inevitably embody the truth of this emptiness.


Leaving Mayoi, you must reach Nirvana. It is through this enlightenment that one can live in the third generation and achieve liberation from karma. Therefore, those who seek liberation must know the Great Divine Curse of Prajnaparamita.


This Great Divine Curse is a supreme spell and a spell of nothingness. It is a spell that relieves all hardships and calamities, and its power is unfathomable. Because it is the truth, it does not change in any age, at any time, and is not false.


go to that

"If you learn the truth of the sky and pursue it, you'll eventually reach your destination.

Under the message, "Zeyo, zeyo, just earnestly. To him of liberation."




(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)

(ぶっせつまか はんにゃはらみた しんぎょう)

観自在菩薩 行深般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空
(かんじざいぼさつ ぎょうじんはんにゃはらみったじ しょうけんごうんかいくう)

度一切苦厄 舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空
(どいっさいくやく しゃりし しきふいくう くうふいしき しきそくぜくう)

空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舎利子 是諸法空相
(くうそくぜしき じゅそうぎょうしき やくぶにょぜ しゃりし ぜしょほうくうそう)

不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減 是故空中
(ふしょうふめつ ふくふじょう ふぞうふげん ぜこくうちゅう)

無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法
(むしき むじゅそうぎょうしき むげんにびぜっしんい むしきしょうこうみそくほう)

無眼界 乃至無意識界 無無明亦 無無明尽
(むげんかい ないしむいしきかい むむみょうやく むむみょうじん)

乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得
(ないしむろうし やくむろうしじん むくしゅうめつどう むちやくむとく)

以無所得故 菩提薩埵 依般若波羅蜜多故
(いむしょとくこ ぼだいさつたえ はんにゃはらみったこ)

心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想
(しんむけいげ むけいげこ むうくふ おんりいっさいてんどうむそう)

究竟涅槃 三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故
(くうぎょうねはん さんぜしょぶつ えはんにゃはらみったこ)

得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅蜜多
(とくあのくたらさんみゃくさんぼだい こちはんにゃはらみった)

是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪
(ぜだいじんしゅ ぜだいみょうしゅ ぜむじょうしゅ ぜむとうどうしゅ)

能除一切苦 真実不虚 故説般若波羅蜜多呪
(のうじょいっさいく しんじつふこ こせつはんにゃはらみったしゅ)

即説呪日 羯諦 羯諦 波羅羯諦 波羅僧羯諦
(そくせつしゅわっ ぎゃてい ぎゃてい はらぎゃてい はらそうぎゃてい)

菩提薩婆訶 般若心経
(ぼじそわか はんにゃしんぎょう)


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2023年1月20日 今日の運命

2023-01-20 11:29:37 | 運命学




01月20日 (金曜)






凌犯期間  衰の日










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Bonji 梵字   准胝観音  七倶胝仏母  Cundī

2023-01-19 19:13:38 | 梵字



なう まく さ た なん さん みゃく さん ぼ だ く ち なん
た にや た おん しゃ れい しゅ れい じゅん でい そわ か





真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā










Associate bladder Kannon Mantra
Nau Makusata Nansan Myakusan Bodakuchi Nan
Taniya Onsha Rei Shu Rei Jun Dei Sowaka

Associate clothes are Kannon that walks the path of Satori, meaning "clean and innocent" in the sound copy of the Lu-go on the Sanskrit dynasty.
Also known as the Associate Clothes Buddha Mother and the Seven Club Clothes Buddha Mothers. Since seven clothes mean "infinite amount", many things
Become the mother of Buddha. Therefore, there is a theory that it is not a Kannon Bodhisattva. It is also explained as Kannon in the sutra
In Inudai Esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as the Buddha's honor as quasi-Ana Nyorai, but in Mantra Esoteric Buddhism, it is added to Rokukannon as one of the Kannon.
It is also enshrined as the principal image of childbirth and childbirth. Originally a god of water, its appearance is said to be a female body.
In addition, the seeds of Kannon of the Fukuzo Mandala Nakadai Hachiyoin are marked with the B character of this quasi-clothing Kannon.

It is assumed that Cundī is a transcription of Cundī]

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".


The mantra is the short curse "Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā"

] Etc. are well known. The long story is "Namosattanan, Sanmyakusanmodakuchinan, Taniyata, On Sharei, Shrey, Juntei, Sowaka."


Sanmai Yagata is "Treasure bottle" (upaya), "Kongo 杵" (wisdom), "Armor" (mercy).


The seeds are बु (bo, bu).


Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also known as the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called the Seven Kannon together with the Fukū-in Temple Kannon.



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2023年1月19日 今日の運命

2023-01-19 08:17:27 | 運命学



01月19日 (木曜)


凌犯期間  同の日












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○中途挫折の因縁  ○ Fate of halfway setback

2023-01-18 17:33:42 | 運命学















○ Fate of halfway setback

No matter what you do, people with this connection will go smoothly up to the 7th and 8th minutes, but it will definitely be useless in the next 1 or 2 minutes. It never bears fruit. One person said that "the life of an imaginary flower" is "seven-fold and eight-fold, the flower is blooming but Yamabuki is one of the fruits, and it is sad."
Like the Yamabuki flower of the old song, the flower blooms, but it does not bear fruit, and it all comes from the fact that it is a waste flower. It looks gorgeous to the outside, and the truth is empty.

After a lot of hard work, the harvest of the sardines is taken away by people.
Many of the people who have this connection have strong luck (life force), and if they are frustrated in the middle, they will come back again.
People who stand up and work, frustrate on the 7th and 8th minute streets, stand up again and frustrate when they think that they will remain, and so on. There are many.
Then, in the end, it ends up being frustrated. In general, there are two ways in which a fate appears, and the fate is the person's personality as it is.
There are cases where it appears and cases where it does not appear at all in personality.

Even in the case of the cause of this halfway frustration, this cause appears as it is in the character, and there are a very weak type with a weak will and a very strong type with a strong will.
The weak-willed type gets tired immediately no matter what he does, and does not continue. I'm very depressed. Schoolwork, profession, everything is the same, and it changes.

It is a type of literally halfway frustration and weakness.

The other is the exact opposite, with a good personality, a strong will, and a hard worker.
However, on the contrary, its strength is incompatible with the great one, and it fails and frustrates because it collides with the superior and cannot cooperate well with colleagues. Or, at the most important point here, you can make boring mistakes, get big misunderstandings, or get disturbed. In addition, some kind of obstacle always occurs, such as making a mistake due to illness or injury, and killing the chance.

The other day, there was such a person who visited me.
He was a 47- and 8-year-old office worker and a fine person, but this was the reason for this. When asked, he says he has changed his place of employment eight times so far. I thought that he was a hard-working hard worker, but when I asked him, he worked for a first-class conglomerate company, but when he was seconded to an affiliated subsidiary, the company merged with another company. Or, it will be closed due to poor performance. Returning to the head office, the number of employees of the same period who remained at the head office has advanced considerably, and the process
Since he is in trouble, he is sent to a subsidiary company as a seconded executive. Then again, the company goes crazy, and so far it has been repeated.

As a reminder, it doesn't mean that all the companies he went to are ruined because of his poor management skills (in terms of skill, he's more than average). I have a skill). Whether this person goes or not, the company is ruined.

This person would have to go to such a company. The company is getting crazy this time, so I came to consult with him, but it was a typical cause of a halfway setback.

In the case of the weak-willed type, I immediately get tired or distracted and change the company from myself, but in the case of the strong-willed type, I will make an effort to change the company. It's not exposed, but it has to change passively. The result will be the same regardless of the person's will, thoughts, and attitude. That is called fate
However, it is scary. When I tried to make sure that something happened to my mind, this
After all, it's no good to have a connection with. External conditions do not allow it. I'm always frustrated.

From ancient times, it is often said that "everyone has three chances in a lifetime", but even those without luck have three chances, and even those with luck have more than three chances. There are no times. If the chance of being the best in life is crushed by this cause a couple of times, we must think that the human being will not sprout for the rest of his life. Then, the scary part of this fate is that this fate is always inherited by the child, and in that case, the child becomes deeper and worse than the parent.

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霊性とはなにか?  what is spirituality?

2023-01-18 17:15:56 | 瞑想




霊性(れいせい、れいしょう[1])は、非常にすぐれた性質や超人的な力能をもつ不思議な性質[1]、天賦の聡明さ[2]といった意味の漢語であり、肉体に対する[1][注釈 1]の意味でも用いられる。また、英語: spiritualityスピリチュアリティラテン語: spiritualitas の訳語でもあり[3]スピリチュアリティとも訳され、宗教心のあり方、特にカトリック教会などでの敬虔信仰などの内実やその伝統を指す[4]。カトリック神学用語としての霊性の起源は5世紀に遡るが[3]、神学用語として積極的に用いられるようになったのは20世紀初めのことである[5]。その後、キリスト教用語の枠を越えて広く宗教用語や一般文化用語として用いられている[3]





釈尊の「成仏法」を修行すると、それがよくわかるようになるのであるが、ここは、瞑想によって悟を完成し、仏陀になられた大霊覚者ゴータマ・ブッダ、釈尊の語るところによって、 それを知っていただこう。







不動心を得、宿命 智通を覚りて作証しぬ。我行 有り相貌 有り、本




・無量の成敗劫なり。 彼の衆生某と名づけ、彼昔更に歴ぬ。我曾て彼に


生じ、是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして、 是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の


如く苦楽を受け、是の如く長寿し是の如く久しく住し是の如く寿り、此に死して彼に生じ、彼に死して此に生じ、 我生じて此に在り、 是の如き姓、 是の如き字にして是の如く生じ是の如く飲食し、 是の如く苦楽を受け、 是の 如く長寿しの如く久しく住し是の如く寿りぬと。これを我その時初夜に



じ謂く宿命 智を作証明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、我巳に是の如き定

心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心を得、 生死智


死時生時、 好色悪色、妙と不妙と、善処及び不善処に往来するを見、この衆 ぜんしょ

生の所作業に随いてその如真を見、若しこの衆生身悪 [行)、口・意悪行を

成就し聖人を誹謗し、邪見にして邪見業を成就すれば、彼これに因命終りて必ず悪処に至り地獄の中に生ぜん。 若しこの衆生身妙行、

意妙行を成就し、聖人を誹謗せず、正見にして正見業を成就すれば、 彼 これに因縁して身壊れ、命終りて必ず善処に昇り天中に上生せんと見 る]。 これを我その時中夜にこの第二明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを以て遠 離に楽し修行精動し、謂く無智滅して而も智生じ、闇壊れて面も明成り、 無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く生死智を作証し明達しぬ。 また次に梵志、 我巳 にの如き心を得、清浄にして穢無く煩無く、柔軟にして善く住し不動心 を得、漏尽智通を学び作証し、我この苦の如真を知り、この苦の習を知り、 この苦滅を知り、この苦滅道の如真を知り、この漏の如真を知り、この漏 習を知り、この滅を知り、この滅道の如真を知り、 我是の如く知 是の如く見、欲漏心解脱し、有漏・無明漏心解脱し、解脱し巳りてすな わち解脱を知り、生巳に尽き梵行巳に立ち所作巳に弁じ、更に有を受けずと 真を知る。これを我その時後夜にこの第三明達を得と謂い、本放逸無きを 以て遠離に住し修行精勤し、謂く無智滅しても智生じ、闇壊れて而も明成り、無明滅して而も明生じ、謂く漏尽智を作証し明達しぬ。


わたし(釈尊は、つねに努力精進し、その想いは確立してすこしもみだ れず、体は安楽で動揺せず、心は禅定に入って静かである。 そのわたしがあ るとき、瞑想に入ってしだいに禅定が深まってきた。 第一禅定から第二、第 三、第四禅定まで深まるにつれて、心に想い浮かぶなにものもなくなり、喜 びや楽しみだけとなり、そして遂にはそれもなくなって、ただ清浄な想いだ けとなった。

そのとき、わたしの心は、一点のけがれもなく、清く明るく、絶対不動で あった。そしてわたしの心の眼はおのずから前世の光景に向けられていっ た。それは一生だけではなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生、そして無限の生 生きかわり死にかわりした光景が展開してきた。これが第一の智慧で ある。


what is spirituality




Spirituality (reisei, reisho [1]) is a Chinese word meaning such as a mysterious disposition [1] that has a very good nature or superhuman strength, or a natural intelligence [2]. Also used in the sense of spirit[1][note 1]. It is also translated from English: spirituality and Latin: spiritualitas [3], and is also translated as spirituality, which refers to the state of religious mind, especially the reality and tradition of piety and faith in the Catholic Church [3]. Four]. The origin of spirituality as a Catholic theological term dates back to the 5th century[3], but it began to be actively used as a theological term in the early 20th century[5]. Since then, it has been widely used as a religious term and a general cultural term beyond the framework of Christian terminology [3].

I believe that humans are spiritual beings.

This is because humans have a special life form.

What are special life forms?


If you practice Shakyamuni's "Buddha Dharma", you will come to understand it well, but here is the great enlightened person Gautama Buddha, who achieved enlightenment through meditation and became a Buddha, according to the words of Shakyamuni. I want you to know that.

This is what Shakyamuni says in the Chuagami Sutra, a sutra directly written by Shakyamuni.

Middle Agon Sutra "Orange Garden Sutra"



I have the determination to write like this, clean and free from pollution and flexibility.


Acquire a sense of steadfastness, wake up to your destiny and wisdom, and write a work. There is a book


As I remember my countless careers, there are so-called lifetimes, two lives, a hundred lives, a thousand lives, a secular life, and so on.


・There are countless successes and failures. Named his sentient beings, he has a long history. to him


Born, surname like this, letters like this, birth like this, eating and drinking like this,


Like this, I received joys and sorrows, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, lived like this, died like this and was born to him, died to him and was born here, I was born and am here, like this. The family name is written like this, and it is born like this, eats and drinks like this, suffers joys and sorrows like this, lives like this for a long time, and lives like this. I made this on the first night

It is said that this is the first attainment of mastery.

Even if Ignorance disappears, wisdom arises

The so-called destiny wisdom has not been achieved. Next, Bonshi and I have this kind of determination.

Acquire the heart, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, acquire a steadfast heart, and the wisdom of life and death.

By learning the arts and making testimony, I can pass through the eyes of the clairvoyant of purity, so that this sentient being

In death and in life, lecherous and lewd, strange and strange, going back and forth between good and bad, all of this people.

Follow the work of life and see the reality, and if this sentient beings are bad [deeds], mouth / bad deeds

If one succeeds in slandering a sage, blaspheming a sage, and accomplishing a wicked act, he will surely end up in a bad place and be reborn in hell. Young sentient beings perform miracles,

If one achieves a miracle, does not slander a sage, and sees the right view and achieves the right view, one will be broken due to this, and after one's life ends, one will surely rise to a good place and rise to the heavens]. This is what I call this second enlightenment in the middle of the night. It flickers and then the light arises, and the so-called wisdom of life and death cannot be proved and attained. Next, I will acquire a heart like Bonshi and I, clean and free from impurities, flexible and well-living, gaining an immovable mind, learning the flow of wisdom and writing, and I will know the truth of this suffering. Know this practice of suffering, know this suffering, know this reality of suffering, know this reality of leakage, know this reality of leakage, know this destruction, know this reality of destruction. To know, to know as I am, to see as I am, to be liberated from greed and ignorance, to be liberated from ignorance and ignorance, to be liberated, in other words, to know liberation, to be exhausted in life, and to stand in the spirit of the gods. To speak to the snake, and to know the truth without receiving existence. This is what I call this 3rd Awakening at that time and at night. There is no flicker and then the light arises, and the so-called leaked wisdom cannot be proved and clarified.

(I referred to "Kokuyaku Issaikyo" for reading down)

I (Shakyamuni) is always striving and diligent, his thoughts are firmly established and not disturbed, his body is comfortable and unshakable, and his mind is calm and tranquil. From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations, the mind ceased to have any thoughts, only joy and pleasure, and finally it ceased to exist. It was nothing but pure thoughts.

At that time, my heart was pure, bright, and absolutely unmoving. And my mind's eye naturally turned to the scene of my previous life. It was not just one life, but two, three, ten, twenty, and infinite lives, and a scene of life and death unfolded. This is the first wisdom he has.




それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいもの、醜いもの、幸福なもの、不幸なものの、それぞれの宿業が渦巻いてい た。 これが第二の智慧である。

それからわたしは、苦集滅道の四(四つの真理)をありのままに 知り、わたしの心は、あらゆる存在の相から、全く解放され、ふたたびそれ に執着することはなくなった。これが第三の智慧である。

釈尊は瞑想によって、自分の前生の、二生、 三生、 十生、 二十生、さらには無 限の生涯の生き変わり死に変わりしてきた光景を見ているのである。 それは自 分だけではなく、あらゆる人間の前生と、さらに後有(このつぎの人生)を見て いるのである。

釈尊はここで、決しておとぎ話や、たとえ話寓話をのべているのではない。 釈尊の成仏法を修行すれば、その真実であることがすぐわかる。 その修行により、わたくし自身、人の三、四世代前、そしてつぎの世代における存在までは透 視できるようになっているのである。

人間の生命は、多くの人たちが考えているように、決してひとつの生涯だけで 終わるものではないのである。 ある生涯が終わったら、またひきつづき、つぎの 生命形態に移っていくのである。

多くの人たちはその認識がなく、ひとつの生涯のみで、人の生命は終わるもの と思っている。ここに、決定的な、そして致命的な生命観の欠陥があるのであ





いわゆる来所を知り、住所を知る智慧である。 これを得れば、人はおのずから、 なにをなすべきか、なにをなさざるべきかがわかってくる、そこから人間の真の 進歩発展がスタートするのである。それがないから、人間は、霊的に少しも進 歩せず、発展せず、いつまでも低いところを輪廻して、無限にさまよい歩いてい



この無知を、釈尊は、 「無明」 (avidya) と名づけたのである。






真実を悟る智慧を持たず、真っ暗闇の中を、手さぐりで歩いている状態であ る。まことに人間はそのとおりではないか。 来たるところを知らず、往くところ を知らず、ただ現在(現生)あるのみである。その現在を、ひたすら目先の利益 追求に狂奔する。その結果、いかなるところに往くのか、いかなる世界に、いか 生命形態として存在することになるのか、まったくお先真っ暗である。 「第三の目」は、このお先真っ暗な闇の世界を見通すのである。「第三の目」に闇はない。 真昼のごとく明らかに見ることができるのである。

奇妙なことに思われるかもしれないが、わたくしは、釈尊の十生、二十生を見 通す力を思うごとに、ショウジョウバエを想い起こすのである。

ショウジョウバエは、その世代が極端に短い。 ふつう、一世代がわずかに約1カ月である。だから、何十世代もの変遷を短時間で見ることができる。

そこで、生物学者や、遺伝学者は、ショウジョウバエを使って、その変化を実 験する。ひとつの遺伝子の変化が、何十世代のうちに、どういう結果を生ずる 目のあたりに知ることができるのである。



彼のように、何十世代もの人間の移り変わりを如実に見ることのできる力をそ なえていれば、ひとつの原因が、どのような経過を経て、どのような結果をもた らしたか、つぶさに知ることができる。 彼がじっさいに語っているように、その 人間がなんという名前で、いつ、どこに生まれて、どういう人生を送ったか、ま その人生を終わって、つぎにまたどういう人生を迎えたか、ある生涯のどんな





さきほどの中阿含経 「黄蘆園経」では、釈尊の瞑想の深まり、生き生きと語瞑想のすべてがここに表現されているといってよい。







3 からだは安楽で動揺しない。












2、 それは一生だけでなく、二生、三生、十生、二十生とかぎりなくさか















それは第三の智慧の獲得であり、「解脱の瞑想」 であった。

いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか? れが仏陀の瞑想なのである。そうしてだれでも、仏陀の瞑想をすればこういう境 地に達することができるのだ。

だが、そういうと、あなたはいうかもしれない。釈尊のような大天才と、凡人 であるわれわれと、どうしていっしょになるものか、釈尊がそういうすばらしい 体験をしたからといって、それがそのままわれわれに通ずるとはかぎらないの だ。むしろ、鶏のまねをするカラスで、けっきょく、骨折り損のくたびれもうけ ということになるのではないか、と。


釈尊とおなじ瞑想をすることにより、われわれもまた彼とおなじ結果に到達す ることが可能なのである。 最初の道を切り開くものは天才でなければならぬ。 し かし、すでに天才の開いた道は、だれでも歩むことができるのである。





Since then, My heart has been directed to all aspects of sentient beings. I saw that face with superhuman eyesight. There swirled the karma of the noble, the humble, the beautiful, the ugly, the happy, and the miserable. This is the second wisdom.


After that, I came to know the Four Paths of Suffering and Destruction (Four Truths) as they were, and my mind was completely freed from all aspects of existence, and I never clung to them again. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditations, the Buddha sees the scenes of his previous lives, which have been transformed into the rebirths and deaths of his second, third, ten, twenty, and even infinite lives. He sees not only himself, but all human beings in their previous and subsequent lives.

The Buddha is not telling fairy tales or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni Buddha's Dharma, you will soon find out its truth. Through his training, I have become able to see myself, three or four generations before and even the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one lifetime. After one life is over, one moves on to the next life form.

Many people are unaware of this and believe that human life is over in only one lifetime. Here lies a crucial and fatal flaw in the view of life.


Spirituality is the nature of knowing it.

It is the ability to know where people come from, where they leave, and where they are going.


It is the wisdom to know the so-called arrival and address. Once people have this, they will naturally understand what they should do and what they should not do, and that is where true progress and development of human beings will begin. Without it, human beings do not make any progress or develop spiritually, and continue to wander endlessly in circles in the low places.

It is. No, that's not all. As a result, human beings

He will destroy the world with his own hands.

This ignorance is what the Buddha called ignorance (avidya).

Drosophila Logic


"The word 'ignorance' has two meanings.

Total ignorance and total darkness.

“Ming” has two meanings: wisdom and light.

Lacking the wisdom to perceive the truth, he walks fumbling in pitch darkness. Is it not so with humans? He does not know where he is coming, he does not know where he is going, he is only present. In the present, he is frantically pursuing immediate profit. As a result, where he will go, what kind of world he will exist in, and what kind of life form he will exist in, the future is completely dark. The "third eye" sees through the dark world ahead. There is no darkness in the "third eye". You can see it as clearly as it is at noon.

Strange as it may seem, every time I think of Buddha's ability to see through his ten or twenty lives, I think of fruit flies.

Drosophila have an extremely short generation. Usually, one generation is only about one month. So you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.

So biologists and geneticists use fruit flies to experiment with the changes. It is possible to see with one's own eyes what kind of results a change in one gene will produce in dozens of generations.

So is the wisdom of the Buddha.


Like him, if you have the power to see the transitions of dozens of generations of human beings, you will be able to understand how a single cause has led to what kind of process and what kind of result. You can know in detail. As he actually says, what was the name of that person, when and where was he born, what kind of life did he lead, and what kind of life did he end his life, and what kind of life did he face again, a certain life What kind of

It is

Across all human beings, what the result of the action was in the next lifetime

can know. This is the real deal.

From Buddha Meditation to Reincarnation Meditation

It can be said that the deepening of Shakyamuni's meditation and the lively speech meditation are all expressed here in the Middle Agon Sutra "Huang Roen Sutra" that I mentioned earlier.

Jumping over the 21st-century gap in time and space, dear readers, this is what meditation really is. This is where meditation is all about.

Let us delve a little deeper into this experience of Buddha.

Buddha's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its results are vividly told.

first stage

1. To be able to continue devoting oneself to one purpose at all times, to be able to consolidate one's thoughts,

3 His body is easy and restless.

second stage

4. The mind is always calm and quiet.

From the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditation, it gradually deepens,

1. Nothing comes to mind,

2, only joy and pleasure,

third stage

3. At last filled with nothing but pure thoughts,

4. Not a single point of blemish, clean and bright, absolutely immovable.

Then the eyes of my heart opened,

1. The scene in my previous life begins to unfold.

fourth stage

2. It is not only a lifetime

Ascending, the spectacle of an infinite life, transformed into rebirth and death, unfolds.


It was a retrospective to the root of life and the acquisition of the first wisdom.

The mind's eye expands further and further, transcending the limits of one's ability to see the past and the present.

And all the people flowing into the future are seen through.


It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging that regulates existence.

This is the acquisition of the second wisdom.

fifth stage

I then



1. Clearly know the four truths that will free you from karma,

2. Completed commentary and transcendence from all beings.

It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, ``meditation of liberation''.

What do you think? Isn't it a wonderful experience for you? This is Buddha's meditation. So anyone can reach this state by meditating on the Buddha.

But then you might say, How can a great genius like Buddha and ordinary people like us get together? Or rather, a crow imitating a rooster, and in the end he would end up getting tired of his unsuccessful efforts.

It is not so.

By doing the same meditation as the Buddha, we can also reach the same results as he did. A genius must be the one who paves the first path. However, anyone can follow a path that has already been opened by a genius.

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格安&ジャストフィット。M2 Mac miniとM2 Pro Mac mini、2月3日発売!

2023-01-18 11:36:00 | pc

格安&ジャストフィット。M2 Mac miniとM2 Pro Mac mini、23発売!


小型デスクトップモデルのMac miniに、独自開発チップ(Apple Silicon)としては第2世代となるApple M2チップを搭載した。さらに、より高性能なM2 Proチップも選択できる。

8コアCPU+10コアGPUのM2チップ搭載モデルは84,800円から(メモリ8GB/SSD 256GBの場合)、10コアCPU+16コアGPUのM2 Proチップ搭載モデルは184,800円から(メモリ16GB/SSD 512GBの場合)。メモリやストレージなどのカスタマイズオプションは下表のとおり。

  M2チップ搭載モデル M2 Proチップ搭載モデル
SoC ‐(変更不可) M2 Pro(12コアCPU+19コアGPU)に変更可
メモリ 8GB/16GB/24GB 16GB/32GB
SSD 256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB 512GB/1TB/2TB/8TB
その他 10GbE対応有線LANポートに変更可

高速化された各製品と旧モデルの性能差の例としては、M2モデルは従来のM1モデルと比べて「Adobe Photoshopでのフィルタと機能のパフォーマンスが最大50%高速」、M2 ProモデルとM1モデルの比較では「Final Cut ProでのProResトランスコードが最大4.2倍高速」などとしている。

M2モデルとM2 Proモデルでは、SoCのほかに拡張性にも違いがある。M2モデルはThunderbolt 4ポート×2、USBポート×2、HDMIポート×1、ギガビットイーサネットポート、3.5mmオーディオジャックを備えるが、M2ProモデルのみThunderbolt 4ポートが4口に増える。

同時に出力可能なディスプレイの台数はM2モデルで最大2台、M2 Proモデルで最大3台となる。また、M2 Proモデルは8K出力にも対応する。

筐体のデザインやサイズは従来と変わらず、W19.70×D19.70×H3.58mm。重量は1.18kg(M2モデル)/1.28kg(M2 Proモデル)。最大消費電力は150W(M2モデル)/185W(M2 Proモデル)。付属品は電源コードのみ。





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2023年1月18日 今日の運命

2023-01-18 11:16:32 | 運命学




01月18日 (水曜)



凌犯期間  胎の日











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2023年1月17日 今日の運命

2023-01-17 09:23:04 | 運命学




01月17日 (火曜)




望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。


凌犯期間  親の日








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それは瞑想からはじまる it starts with meditation

2023-01-16 17:34:50 | 瞑想



『間脳思考』で、エレクトロニクスと霊性を結 ぶものはなにかと質問されて、それは瞑想からはじまると答えた。

そのあと、話がだいぶ進んでから、 「それでは、間脳の開発をするのも、瞑想ですか?」

と聞かれた。わたくしは、 「いいえ」

とかぶりをふった。 「瞑想じゃないのですか?」 「いいえ」 とわたくしは、これにもかぶりをふった。 彼は、けげんそうな表情でわたくしを見つめた。 そこでわたくしは答えた。

「それは瞑想からはじまるのです」 なるほど、というように彼はうなずいた。わたくしは説明した。 それは瞑想からはじまるのだが、瞑想だけではないのだ。霊性の完成は、瞑 想だけでは不可能なのである。心の安定、欲望の調節、本能の抑制、といった程 度のものでは、とうてい到達できない境界である。思念、想念の変化くらいで は、絶対に行き着くことのできない次元なのだ。

なぜか? 霊性完成の到達点は、カルマからの超越である。 カルマとはなにか?

いうならば、地球における引力のようなものである。 地球上に存在するものすべて、地球引力の支配下にある。いかなるものも、引力 から逃れることはできない。いや、地球という存在そのものが、引力によって 成り立っているのである。

人間におけるカルマもそのとおりである。人はすべ て、輪廻のカルマの絶対的な規制を受けている。このカルマから、もろもろの 「因縁」が生じて、人間を繋縛しているのである。いや、カルマと因縁によて、人間が成立しているのだ。

このカルマと因縁の繋縛から完全に解脱したとき が、霊性の完成である。

いうならば引力からの脱出である。反重力の修行なの だ。その修行によって自分の存在の次元が変わるのである。

存在とはなにか? それは究極のところ,波動である。"自分"という波動 を変えてしまうのだ。それにより カルマ」という波動を越えてしまうのである。


ここの波動を 変えることにより、全身の波動が変わり、特殊な精神波動と肉体波動を持つ存在 になる。それは、カルマの規制を受けない、ふつうの人間とはまた異なった、高 度な霊的存在とよぶよりほかない存在となるのである。

これが成就すると、特 殊な「霊光」が発生するようになる。


この特殊なオーラの発生は、全身の波動が 変化したことを示すのである。オーラについてはまたあとでのべるが、このオー ラの発光源は間脳なのである。

瞑想だけでは、以上のような次元の変化" は 不可能である。もちろん、心の安定、集中、まったく新しい高い次元へのメディ テイト等、瞑想はこの修行に絶対必要なものである。


だ から瞑想だけではだめなのである。間脳をはたらかす瞑想でなければ、オーラは 発生しない。

したがって、カルマを越えることはできないのである。 では、なにが必要なのか? 特殊なtapas(練行)である。

学者はtapas を苦行と訳しているが、わたくしはこれを、練行と訳したい。そ してこの練行が絶対に必要なのである。


チベット密教のニンマ派では、古くから解脱の完成に三つの方法があると説 いている。

ギャル ワゴン ペ - ギ ュ - パ一、思念による王者の相承

(じみょうしや 二、象徴による持明者の相承

rgyal ba dgongs pa'i brgyud pa rig ’dzin brda'i brgyud pa

ガンザクニェン ギ ギュ - パ 三、耳を通した言葉による人の相承――gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa




一の「思念による王者の相承」とは、この法身タターガタが、言葉や象徴と いう媒介なしに、直接相手の心に自分の心を伝達するものである。

この場合、 心、というのは単なる思念の心ではなく、パワーを主としたものと思うべきで ある。これによって、相手はたちどころに仏陀として完成するのである。

これは最高であり、理想的なものであること、もちろんである。「王者の」、と いう所以である。

二の  「象徴による持明者の相承」とはどういうものかというと、象徴とは、あ る言葉、かたち、音、色などに複雑な思想の内容を圧縮して詰め込んだものを いい、また、持明者(rig'dzin)とは、純粋な心で実相をそのまま見るこきる真如の世界に到達した者たちのことである。この相承(方法)では、真如の 理解を持つ持明者たちは、導師から象徴を示されることで、密教の深奥に到達 する教法を授けられるのである。

以上のすぐれた方法に対し、ふつうの人間は、霊感はなかなか得がたく、ま た象徴だけでは深い密教の教法を即座に理解することはできない。そこで、ラ マが、いろいろな言葉をもちいてくわしく説き明かし、弟子に理解させていく。


これが、三の「耳を通した言葉による人の相 承」である。 以上の三つの方法を、わたくしは、つぎのように分類する。



二、象徴による持明者の相承間脳系=霊的バイブレーション 新皮質系=マントラ、タントラ、言葉、 音楽、象徴 - 大脳辺縁系=言葉、マントラ、音楽



これは、チベット密教だけではない。世界中のいかなる宗教でも、究極 至上 のものに到達するためには、この三つの方法しかないであろう。

しかし、究極至上のものに到達するためには、この三つだけでは不十分なの である。欠けているものがある。なにが欠けているのか? さきにのべた練行 tapas である。

だが、そういうと、一は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必 要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高 理想のものを受けるために、tapas は必要なのである。


では、その練行tapas とはどんなものか? それには、ひとつの例として、わたくしの修行体験をお話しするしかないと 思われる。

It starts with meditation

In "Diencephalon Thinking," he was asked what was the link between electronics and spirituality, and answered that it began with meditation.

After that, after the story went a long way, "Then, is it meditation to develop the diencephalon?"

Was asked. I say "No"

I shook my head. "Isn't it meditation?" "No," I said, too. He stared at me with a stern look. So I answered.

"It starts with meditation," he nodded. I explained. It starts with meditation, but it's not just about meditation. The perfection of spirituality is not possible with meditation alone. It is a boundary that cannot be reached by things such as mental stability, desire regulation, and instinct suppression. He is a dimension that he can never reach with only changes in thoughts and thoughts.

Why? The goal of spiritual completion is transcendence from karma. What is Karma?

It's like gravitational pull on Earth. Everything that exists on Earth is under the control of Earth's gravitational pull. Nothing can escape the attraction. No, the very existence of the earth is made up of gravitational pull.

The same is true of karma in humans. All people are subject to absolute regulation of reincarnation karma. From this karma, various "fate" arises and binds human beings. No, human beings are established by karma and fate.

The completion of spirituality is when the bond between this karma and the fate is completely released.

It is an escape from attraction. He is an anti-gravity training. The training changes the dimension of one's existence.

What is Existence? Ultimately, it is a wave. It changes the vibration of "self". As a result, he goes beyond the wave of "karma."

The origin that changes the vibration of the existence of human beings is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon.

By changing the waves here, the waves of the whole body change, and it becomes an existence with special mental waves and physical waves. It is nothing more than a high spiritual being, different from normal human beings, unregulated by karmic.

When this is achieved, a special "spiritual light" will be generated.

The occurrence of this special aura indicates that the vibrations of the whole body have changed. The aura will be discussed later, but the source of this aura is the diencephalon.

It is impossible to change the above dimensions by meditation alone. Of course, meditation is absolutely necessary for this practice, such as mental stability, concentration, and mediation to a completely new higher dimension.

But that's just one way. Meditation can only move the limbic system and the neocortical brain.

Therefore, meditation alone is not enough. Unless it is a meditation that works the diencephalon, the aura does not occur.

Therefore, karma cannot be exceeded. So what do you need? It's a special tapas.

Scholars translate tapas as penance, but I would like to translate it as practice. And this practice is absolutely necessary.

The King's Consensus by Thought

The Nyingma sect of Tibetan esoteric Buddhism has long stated that there are three ways to complete the liberation.

Gal Wagon Pe-Gu-Pa, the King's Consensus by Thought

(Dharani, two, symbolic consent of the bearer

rgyal ba dgongs pa'i brgyud pa rig'dzin brda'i brgyud pa

Ganzakunyen Gyugu-Pa 3, the verbal agreement of people through the ears-gang zag snyan gyi brgyud pa


In the world of law in the spirit world, Tatagata (Nyorai), the perfector of law, constantly preaches the law.


One "consensus of the king by thought" is that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one's heart to the other person's heart without the mediation of words and symbols.

In this case, he should think that the mind is not just a mind of thought, but power. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.

This is the best and ideal, of course. That's why he says, "of the king."

Second, what is "symbolism of the bearer"? A symbol is a word, shape, sound, color, etc. that is packed with the contents of a complicated idea. In addition, rig'dzin are those who have reached the true world where they can see the reality as it is with a pure heart. In this agreement (method), those who have a true understanding are endowed with a teaching method that reaches the depths of esoteric Buddhism by being shown a symbol by the guru.

In contrast to the above excellent methods, it is difficult for ordinary human beings to get inspiration, and even his symbol alone cannot immediately understand the deep esoteric teaching. There, Lama uses various words to explain in detail and make his disciples understand.

This is the so-called "oral instruction".

This is the third "human consent by words through the ears". I classify the above three methods as follows.


One, the consensus of the king by thought

2. Symbolic diencephalic brain system = spiritual vibration Neocortical system = mantra, tantra, words, music, symbol--limbic system = words, mantra, music

Third, human consent through words


This is not just Tibetan Buddhism. Any religion in the world will have only these three ways to reach the ultimate supreme.

However, these three are not enough to reach the ultimate supreme one. Something is missing. What's missing? The training tapas I mentioned earlier.

However, in that case, it may be said that one is the highest ideal, so nothing else is necessary. That is not the case. Tapas are needed to receive the best of them.

What is training

So what is that training tapas? To do that, I think I have to talk about my training experience as an example.

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2023-01-16 07:01:50 | 運命学


仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切













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1月15日 今日の運命

2023-01-15 07:57:42 | 運命学


この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です












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横変死の因縁   事故 自殺  Esoteric AstrologyCause of Suspicious Death Accident Suicide

2023-01-14 10:36:15 | pc










Before the new century, the world will be in terrible turmoil, and society will be divided into innumerable groups, which will be flooded with people who do not know what to do. They will go back and forth in search of leaders with abilities not found in ordinary people. The world is rushing for someone to take us to a new world. At that time, you must be the leader they seek. Esoteric Buddhism is to create such a person. Therefore, the technology has been preserved. This is such a technology. As such, you must know that it is a fairly demanding workout.

Escape from Karma The first course in some training stages is to escape from your karma. People are naturally bound by various conditions. No one can be free from itself.

If you think about it, the very existence called human being is a bond. Being is already a slave. So, being a non-existent thing is a complete liberation, and esoteric Buddhism aims for it, but it will be a theme you should pursue much further. Here is a commentary on what exists in the river. That is called the liberation of karma. Karma is killed by fate. The fate forms the karma. The practice of esoteric Buddhism begins in parallel with this practice of liberation of karma. Sokubaku


A practitioner who does not release the karma from his ability cannot be assimilated into a clean thing called "law" because his training is not stubborn and is seen as unclean.
It is said that.

Therefore, in the first step of training, the guru (master) teaches the practitioner how to solve the karma.

"Yogee's medicine is neither white nor bad. The work of other people is three-way," Guru tells the practitioner, at the beginning of his training, that he was liberated from him. Let's get rid of the law and get out of the business) Sato.
Because he tries to withdraw. (There are usually three types of karma: white karma, agriculture, and black and white medicine. White karma is the cause of good results, so-called good ties, and black leaves are the cause of bad results, so-called bad.

By the way, Kuro's own business is a mixed business. Most ordinary people belong to this paper industry. Rogue transcends any of these drops.


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2023年1月14日 今日の運命

2023-01-14 09:00:03 | 運命学




01月14日 (土曜)






凌犯期間  成の日













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