

It was a pain getting here!

2015-12-31 17:50:40 | 日記






(4)道もタイヤも傷むんですってね。→ 違反になっているのかしら?いや、チェーンが禁止されてるわけじゃないよ。



(7) うん、それを使ってもOKなんだけど、細かく規制されているようだよ。例えば、スパイクのサイズとかね。州関係の車、たとえばパトカーとかスクール・バスなどは例外だって聞いたけどね。

(8)そういえば、午前中に典子とリチャードが来ることになっていたわね。あっ、来たみたい!いらっしゃい、典子! リチャード! 二人とも、元気にしてた?


(10)大変だったわねぇ。ほら、幹線道路や町の道はすぐに除雪車が出てきれいにしてくれるけれど、 この通りは私たち周辺住民の私道になっているの。


(1)The snow doesn't melt, and the roads get really icy. I can't drive anywhere. It's like the North Pole!

(2)The neighbors said it's been a few years since it got this cold.

(3)Sometimes in extreme conditions or at high altitudes they post signs that chains are required beyond that point.

(4)I heard that they damage the roads and the tires. Are they prohibited? → No, it's not prohibited to use chains.

(5)Every year we are having less and less snow. It could be because of global warming, you know.

(6)That's a frightening thought, but it could be true. What about studded tires?

(7)Well, it's okay to use them, but there are some restrictions, suchas the size of the studs. But I heard it doesn't apply to state vehicles, like patroI cars and school buses.

(8)Hey, we're expecting Noriko and Richard this morning. Ah! Here they are. Hi, Noriko! Hi, Richard! How are you guys doing?

(9)It was a pain getting here!

(10)I know what you mean.You know, they plow the snow on the highways and public streets as soon as possible, but our street is privately owned by the families living along it.
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Oh, it's freezing this year, isn't it?

2015-12-31 09:18:06 | 日記




(2)心配ないわ。この近くにいいところがあるってペットショップの店長さんが言っていたわ。ローン・パイ ケンネルっていうの。


(4) 飼い主が希望するだけの期間、預 かってくれる施設なの。長期の旅行だって大丈夫よ。食事付きで一日当たり40ドル程度ですって。一日4回、散歩までしてくれるの。








(1)By the way, we were thinking about going skiing this weekend, but what can we do with Max?

(2)Don't worry, the manager of the pet shop told me there's a goodplace near here called Lone Pine Kennel.

(3)That's kind of like a dog hotel, right? → I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes.

(4)They have the facilities to keep a dog as Iong as the owner wants, even when they go away on a long trip. It would cost about forty dollars per day, including meals.They even take the dogs out for a walk four times a day.

(5)We'd better make a reservation well in advance, because they're often full, especially, at Christmas and Thanksgiving.

(6)I've already made a reservation.The kids are really looking forward to going skiing, so I wanted to make sure that we could go.

(7)We can drop him off on our way up, and pick him up on our way back.

(8)We have the latest traffic information, followed by today's weather report.

(9)And now, for the schooI cIosures and delays. Whitney Academy, two-hourdelay; Greenwich Public School, closed...

(10)Oh, it's freezing this year, isn't it? The other morning it got down to minus seventeen degrees Celsius and now it stays below zero all day long.
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It's hard to decide on the best puppy food for Pearl. He's not as i nterested in the food that...

2015-12-29 13:51:19 | 日記






(4)ドギー・マットって猫用トイレみたいなものですか? → まあ、同じ用途なんですが、マットの場合は使い捨てなんです。使ったら捨てればいいんです。








(1)Alright. I think our biggest challenge at this stage is probably house training.

(2)Yes, we try to take him out often and he goes some of those times, but he also still pees in the house.

(3)You need to set up a routine of times you take him out. Once first thing in the morning then around lunch time, late afternoon, and before he sleep.

(4)Are doggie mats like cat boxes? → Well, they serve the same purpose, but the mats are disposable - you throw them out after the dog uses them.

(5)We have two cats, and they are much easier to take care of. They go in the cat box, cats can wander around outside alone, and they don't gorge themselves on food.

(6)There's no training required, but they don't follow our commands like a dog does.

(7)Well I realized my wife resembles Makoto Otake slightly.

(8)We found lots of goodies-look at these. → Those toys are cute!

(9)It's hard to decide on the best puppy food for Pearl. He's not as interested in the food that's helthiest for him.

(10)Yes, it's like we've adopted another kid.
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If he doesn't obey so well at first, then use a doggie snack as a reward when he does obey.

2015-12-26 21:05:29 | 日記




(2)マックスが誰かに飛びつくときは、親しみからですが、厳しく 「マックス、降りて!」 と言っていいんです。それから、侵しく押して四つん這いにさせてください、 こんなふうにね。







(9)犬のビスケットを彼の鼻の前に持っていきます。「止まれ」 と言うとき、侵しく綱を引きます。

(10)「止まれ」の命令と同じよう に、座った後すぐ「オーケー」と言ってください。


(1)He jumps and barks all the time, and makes a mess every where.

(2)When Max jumps on someone he's being friendly, but you can sternly say "down Max!" and gently push him back on all fours, like this.

(3)If he obeys, as he is now, then you can reward him with prais, "good boy, Max!'', and be affectionate with him.
※reward…褒美をやる praise…褒める

(4)Okay, what do I need to do?

(5)Crouch down and call Max over. He'll probably jump on you, then do what I did.

(6)If he doesn't obey so well at first, then use a doggie snack as a reward when he does obey.

(7)Once he stops jumping up on family members, then you'll need to train him to stop jumping on other people in your home and in public.

(8)That's probably going to take awhile.

(9)I hold a doggie biscuit just in front of his nose. When I say "stay", I pull up gently on his leash.

(10)Just like with the "stay" command, you need to say "okay" shortly after he sits.
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He gets mischievous and jumps up on people.

2015-12-25 17:53:58 | 日記













(11)従順な 素直な 忠実な


(1)A cable is buried in the ground, so that you won't see anything.
♪bury…ベりー ※発音注意

(2)Small flags are lined around the perimeter.

(3)The dog wears a sensored collar, and if he passes over the border, he'll get a slight electric shock, that's all.

(4)So, wait awhile, and until then, just let him out regularly.
※名詞のwhileを用いると(for) a whileという形になるがこれを混同してstay for awhileと書くことも一般化している)

(5)Well, a puppy's teeth make his mouth itchy as they grow, so he feels better if he chews on something. Just give him a rawhide bone to chew on.

(6)And one last thing. He gets mischievous and jumps up on people. The other day, he jumped up on a small boy and made him fall over.

(7)That sounds convenient. I wouldn't mind having one put in right away.

(8)Here's her business card. I highly recommend her to train Pearl.

(9)He looks very excited to see you.

(10)We'll teach him more appropriate ways of showing his affection, like shaking your hand, rolling over, and playing"fetch"!.

(11)an obedient
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You could always put an''invigible fence" around it.

2015-12-24 15:27:19 | 日記




(2)まあ、もういい加減にしてパール、こっちにいらっしゃい。 悪い子ねもう二度としないのよ、わかった?




(6)それでは最初に、体重を測りましょう。50ポンド! この年齢にしては大きいですね。今日は、注射はいりません。ブリーダーのところで済ませたと、この書類に書いてありますので。

(7) それは問題ありませんよ。決まった時間に外に出してあげるようにしてください

(8) まだ子犬ですから。習慣をつけさせてください。朝は目を覚ましたらすぐ、それから午後、夜は寝る前に外に出すように。


(10)庭は広いんですか?→ ええ、1エーカーくらいです。→ じゃあ、いつでもインビジブル・フェンスを庭につけてもいいでしよう。


(1)Hey, Honey, hurry up, Pearl wet the carpet.

(2)Oh, no, not again! Pearl, come here you naughty boy! Don't do that, understand?

(3)Don't be so mad at him, he's still puppy, you know!

(4)We have to teach him now, or we'll always have a wet carpet!
Hey, Pearl what are you up to now? Don't chew on the table leg! Stop that!

(5)Today you have a health check, so you have to go to the vet. Let's get in the car, okay?
《参考》獣医…veterinarian ♪ ヴェタりネイりアン

(6) Well then, let's weigh him first. Fifty pounds! He's pretty big for his age. He doesn't need any shots this time. His papers show that the breeder has done them.

(7)Oh, that's no problem. Just let him out regularly, alright?

(8)He's still a puppy. Make it a habit to take him out in the morning, the afternoon, and before he goes to sleep.

(9It's crucial to train him while he is young.
♪crucial…クルーシャゥ 意 ; 大事な

(10)Have you got a large yard? → Yes, about an acre. → Well, you could always put an "invigible fence" around it.
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The take (proceeds) of sales for the staff

2015-12-23 17:28:59 | 日記


「よくわからないなfamily saleξθΨδΩかなぁ何で?」
「intracompany sales proceed」ではおかしいですか?



「for colleagueξθΨδ≒~いやーどうにでもなるもんですよ」と何となくはぐらかし…。


・the take of sales for my colleague
・the take of sales for the staff
・the proceeds from the sales for the staff
・the proceeds from the salles for my colleague


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Oh, great! You sounded like you didn't want a dog, but you're kind of interested, aren't you?

2015-12-21 21:30:35 | 日記
oO☆゜.。+o●☆.。+oO☆.○。o∞○。○o' ●oO☆゜.。+o●☆.。+oO☆.○。o∞○。○o'●




(2)番犬になるよ。僕たちが飼うんだから、自分たちで世話するから、ねっ、いいでしょ、 お母さん?





(7)いいねぇ! 君は、犬が欲しくないんだと思ってたけど、関心あるんだね。





(1)But look at this one -- isn't he cute?They have a good, friendly temperament, you know? They just love kids.

(2)He could be our guard dog. It's gonna be ours, so we will take care of him, okay, Mom?

(3)Ju...just wait. Let me think about it for a while.

(4)Can you do a little errand for me?

(5)Welcome home, dear. Did you stop by a bookstore or something?

(6)No, a pet shop. They said that St.Bernards are a pretty rare breed.
※rare breed…変わった飼育

(7)Oh, great! You sounded like you didn't want a dog, but you're kind of interested, aren't you?

(8)Yes, I must admit, we'd never ba able to have a big dog like that in Tokyo. It'll be a challenge. But I think we will enjoy it.Take a look at this. There's a St.Bernard breeder in Danbury, Connecticut.

(9)It's only about a thirty-minute drive from here. I'll call them.

(10)He's going to call a breeder to find out about St. Bernard puppies.
※findは「ふと(偶然)見つける」場合に, find outは「答えのあるものに関してそれを見つけ出す」場合に用いる。
◇find out about…の存在[あること] に気づく
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What! A St. Bernard? No kidding? Who'll take care of it? How big d o they get?

2015-12-19 08:55:00 | 日記











(9)えっ! セントバーナード?冗談でしょ。いったい誰が世話をするの。いったいどれくらい大きくなるの?



(1)You two really like this, huh?

(2)Yeah, we know, because you keep telling us, Dad!

(3)St. Bernards

(4)people lost


(6)Hey, Dad, we could have a dog like that here, couldn't we?
♪ヘイダ~d ウイー クdハヴァドグライクダッtヒーヤ クdンウイ↑

(7)Well, why not?

(8)What's going on out here?

(9)What! A St. Bernard? No kidding? Who'll take care of it? How big do they get?

(10)They can weigh around 150 pounds.
※150 pounds…約68キログラム
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I wondered if you were busy on Wednesday?

2015-12-17 14:42:37 | 日記



(1)今度の水曜忙しいかしら? → 特に何もないけど。何で?

(2)えぇ、ユナイテッド・ウェイから電話があって、郵便の発送を手伝ってくれる人を知らないかと聞かれたんです。→ 手伝えるかもよ。

(3)えぇ、もうすぐ墓金調達のイベントがあ りまして、封筒詰めや宛名罟き、切手はりのお仕事がたくさん あるんです。



(6)大した金額じゃないか。 それらは、何かに寄付したの?






(1)I wondered if you were busy on Wednesday? → No, not especially. Why?

(2)You see, I got a call from the United Way, to ask if I knew any one who could help with sending off some mail. → Maybe I can help.

(3)Well, they have an upcoming fundraising event, and they have a lot of envelopes that need to be stuffed, addressed and stamped.
※upcoming…やって来る ♪envelope…エンヴェロウプ

(4)Great, I appreciate it.
I appreciate what you've done for me.…ご厚情を感謝します

(5)Each primary and secondary school has parents who are invoIved in it.

(6)That's an awful lot of money, isn't it?Did they donate the money to something?


(8)It says thank you for participating in the September Fest.
※participating…参加 Fest…集まり、パーティー。主に北米

(9)It's the annual festival organized by the United Way.
※an annual celebration…例年の祝典 organize…<催し物などを〉計画[準備]する

(10)outdoor bazaar
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I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

2015-12-16 07:40:52 | 日記



(1)ねぇ、何時かわかる? → 9時10分だよ。

(2)僕は君に夢中なんだ。→ まぁ私もよ。すごく愛しているわ。


(4)貴方何時だと思っているの? 鍵をなくすの初めてじゃないわよね。よそに行って。睡眠の邪魔をしないで。


(6)僕の指でブラッシングするのもカウントされる?→ ダメ。





(11)君のスピーチは素晴らしかったよ。君はすごくプレッシャーに強いね。→ どうもありがとう。それを聞けてすごく嬉しいよ。


(1)Hey, do you have the time? → It's ten after 9.

(2)I'm in love with you. → Aw, me too. I love you so much.

(3)It is three o'clock in the morning.
Your roommate has forgotten her house keys again.
When she rings the doorbell and bangs on the door, tell her to find somewhere else to sleep and to leave you alone.

(4)What time do you think it is?
This is not the first time you forgot your key.
Go somewhere else. Don't disturb my sleep!

(5)Can you please remember to brush the cat every once in a while?

(6)Does brushing with my fingers count? → Nope
※every once in a while … たまに、時々 Nope…Noのカジュアルな言い方

(7)Things are getting complicated. I might need a lawyer, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

(8)I hope things will work out well with you.

(9)Your friend, who is visiting you from another country, has bought you dinner and has left no tip for the waiter.
You don't know if your friend is unaware of this custom or intentionally wants to "stiff" the waiter for a reason.
Talk to your friend.
※unaware…気づかない intentionally…故意に stiff…チップの出し'l昔しみをする人, けちんぼう. for a reason…訳あって

(10)I am just wondering why you are not leaving a tip for him.
Is there a tipping custom in your country?
If not, I just want to let you know that it is normal to tip for servers.

(11)Your speech was great. You are so good under pressure.
→ Thank you so much. I am so glad to hear that.
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My wife and I went yo Toranomon Hills today.

2015-12-13 17:35:50 | 日記


正直安い店はなかったので、ランチするには迷ったが、ビールとソーセージの好きな私は3FのToranomon HOPを訪れた。


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That much? It might be better to replace it. → Maybe, but I made the appointment already.

2015-12-13 16:56:10 | 日記





(3)そんなにするの? 新しいのに買い替えたほうがいいかもしれないな。→ そうかもね、でも、もう予約を入れちゃったわ。


(5)そうだね、問題が山積みだここを買ったときには、こんなにも修理する箇所があるなんて予想もできなかったよ。いい運試しだったってわけさでも、 一つひとつ解決していってるじゃないか。それに、どんな家だって何らかの問題を抱えているもんだよ。→ そうね、そのとおりだわ。


(7)平和そのものね。→ そうなんだよ。子どもたちが芝生で遊ぶ姿を見ながら、テラスに座って木陰で君とコーヒーなんか飲んでるとき、幸せだなあって感じるんだ。

(8)どうぞ泊まっていって。寝室がひとつ余っているんですよ。→ ええと、それじゃあお言葉に甘えて。




(1)All right, ma'am, the repairman will be there sometime Tuesday afternoon.

(2)You know they can't come for a week. And it will cost $90 just for him to come out and give us an estimate for parts and labor.The estimate will probably be at least another two or three hundred dollars.

(3)That much? It might be better to replace it. → Maybe, but I made the appointment already.

(4)That's okay. Why don't you do some research for new dishwashers online? If you find a good deal, then we can always call and cancel the appointment.

(5)Yeah, there have been many problems around here. When we bought this place, we couldn't have predicted that many things would need to be fixed. lt was just a chance we had to take. But we are over coming the problems one by one. Besides, every home is going to have its share of problems. → Yes,that's true.

(6)And you know, when Iget up every morning and the sun is shining through the big windows. I feel great. AII I can see and hear are the ducks swimming in the pond.

(7)It's peaceful, isn't it? → Yes, and when we sit on the deck and drink coffee together under the shade of the trees, and watch the kids playing on the lawn, I feel so happy.

(8)Please stay. We have an extra bedroom. → Well, if you insist...

(9)Your father wants you to go to college, but you feel you are just not smart enough.
You do not want to go.
Talk about this and explain how you feel and why.

(10)To be honest, I don't want to go to college.
I am not so interested in further study at college, and I don't think I am smart enough.
I am going to look for a place to work.
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I see. Then we'll send a repairman over to take a look.

2015-12-11 14:58:08 | 日記






(4)どうかしら。家電製品は買ってから何年もたっているし、取り説があるだけよ。 ここに、カスタマー・サービスの番号があるから、メーカーに電話するわ。


(6)ブレーカーをチェックされましたか? → 同じ電気回路の器具には異常はないんです。



(9)それでは、次の火曜日はいかがでしょう? → そんなに待たないといけないんですか?

(10)それが一番早い訪問日になりますが。 → それじゃ、その日にしてください。


(1)The problem wasn't with the plumbing, it was with the electronics. We ended up needing an electrician to take care of it.

(2)Oh, no, speak of the devil, this dishwasher doesn't work. Here's your chance.

(3)Well, I think we should let a professional take care of it. Doesn't it have a warranty?

(4)I doubt it - all these appliances are several years old, and we only have ownei's manuals for them. Here's the service number, I'll call the maker…

(5)Our dishwasher doesn't work.

(6)Did you check the circuit breaker? → Well, the other appliances on the same circuit are okay.
♪same circuit are okay … セイムサーキラーろウケイ

(7)It makes a strange noise, like some parts are grinding together.

(8)I see. Then we'll send a repairman over to take a look. It will be $90 for the service call then the repairman will give you an estimate for parts and labor.

(9)Well then, how about next Tuesday? → Do we have to wait for that long?

(10)That's the first available day we have. → Well, okay then.
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We could go to a homeimprovement center and see what they've got.

2015-12-09 20:49:29 | 日記










(8)それはそうと、ここに来てからトラブル続きだね。問題が起きるたびに、誰かに来て もらって直さないといけないだろ。でも、アメリカ人は、自分で修理をする人が多いんだ。

(9)そうだよね。それで、あなた、何かいい考えがあるの?え~っと、 ドゥ・イッ ・チュアセルフの本をそろえてみようかと思ってるんだ。それから、ホーム・センターに行って何があるか見てみようかな。

(10) それはいい考えだわ。でも、本当 にあなたが直せるのかしら。 例えば、トイレとか。 配管工事の専門家でさえ、うちのトイレを修理できなかったのよ。アメリカではウォシュレットが行き渡ってないかららしいけど


(1)I know a good roofer who redid our roof a few years ago.

(2)That's a professional who specializes in building and repairing roofs.

(3)Different parts of a home are often done by specialists. When building a new house, contractors often arrange for these different professionals to work on the same project

(4)The division of labor is really defined, isn't it?

(5)Yes. It's good because each one knows their field extremely well. But sometimes it's difficult, because one specialist often doesn't know much about the other jobs.

(6)Anyway, call the roofer I suggested and ask him to come over and give you an estimate.

(7)Thanks for everything, Anna; you've been a great help. → It's my pleasure. Good luck, Fumi.

(8)You know, we've been having trouble after trouble around here.Every time something goes wrong we have to call someone to come and fix it. But a lot of Americans fix these things by themselves.

(9)Yes, they do. So what are you getting at? Well, I was thinking about getting some do-it-yourself books. And we could go to a homeimprovement center and see what they've got.

(10)That's a good idea. But I doubt you could fix something like that toilet by yourself. Even the plumber couldn't do it because they aren't used to Washlets here in the States yet.
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