

Thak you for sending tape of the song "THE SONG FOR YOU" by Leon Russell.

2016-01-31 17:13:54 | 日記














(1)We Americans, at the time of our ancestors, emigrated from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central America, so this country is a multi-racial nation, Fumiaki. For that matter, we are totally different from Japan. Tall people, short people, and coIors of skin or hair vary.

(2)And we all keep the tradition of our motherlands, and at the sametime we consider ourselves to be Americans.

(3)Each American family treasures their own family or ethnic traditions. But when some emergency happens, they all act in union, as Americans.

(4)Well, here we are at your school. It's right there. We've got to go to the principal's office. Mr. Phil is supposed to be waiting there for us.

(5)Everything was so different at school that he felt nervous and curious, but gradually he got used to it.

(6)After Mr.Araki was introduced in the locale paper with his picture and an article, he became known to people in town.

(7)Everyone recognized him and smiled at him with greeting, "Hi, Fumiaki!"

(8)He wrote a letter to his classmate back in Japan, which went like this.

(9)Hi, Fujioka, how are things going around there? It's so nice to hear from you finally.

(10)Thak you for sending me a picture of you and the other member of student body in school uniform, and also the photo of the little party in the student office room, and tape of the song "THE SONG FOR YOU" by Leon Russell.
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You admire blond girls, don't you?→I don't know. Maybe I do maybe I don't.

2016-01-29 15:25:33 | 日記














(1)Hey, Fumiaki! We may have no luck this morning. But it may be a good experience for you

(2)Look at the railroad crossing, you see the gate coming down, don't you? Depending on the number of engines, you'll know how Iong you'd have to wait to go through. Four, five minutes for one engine....let'ssee one, two, three which means fifteen minutes.

(3)AIso in Japan there are railroad crossings that never let us pass through during rush hours, but that's a different story.

(4)We've got only one train station and that is for both passengersand freighters. And the train stops at the station twice a day, one up, and one down.

(5)I've noticed it just a while ago, but I saw a big tank along the way into the city. It read, "Fond du Lac". What was that?

(6)And one more thing, Father. l've not been quite comfortable withpeople in the passing cars. They were watching me when waiting for the signal to turn green.

(7)Well, Fumiaki, you're too self-conscIous. Let them watch you. And watch them back!

(8)I feel a little awkward. They look at me with strong and angry eyes. AIso, I'm scared of girls with blond hair.

(9)I don't know why, but she is different. Maybe because she is my American sister, I guess.

(10)You admire blond girls, don't you? → I don't know. Maybe I do,maybe I don't.
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Vous etes tres jolie. Tu es belle!

2016-01-28 11:02:10 | 日記

Vous etes tres jolie. ヴゼットトへジョリー

Tu es belle! テュエベール


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En photo avec moi s'il vous pla↑t?

2016-01-28 08:15:19 | 日記

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The houses are all so coIorful and they are surrounded by green grass, Iooking like the ones i...

2016-01-28 07:45:24 | 日記





(3)見ろよ! 車が一台来るのが見えるだろ?










(1)Okay, the highway is clear, and we are ready to take off!

(2)Not yet. We might get into troubleif we go on the highway right now.

(3)Look! You see a car coming, don't you?

(4)Yeah, but it's still way back there.

(5)They go at full speed around this area, so you've got to wait even if you see a car far away.

(6)It's not like this in Japan at all. Nobody would wait this Iong.

(7)Well, it's not a matter of patience or impatience. Just think how fast a car goes, 80 miles per hour or more, you know?

(8)Which means more than 120 kilometers!

(9)The houses are all so coIorful and they are surrounded by green grass, looking like the ones in a fairy tale world

(10)Why do all the houses have house numbers out on the front door?

(11)Look carefully, Fumiaki. Houses on one side of the road have odd numbers and houses on the other side have even numbers. So, we find it easy to Iook for a house if we know the house number, as you may have guessed
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Houses in America usually don't use the lights to cover a wholeroom . This lifestyle must have...

2016-01-27 08:23:14 | 日記




(2)キャロルカ獨台を取りだし、 ローソクに灯をともす。ほかの明りはすべて消えておりました。夕食の準備ができました。









(1)I'll make salad, and Father'll milk the cow and put the cans to the maple trees for syrup.

(2)Carrol took out the candlesticks and lit them, while all the other lights were off.
Dinner was ready to eat.

(3)It's romantic to have dinner by candlelight, which'd make here more like the scene of a TV Western, wouldn't it?

(4)Houses in America usually don't use the lights to cover a wholeroom. This lifestyle must have been passed down from our ancestors in Europe, I suppose.
※be passed down from ~…~受け継がれる

(5)Specifically, our ancestors were Vikings and they used to fight around the seas during the daytime, so they needed enough rest at night. That's what I think.

(6)I feel strange because in Japanse use candles only when the electric power is out.

(7)You'll be alright, you'll get used to it soon. Don't you think this ambiance puts you in a good mood to talk about what's happened during the day?
※put person ~…人を~の状態にさせる

(8)We're supposed to drop in at the newspaer company.
※be supposed to do(◆しばしば[spoust]と発音)…人が〉…することになっている, …するよう期待[要求]されている

(9)They want to have an interview with you because you are the first Japanese exchange student, they said.

(10)After getting up early in the morning, Mr.Hanson fed the animals collecfed the maple syrup and got to ready for school with Mr.Araki.
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Yeah? But which do you prefer, fish o meat? Fish'll be rainbow trout from our pond, or meat'l...

2016-01-24 17:09:09 | 日記














(1)Then he left them in Chicago for small country town in Wisconsin with a population of 30 thousand.

(2)Anyway, do come in, Fumiaki. I'll take you to your room.

(3)Thank you. First of all, I've got to display the souvenirs from Japan I've got for you.

(4)When I found out that I would homestay with you, I was so gladand it was so helpful that you'd sent me pictures of your family so that I could decide what gifts to bring.
※find out…真相を知る, 解明する, 明らかにする
※so that…そこで,それで,その結果,それゆえ

(5)Pearls for Father and Mother, decorative fans and cameras for brothers and sisters...

(6)I feel awkward spreading out Japanese goods in front of the fireplace of an American living room like the ones I often saw in the TV movies.
※like the ones…~な人達、~なものたち
※spread out…広げる

(7)I still feel as if I were in one of the scenes of a western TV movie.

(8)Okay, Fumiaki, why don't we prepare dinner now. I suppose you're getting hungry.

(9)Anything'll do.

(10)Yeah? But which do you prefer, fish o meat? Fish'll be rainbow trout from our pond, or meat'll be wild rabbit.
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We've never even thought of having a TV, because we gather in front of the fireplace, and enjo...

2016-01-22 21:48:36 | 日記














(1)They headed to their host families.

(2)Midwestern part of the U.S.

(3)On his way, he was taken to Milwaukee, famous its beer, where(*) he was greeted and welcomed by his host family.
*where…((非制限的))そしてそこで(and there)

(4)Fond du Luc was located on lake “Winnebago”, many times bigger than Lake Biwa.
※on the lakeで湖のほとり on the riverで川のほとり

(5)You must be tired from such a long trip.

(6)lt's got to be.

(7)Fumiaki, you've been influenced by TV too much.

(8)Our life is always intimately related to nature, you see?

(9)We've never even thought of having a TV, because we gather in front of the fireplace, and enjoy reading or chatting after dinner.

(10)We're surrounded by the ideal place for painting. Just take a look out the see cyclamen, ivies, are all around.
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A foundation in which youth were given a chance to study in America for a year was created,

2016-01-21 07:21:04 | 日記





(3)(…(の手段・経路)で)接近[到達,入手,達成,入場 面会,利用]可能な((by, through…))









(1)One of them went like them.

(2)overseas air travel


(4)Even under those circumstances, my dream of going to America was growing stronger.

(5)After the war, America established the foundation to invite youth from over the world to work for world peace.

(6)A foundation in which youth were given a chance to study in America for a year was created,
in which = whose 或いは where




(10)black and white TV movie
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He spent most of the time daydreaming about the America he longed to go to.

2016-01-19 21:14:53 | 日記






(4))面倒を忍んで~する,わざわざ[懸命に努力して]~する((to do))




(8)すっかり 全く







(1)He felt more and more down to this unknown land.
※feel…※〈物・事に〉精神的な影響を受ける, 心を打たれる [動かされる], 感じ入る の意味もある

(2)sightseeing trip overseas

(3)scenic place

(4)go out of one's (or the) way

(5)Some were embarrassing, others were stupid.

(6)something came over me

(7)slip out of one's mouth


(9)Having notice this, he felt somewhat stupid and embarrassed.

(10)It wasn't until then


(12)grammatical explanation and translation.
♪グらマリコォ イクスプラネイション ナン tらンツレイション或いはtらンズレイション

(13)He spent most of the time daydreaming about the America he longed to go to.
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For quite some time, in his heart, he longed to visit such a place.

2016-01-18 21:32:01 | 日記






(4)偶然~する たまたま~する


(6)取りつかれた, 夢中の;つかれたような, 強迫観念を持った

(7)全く すっかり

(8)<人を〉うっとりさせる, 魅惑する, 興味をそそる, 好奇心を誘う




(1)track and field; track-and-field events

(2)choir ♪クワイヤ

(3)His family preferred rather simple life, as you might have guessed from type of job his father was engaged in.

(4)happen to~






(10)For quite some time, in his heart, he longed to visit such a place.
※long(…を)待ち望む,思い焦がれる,熱望[切望]する((for…, to do))
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2016-01-17 17:42:20 | 日記

(1)出現する 登場する

(2)遂げる 結果になる 起こる 生じる







(9)秀でている ずば抜けている

(10)結果として 従って

(11)選手権 優勝者






(5)chief priest


(7)accomplish something




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l'm in learning mode temporarily.

2016-01-10 14:03:57 | 日記

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So what seems to be the problem?

2016-01-05 07:40:29 | 日記




(2)アメリカのガソリンスタンド は、何でもセルフサービスでできるのね。→ ほとんどね。


(4)まいったな! 車が動かないよ。 → 車を止めなければよかったのに。








(1)Thank you, now just pull up to the track, put your car in neutral, and make sure your windows are up all the way.
※通り道 進路 通路

(2)Everything at American gas stations can be self-service, can't it? → Pretty much.

(3)Our car was stuck in the snow on the Chiba-Kaido.

(4)Oh no! I think we're stuck. → You shouldn't have pulled over!

(5)I was just trying to let that big, tailgating SUV pass us.

(6)The tires are just spinning in forward and reverse.

(7)So what seems to be the problem?

(8)We're stuck. I tried to push us out, but the wheels just spin.

(9)Alright, I'll hook my winch up to your front bumper and pull you back onto the parkway.

(10)I think it's in the glove box. Yes, here it is.
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There'sl the Exterior Wash, the Interior- Exterior Combo; plus, you can add wax, under coating...

2016-01-03 19:40:06 | 日記






(4)こんな状態には、万全を期さなくては。そうだ、 「ディアイサー」を持っておくといいですよ。氷を溶かすスプレーなんです。先程一つガソリン・スタンドで買ったんですよ。今夜はすごく冷え込むと聞いたものですから。




(8)クレジットカードをなぞって、ガソリンを自分で入れて、 レシートを取っておしまいなんだ。




(1)Well, I guess I'm convinced. Like you said, honey, I'll look on the bright side of winter life from now on.

(2)Well, I hate to cut our visit short, but we'd better get going before the roads freeze over.

(3)We've got to go and get some groceries, too.

(4)You have to be well prepared in these conditions. Oh, you should buy a "de-icer"- it's a spray for melting ice. I just bought one at a gas station because I heard it's gonna get really cold tonight.

(5)Well, we're off.

(6)Bye now! Drive safely!

(7)Self Service is cheaper and faster.

(8)I just swipe my credit card, pump my own gas, get the receipt, and we're done.

(9)Honey, the car wash attendant is trying to get your attention.

(10)There's the Exterior Wash, the Interior- Exterior Combo; plus, you can add wax, under coating, detailing, and so on
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