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営業研究に活用していたサイト「Sales Hacker」が再出発!

2023-08-06 16:43:33 | お知らせ
営業の研究に活用していた米国のサイト「Sales Hacker」が創業者のファンドに買収され再出発。


Hey nobuyuki,

It’s an exciting and bittersweet day. Sales Hacker has been acquired by GTMfund.

For those of you who don’t know, Sales Hacker was founded by Max Altschuler and GTMfund is his new company.

So what does this mean for you? We will be pouring more resources into building the best educational media company for all things sales and go-to-market.

We believe that Sales is no longer siloed.The past decade of technological and generational advancements have led to a new way to build, sell, and market. A connected way. An integrated way.

We have some truly massive initiatives in the works and we’ll be sharing articles, podcasts, newsletters, and videos on some of the most cutting-edge topics when it comes to generating revenue.

We’ll stay focused on producing super high quality content showcasing the on-going innovation industry-wide. You’ll receive less emails from us, but super detailed weekly newsletters with actionable content right inside of them.

Our network of GTM leaders is unparalleled and we are experimenting with proven playbooks across our 100+ portfolio companies daily. I’m excited to bring you the results and the play by plays so you can do it too.

The new site will go live on August 15th under GTMnow.com. In the meantime, check out our most recent GTMpodcast episodes HERE.

As part of the rebrand, The Sales Hacker newsletter will now be known as The GTM Newsletter so keep an eye out for the first one dropping into your inbox on launch day.

It’s been an amazing 10-year run for Sales Hacker. I’ve had some incredible memories running the business for 9 of those years both independently and as part of Outreach.

If you have a fond memory of Sales Hacker on how it’s helped you in your career, I’d love for you to post it on LinkedIn and tag me.

Looking forward to seeing you around GTMnow!

Max Altschuler

Sales Hacker powered by GTMfund, 18094 N 98th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, United States


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