[0055] Using this arrangement, a color change portion may be colored to indicate various milestones in the running performance of a user.
In the illustrated embodiment, this arrangement could allow user 200 to monitor his or her progress on a run by viewing the color of the color change portion.
[0062] In the example above, according to the IDS alert and Table 1, the Source IP addresses attempted to load the China Chopper web-shell to the network's perimeter system.
上述の実施例では、IDS警告及び表1に従って、送信元IPアドレスが、China Chopper web-shellを、ネットワークの境界システムにロードしようと試みた。
The IDS for the China Chopper web-shell is a high fidelity signature, which looks for very specific conditions and for purposes of this hypothetical has a proven history of returning no false positive identifications.
China Chopper web-shell用のIDSは、高信頼度署名である。それは、非常に具体的な条件を探し、この仮説の目的で、誤検出特定を返さないという実績がある履歴を有する。
[0853] In some embodiments, a complication may cease to display information when no information is available for or relevant to a certain period of time.
[0808] いくつかの実施形態では、コンプリケーションは、ある期間に亘って、又は、ある期間に関連性のある情報を入手できないとき、情報を表示するのをやめることがある。
For example, if a complication relates to a daily performance of a stock index, then, as a user scrubs backwards through time,
the complication may cease to display any information when the user scrubs to the early morning hours, or to a weekend, when the stock market was not open and no daily performance is considered relevant.
While the pharmacy workflow manager 514 may alert the pharmacy technician of the error such that it may rectified,
薬局ワークフロー管理手段 514 が調剤技師にその誤りを警告して直させるようにもできるが、
the pharmacy workflow manager 514 may further record the performance of the error in connection with the dose order with which it occurred.
それだけではなく薬局ワークフロー管理手段 514 は誤りが発生した調剤指示に関する誤りの実績をさらに記録しておくこともできる。
[0005] Historically, glass has been used as the preferred material for packaging pharmaceuticals because of its hermeticity, optical clarity, and excellent chemical durability relative to other materials.
Specifically, the glass used in pharmaceutical packaging must have adequate chemical durability so as to not affect the stability of the pharmaceutical formulations contained therein.
Glasses having suitable chemical durability include those glass compositions within the ASTM standard ‘Type IA’ and ‘Type IB’ glass compositions which have a proven history of chemical durability.
好適な化学的耐久性を有するガラスは、化学的耐久性に関して実績を有する、ASTM規格「Type IA」および「Type IB」ガラス組成物におけるガラス組成物を含む。