A good healing class
Cynthia is our jomon shindo instructor in Ann Arbor. Yesterday she led a beautiful workshop. Six people came to study. Cynthia said that little by little she will learn how to be a good jomon shindo teacher ,so six students is a good number to begin with.
She handed out a beautiful 4 page brochures so that students could practice, Student like hand out papers to keep and look at.
The class started with the Bone stretch exercises setting a quiet tone for the teacher and the class. Cynthia is a Buhdist as is her boyfriend John. John is a good man to help Cynthia. He helped set up the room and provided moral support. In American society having a good partner is important.
We did the jomon chair excercises which are good for people who have to sit in front of a computer for a long time. Cynthia ended the class with a shindo pair system free fall meditation.