⑩ カントリー・ミュージックの世界で成功するのは、とても難しいことなんでしょうね。 競争が激しいから。
⑯あなたは私が何をしようとしているのか尋ねました、 そして今、私はあなたに答えたと思います。私は自分自身になってみて、世界と私の愛を共有しようとしています。
①Well, just now, I've been doing some public work, some construction work, until I can get on my feet again.
※until I can get on my feet again…再び自分の足で立てる(着ける)ようになれるまで→取り敢えず
②We come from Texas originally. The people are nice there, but it's not the place to be if you love Country Music.
③lt took all our money to get us here, and things have been harderthan we thought they'd be...(=We spend all our money to get us here, and things have been harder than our anticipation. )
④If a person believes he might have a chance to make something of himself in a certain field, he's got to do everything he can to make it come true.
⑤Fumi's uncle was supposed to let us stay with him for a couple of months, but after two weeks his wife told us to move out.
⑥You had to move out with your children? lt seems very hard.
→lt was hard, all right.
⑦If we hadn't found this free campground, I don't know what we would have done.
It's been okay for the past few weeks, but once the cold weather comes, I'm afraid of what's going to happen, especially with the little ones.
⑧We'll get a break before then, Mother, don't worry.(≒M'ama, dont worry, I manage to do somehow by then.)
※get a break…「幸運をつかむ」の意がある
⑨He calls me "mother" when he's being affectionate!
※affectionate…愛情のこもった、優しい ♪アフェ'クショネt
⑩It must be pretty hard to make it in the Country Music business.There's so much competition.
→That's the truth, all right ... It canbe cutthroat!
⑪But I think a lot of it is just being in the right place at the right time.
⑫You have to get the right person behind you. If the right person believes in you and can push your work, then, with God's help, you can succeed.
⑬I'm gonna succeed with God' shelp! I know it's not gonna be easy.
⑭It sure hasn't been easy up to now!
→No, it's not gonna be easy.
up to now…今まで
⑮But some day, I'm gonna get up on that stage, and I'm gonna dosomething that's just me, something that no one else has ever done.
⑯You asked me what I was trying to do, and now I guess I've told you. I'm just trying to be myself and share my love with the world.
⑩ カントリー・ミュージックの世界で成功するのは、とても難しいことなんでしょうね。 競争が激しいから。
⑯あなたは私が何をしようとしているのか尋ねました、 そして今、私はあなたに答えたと思います。私は自分自身になってみて、世界と私の愛を共有しようとしています。
①Well, just now, I've been doing some public work, some construction work, until I can get on my feet again.
※until I can get on my feet again…再び自分の足で立てる(着ける)ようになれるまで→取り敢えず
②We come from Texas originally. The people are nice there, but it's not the place to be if you love Country Music.
③lt took all our money to get us here, and things have been harderthan we thought they'd be...(=We spend all our money to get us here, and things have been harder than our anticipation. )
④If a person believes he might have a chance to make something of himself in a certain field, he's got to do everything he can to make it come true.
⑤Fumi's uncle was supposed to let us stay with him for a couple of months, but after two weeks his wife told us to move out.
⑥You had to move out with your children? lt seems very hard.
→lt was hard, all right.
⑦If we hadn't found this free campground, I don't know what we would have done.
It's been okay for the past few weeks, but once the cold weather comes, I'm afraid of what's going to happen, especially with the little ones.
⑧We'll get a break before then, Mother, don't worry.(≒M'ama, dont worry, I manage to do somehow by then.)
※get a break…「幸運をつかむ」の意がある
⑨He calls me "mother" when he's being affectionate!
※affectionate…愛情のこもった、優しい ♪アフェ'クショネt
⑩It must be pretty hard to make it in the Country Music business.There's so much competition.
→That's the truth, all right ... It canbe cutthroat!
⑪But I think a lot of it is just being in the right place at the right time.
⑫You have to get the right person behind you. If the right person believes in you and can push your work, then, with God's help, you can succeed.
⑬I'm gonna succeed with God' shelp! I know it's not gonna be easy.
⑭It sure hasn't been easy up to now!
→No, it's not gonna be easy.
up to now…今まで
⑮But some day, I'm gonna get up on that stage, and I'm gonna dosomething that's just me, something that no one else has ever done.
⑯You asked me what I was trying to do, and now I guess I've told you. I'm just trying to be myself and share my love with the world.