

They would accept our price, but they are selling it as is.

2015-11-30 15:50:28 | 日記



(1)わかりました。 じゃ、二時間以内にお参ります。

(2) トムソンさん曰く、彼等はうちの言い値を承諾するらしい。ただ修理はしない条件でね。


(4)すでにローンの事前承認はもらっ ているよ。だから、問題ないはずさ。 ローン会社に連絡していくらで利率を固められるか聞いておく必要があるね。。もし利子が高くても、あとでいつでもリファイナンスできるよ。



(7)クロージングって? → 双方の弁護士、不動産会社、貸し付けをする銀行、それに、買い手と売り手、皆が集まって契約にサインし、頭金を支払うときのことだよ。そこで晴れてオーナーとなるわけだ。


(9)いいわね。いくつかの引っ越し業者から見積もりを出してもらいましょう。 → そうだね。そのことは君に任せるよ。

(10) 小さな丘の上にあっていい立地ね、校庭も広いし。


(1)Sure. I'll see you in a couple of hours. → See you then.

(2)Mr. Thomson said that they would accept our price, but they are selling it as is.
※as Is…((米略式))((修飾する語のあとに置いて))(中古品などについて) (修理・改良などをせず/不良個所なども含む)そのままで, 現物のままで, 現状有姿で, 現況有姿で.

(3)Of course. How could we pass this up?
※pass A up…((略式))〈要求・招待などを〉拒む,辞退する; 〈機会・取引などを〉のがす; 〈食べ物を〉断る

(4)We are already pre-approved for a mortgage, so there shouldn't be any problem. We need to contact our mortgage broker and see what interest rate we can lock in. If we have to pay high interest, then we can always refinance it later.

(5)In Japan, the real estate agents would usually take care of all these formalities.

(6)Right, but there isn't the kind of flexibility that we have here. We also need to find a lawyer who specializes in real estate transactions. The lawyer makes sure that everything is in order, then we wait for the deal to cIose

(7)To cIose? → That's when the lawyers, realestate agents, lending banks, and buyer and seller get together to sign a contract and make the down payment. Then the house will be ours.

(8)I hope that we'll be moving in the summer. I'm so excited.

(9)Good. Let's get some estimates from some moving companies. → Okay, I'll leave that up to you.

(10)Isn't it a nice setting, up on a little hill, with a big play ground?
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Contact your mortgage broker to lock in an interest rate and start the loan process on this p...

2015-11-28 17:25:47 | 日記







(5)ですから、 ドライブウェイのひびとマスター・バスルームの配水管の修理は、そちらもちになります。

(6)請負業者に頼んで、見積もりを出してもらうといいですよ。 配水管はすぐ直しておいたほうがいいと思いますが、 ドライブウェイのほうは後回しでもいいかもしれませんね。




(10)ローンの承認にどれくらいかかるかによりますね。おそらく、 6週間か8週間くらいでしょう。


(1)We made an offer that we can afford, but l am afraid that it's too low.
※I'm afraid(that)...(▼自分の発言について, 実はあまり言いたくないのだという気持ちを表す表現thatは通例省略文頭・文中・文尾で用いる)(1)(好ましくないことについて)…と思う,…のようだ(←I hope)

(2)They will probably make a counter-offer. I guess we just have to wait to see if the owners accept our offer.

(3)Good news - the owners have accepted your offer, but they have a few conditions

(4)They are selling the home as is they will not make any of the repairs that the home inspector recommended.

(5)So the cracks in the driveway and the plumbing in the master bathroom will be your responsibility.

(6)You can get contractors to give you estimates on those jobs. The plumbing should be taken care of soon, but the driveway can probably wait.
※contractor…請負業者 estimate…見積 property…資産、財産、この場合物件

(7)Anyway, you're saving some money on the asking price, and I think the terms are good.

(8)Contact your mortgage broker to Iock in an interest rate and start the loan process on this property.
♪mortgage…モォゲジ ※interest rate…利率

(9)You also need to sign the initial agreement, and send a copy to the mortgage broker. Then your lawyer can get the paperwork in order for the cIosing

(10)How Iong will it be until thecIosing? → That depends on how Iong the loan approval takes, probably six to eight weeks.
♪approval…アプるーヴォ 意味:承認
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That would go over our budget. We can fix it up little by little.

2015-11-26 14:48:48 | 日記





(3)「彼と彼女」つまりカップル用のウオークイン・クローゼットです。お二人で場所の取り合いをしなくてすみますよ。→ そりゃ、助かるな!









(1)Don't worry. There are no other homes or roads within view of these windows.

(2)So it really is secluded here, isn't it?

(3)These are the "his and hers" walk-in cIosets, so you guys don't have to fight over space. → That will be a relief!

(4)Yes, my wife and I have a similar setup at our home.

(5)Okay, are you ready to see the rest of the house? Right this way.

(6)That first house we saw was great, wasn't it?

(7)But the asking price is too high.
※asking price…(売り手側の)言い値 提示価格

(8)AIso, we'd have to fix it up a little-- it looks kind of run-down. Some of the hardwood fIoors are scratched.

(9)And the kids' rooms should be painted brighter coIors. The kitchen counters should also be replaced.

(10)Yes, but that would go over our budget. We can fix it up little by little.
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The breakfast nook is right across the counter and there's a view o f the pond.

2015-11-24 14:46:46 | 日記

(1)インテリアがシンプルで優雅ですね。私好みです。→ 気に入ってもらえて良かったです。

(2)間取りがいいですね。オープン感じで。→ どうぞキッチンを見て下さい。








(10)わっ、すごく広いわ。それに、森の眺めがいいわね。 でも、こんな大きな窓が寝室にあるなんて、少し変な感じがするわ。


(1)The interior is very simple and elegant --it's just my taste. → I!m glad you like it.

(2)I like the layout, it's so open. → Please have a look at the kitchen.
※have a look…= look at with attention

(3)Yes, the breakfast nook is right across the counter and there's a view of the pond.
※breakfast nook…朝食用コーナー

(4)These appliances Iook like they are in good condition.

(5)This is a king-sized refrigerator, isn't it?

(6)Yes, it is. And did you see thesel arge pantry cabinets over here.

(7)Oh, nice - there's plenty of storage space.

(8)Now, let's take a look at the Master Suite down this hall. → What's a Master Suite?

(9)It's the area of the house that has the master bedroom, bathroom, and walk-in cIosets. See, here is the master bedroom.

(10)Wow! It's big, and it has a great view of the woods. But I would feel strange having such large windows in my bedroom.
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It attracts ducks, Canadian geese and herons.

2015-11-22 09:15:49 | 日記







(5)家の広さはどうですか? → 約4,500平方フィート、これは部屋として使える大きくて見事なオフィスのスペースには良い地下室を含むんです。







(1)Yes, it's a very simple and modern design, and all the glass enhances the natural setting.

(2)Look at that beautiful pond behind the house.

(3)Yes, it attracts ducks, Canadian geese and herons
※geese…♪ギース gooseの複数形 heron…ヘるン

(4)What's the size of this Iot? → One and a half acres.

(5)How about the house? → It's about 4,500 square feet, including a large, finished basement which would make a good office space.
♪finished…フィニッシュt 完全な 完成した 見事な

(6)Let's see. That makes the land about 1,800 tsubo and the house about 120 tsubo.

(7)That's really spacious. Is it centrally heated?

(8)Yes, it is. An oil furnace heats the water and the house. And this place has its own water well. So there's no charge for water.

(9)What about the drainage system?

(10)Each house around here has its own septic system, which is a tank that only needs to be emptied once every few years.
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2015-11-19 06:42:20 | 日記












(10)どれも悪くないな。→ 結構便利です。



(1)The main roads of these old towns are called "something" Post Road because they were the postal routes that were used to carry mail between the towns.

(2)So did the Realtor describe the places we're going to see?

(3)Not really, but he said he's emailing us the details and photos, so let's take a look at them.
※take a look…注意してみる 見てみる

(4)It's beautiful around here. The homes have such huge yards.

(5)Yes, people in Greenwich havealot of space and privacy.

(6)How far is Manhattan from here?

(7)It's about an hour's drive, depending on the time of day and the traffic.

(8)By train, the New Haven line takes an hour from Greenwich Station to Grand Central.

(9)And the express trains get you there in around forty-five minutes.

(10)That's not bad at all. → It's pretty convenient.

(11)Okay, at the end of this cul-de-sac is the first house I'll show you.
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I hope we can find a big enough home within our price range.

2015-11-18 08:41:59 | 日記














(1)You need a large room for an office space, too, right?
♪ユニーダ ラージるームフォらンナフィススペイストゥらイ↑

(2)Well, I've done some searching, and I'll email you details and photos for a few places that may meet your requirements.

(3)Great -- when can we go Iook at the homes?

(4)Two of them are vacant, so I can show them to you anytime.

(5)Can we see the vacant ones this Thursday?

(6)Sure. Why don't you meet me at my office at eleven o'cIock?→That's fine.

(7)Who was that on the phone?(=Who were you talking with?)

(8)Yeah, we haven't had much luck so far, have we?

(9)No, and we have to find a place soon, because the lease on our townhouse ends in three months.

(10)I hope we can find a big enough home within our price range.
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You need to return the car with a full tank of gas.

2015-11-14 14:26:10 | 日記












(10) 僕たちがそこに着くにはどれくらいかかるの?


(1)Did everyone sleep well last night?

(2)Sleep tight.

(3)I didn't sleep a wink last night .

(4)I didn't get much sleep last night .

(5)I slept fine.

(6)Oh, l am paying cash.(=I'll pay cash.)

(7)That's fine, sir.

(8)We are coming back on Sunday.(=We'll come back on Sunday.)

(9)You need to return the car with a full tank of gas, otherwise there is a surcharge.

(10)How Iong will it take us to get there?
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That's the problem that can't be helped.

2015-11-12 07:55:46 | 日記











(9) おもしろ~。ヒバチって日本の言葉では、陶器でできていて、中で炭を燃やすもののことなんですよ。



(1)Yippie! We are in Oregon!

(2)Boy, that seemed like a long flight. I'm exhausted.

(3)Do you need a GPS system?

(4)That's a good idea. We don't want to get Iost.

(5)Hey, Iook at all the sailboats!

(6)Sure, take the next exit, and we can go up that hill.

(7)We should be able to find a café there with a view of the river and the windsurfers.

(8)Those are great. They fold up to a compact size.

(9)That's interesting. Hibachi is a Japanese term for a small ceramic heater that burns charcoal.

(10)Well, not everyone is careful. That's the problem that can't be helped.
※It cannot be helped. … ((話))仕方がない
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They're 60 cents each.

2015-11-09 16:44:38 | 日記



(1)すみません。 これおいくらですか。

(2)あー、 そのトマトですね。ひとつ50セントです。




(6)そうねー、 これなどいかがでしょう?





(11)はい。 日本語で「かぼちゃ」って呼ぶんです。英語では何て言うんですか?



(1)Excuse me, how much are these?

(2)Oh, the tomatoes? They're 60 cents each.

(3)Ok, I'll take 5 then please. And do you have anything sweet?

(4) Sure, we have some cakes over here.

(5)mm…, it's f'or someones birthday. Do you have anything suitable for that.

(6)I think's this?

(7) That's perfect.

(8)Is that everything?

(9)No, I'd also like one of those, please.


(11)Yes. We call it 'KABOCHA' in Japanese. What do you call it in English?

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Just don't leave food out and you won't even see any bears.

2015-11-07 10:58:01 | 日記













(1)Good afternoon. Somethin' I can help ya with?

(2)Well, we got about everything here.

(3)Okey-dokey! So, where're y'all from?

(4)New York! I hear that's quite a place.
※[quiteaA, qulte someA]((驚き・賞萱))実際に,実に(really); (Aも)同然で;並はずれて(exceptionally)▼Aは単数名詞 quiie a [some] car すばらしい車 She is quite an artist (( 時に皮肉))彼女は大した芸術家だ

(5)I see. You gotta do that sometimes.

(6)Anyway, I'll bring out the rental equipment, while you guys Iookaround at the other things you need.

(7)Many people want guns to be outlawed.

(8)If a careless person wants to use a gun, they will, no matter what the law says.

(9)But be careful, they don't call it Bear HoIIow for nothin'.

(10)Just don't leave food out and you won't even see any bears.
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This must be Hood River. l've heard that this is the wind surfer ca pital of the world.

2015-11-05 08:42:07 | 日記







(5)あれはカリフォルニアから来た車だ。太陽の絵がついている。ほら、あのオレゴン州のナンバー・プレートはほろ馬車の絵だ。 「オレゴン山道」って書いてあるね。



(8)あれには木が描いてある。→ そりゃ何たって、オレゴンにはたくさんの木があるからね。


(10)川とウィンド・サーフィンを眺めながら食事ができるカフェを見つけるんだ。→ その後で運転替わってね。


(1)There will be many things to see on the way.

(2)Whoever finds the most wins.

(3)Many of the plates have picturesof something that is a symbol forhat state.

(4)New York plates have the Statueof Liberty on them.

(5)There's one from California -- it has a sun on it. Look, that Oregon plate has a picture of a covered wagon, and it says "Oregon Trail" !.

(6)Look at that one. It has a salmon on it!

(7)Yes, a lot of salmon swim up rivers in Oregon to spawn.
♪スポーン つまりスポーンと産むわけだ(笑)

(8)That one has a tree on it! → Yeah, because there are so many trees in Oregon.

(9)This must be Hood River. I've heard that this is the wind surfer's capital of the world.

(10)We should be able to find a café there with a view of the river and the wind surfers. → Then it will be your turn to drive.
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lt was tiring with all of that turbulence. But wasn't the view from the plane beautiful?

2015-11-03 19:13:18 | 日記













(1)It was tiring with all of that turbulence. But wasn't the view from the plane beautiful?
♪tiring…タイアりン ♪turbulence…タービュランツ

(2)We could see the Great Lakes.

(3)And the Northwest is covered with forests, mountains, and deserts.


(5)It looks like you'll need a booster seat for your daughter.

(6)Do you need a GPS system?→That's a good idea. We don't want to get lost.

(7)We need to hold your credit card number as a guarantee.

(8)You need to return the car with a full tank of gas, otherwise there is a surcharge.

(9)We drive down the highway through the Columbia Gorge.
♪Columbia…クルンビア …コロンビアって聞こえます

(10)Those aren't sailboats, Fumi, they are sailboards.
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Is there enough room for all of us in that tent?

2015-11-01 12:05:15 | 日記














(1)It's peaceful being out here in the middle of nowhere.
※in the middle of nowhere…((略式))人里離れた

(2)There are so many stars out tonight. I can see the Milky Way.

(3)Oh, those ones! You know the constellation well, Fumi.

(4)After that we should put out thefire and get ready for bed.

(5)Is there enough room for all of us in that tent?

(6)Are you kidding? It's bigger than my first apartment when I moved to Tokyo.

(7)I think we get the idea. Your fatheris trying to say there is enough room.

(8)But if you think it's too small, Fumi, then you can take your sleeping bag outside.

(9)Well , if you put it that way..... Yeah, I think there's enough room.
※to put it another way in other words…言い換えれば

(10)That's what I thought.
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