(4)道もタイヤも傷むんですってね。→ 違反になっているのかしら?いや、チェーンが禁止されてるわけじゃないよ。
(7) うん、それを使ってもOKなんだけど、細かく規制されているようだよ。例えば、スパイクのサイズとかね。州関係の車、たとえばパトカーとかスクール・バスなどは例外だって聞いたけどね。
(8)そういえば、午前中に典子とリチャードが来ることになっていたわね。あっ、来たみたい!いらっしゃい、典子! リチャード! 二人とも、元気にしてた?
(10)大変だったわねぇ。ほら、幹線道路や町の道はすぐに除雪車が出てきれいにしてくれるけれど、 この通りは私たち周辺住民の私道になっているの。
(1)The snow doesn't melt, and the roads get really icy. I can't drive anywhere. It's like the North Pole!
(2)The neighbors said it's been a few years since it got this cold.
(3)Sometimes in extreme conditions or at high altitudes they post signs that chains are required beyond that point.
(4)I heard that they damage the roads and the tires. Are they prohibited? → No, it's not prohibited to use chains.
(5)Every year we are having less and less snow. It could be because of global warming, you know.
(6)That's a frightening thought, but it could be true. What about studded tires?
(7)Well, it's okay to use them, but there are some restrictions, suchas the size of the studs. But I heard it doesn't apply to state vehicles, like patroI cars and school buses.
(8)Hey, we're expecting Noriko and Richard this morning. Ah! Here they are. Hi, Noriko! Hi, Richard! How are you guys doing?
(9)It was a pain getting here!
(10)I know what you mean.You know, they plow the snow on the highways and public streets as soon as possible, but our street is privately owned by the families living along it.
(4)道もタイヤも傷むんですってね。→ 違反になっているのかしら?いや、チェーンが禁止されてるわけじゃないよ。
(7) うん、それを使ってもOKなんだけど、細かく規制されているようだよ。例えば、スパイクのサイズとかね。州関係の車、たとえばパトカーとかスクール・バスなどは例外だって聞いたけどね。
(8)そういえば、午前中に典子とリチャードが来ることになっていたわね。あっ、来たみたい!いらっしゃい、典子! リチャード! 二人とも、元気にしてた?
(10)大変だったわねぇ。ほら、幹線道路や町の道はすぐに除雪車が出てきれいにしてくれるけれど、 この通りは私たち周辺住民の私道になっているの。
(1)The snow doesn't melt, and the roads get really icy. I can't drive anywhere. It's like the North Pole!
(2)The neighbors said it's been a few years since it got this cold.
(3)Sometimes in extreme conditions or at high altitudes they post signs that chains are required beyond that point.
(4)I heard that they damage the roads and the tires. Are they prohibited? → No, it's not prohibited to use chains.
(5)Every year we are having less and less snow. It could be because of global warming, you know.
(6)That's a frightening thought, but it could be true. What about studded tires?
(7)Well, it's okay to use them, but there are some restrictions, suchas the size of the studs. But I heard it doesn't apply to state vehicles, like patroI cars and school buses.
(8)Hey, we're expecting Noriko and Richard this morning. Ah! Here they are. Hi, Noriko! Hi, Richard! How are you guys doing?
(9)It was a pain getting here!
(10)I know what you mean.You know, they plow the snow on the highways and public streets as soon as possible, but our street is privately owned by the families living along it.